Styx comes out as a Civic-Nationalist and tells Sup Forums to stop LARPing
James Russell
Other urls found in this thread:
Ian Thomas
He lives in an extremely white state aND doesn't understand the race problem.
Nicholas Hall
Wtf man...
Asher Campbell
jesus christ that is one ugly man
James Russell
He's said he's a civic nationalist almost every couple videos since I startef watching 6 months ago.
Go cut off your balls
Jeremiah Martin
Mike Enoch and Styx are dead to me
Logan Ward
Faggot leaf, go suck off weedman
Xavier Edwards
Oh no OP your life is ruined
Cooper Ramirez
Go toss Justin Castros salad
Connor Davis
Not surprised.
Satanic faggot can fuck off. Go suck a nigger dick styxshitinmyass.