Styx comes out as a Civic-Nationalist and tells Sup Forums to stop LARPing
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He lives in an extremely white state aND doesn't understand the race problem.
Wtf man...
jesus christ that is one ugly man
He's said he's a civic nationalist almost every couple videos since I startef watching 6 months ago.
Go cut off your balls
Mike Enoch and Styx are dead to me
Faggot leaf, go suck off weedman
Oh no OP your life is ruined
Go toss Justin Castros salad
Not surprised.
Satanic faggot can fuck off. Go suck a nigger dick styxshitinmyass.
Who is this rat-looking man and why should I care?
pls quit shilling for this grasshopper looking motherfucker
Wow this board is all autists or still fu if shills. He's a pagan and gave up Satanism
>stop LARPing
Is this the same Styx who claimed some Mexican cunt was his ex-wife, when it was clearly a fucking lie?
ikr, it's easy to understand why people get so angry when they look like that.
>He's a pagan
Pagan isn't a religion retard
Literally who?
This guy's nu-male cuck face always made me click away from these threads.
because he predicted the 2016 election months before it happened and has a lot of cult knowledge he says is useful
If you've watched his videos you'd have already known this years ago.
Who the fuck cares, I could break this faggot in half. I don't understand why you autists waste anytime on YouTube watching these pussys like varg and Steph. DO SOMETHING FUCKING PRODUCTIVE
> Styx comes out as a Civic-Nationalist
Like he does in every video?
Holy shit that's even worse. Paganism died ages ago. He's a neopagan wannabe that doesn't know shit about what he's following.
I'm telling ya. All the non-Christians are traitors at heart. Never trust one.
>Civic Nationalist
Basically saying "I'm a fucking retard".
(((((Yes judge the book by its cover goy!)))))
Some guy who gets paid 2k a month to share a video on ever insight he has. He doesn't try to sell anything at least.
He has good points, I will admit, but Civic Nationalism does not work.
First Styx video I've ever liked. Stormfags BTFO
t. Super-Alpha male intellectual.
>Keep snapping all those thinkin' dweebs in half. More protein lowder muh dudes!! xD
civic nationalists actually believe they will ever be able to live in a free society while white people are a minority. As soon as whites drop below 50 percent of the voting block shitskins will just vote in dictator after dictator in exchange for gibs
>civic nationalism
what a waste, he is decently smart
he's fine with ethnonationalism if you actually watch his videos. he just finds enoch's wife being a diversity praising jew funny
I know a lot of dumb white people. It's all about ideas and morals.
You gonna site a source for that claim?
Or does it just 'feel' like it's going to happen?
Don't have a problem with this, he's saying he wants real nationalism and not larping on Sup Forums. Whats wrong with that? Seems like only the jews would have a problem with that.
Stay your tongue faggot.
He is the oracle of Sup Forums.
Check your proxy, bro.
is there a styx bingo?
>Stay your tongue
You going to make me, Autismo?
every group besides whites in America overwhelmingly vote for more government control, yes even asians
The republican voter base in 90 percent white. The libertarian voter base is slightly over 98 percent white.
Day of the rake good ones will be spared.
You are not one of the good ones.
Civic nationalism is just cultural libertarianism with a splash of patriotism thrown in.
It won't work. The modern USA is what happens when you try to create a civic nationalist society. A nation is created by the people, not by the state.
says you
he calling "anti semites" the larpers
which is dumb because jq is very real
>comes out
he's said he was for some time now you autist
your just assmad no one on your side is popular
>posts on Sup Forums
>Faggot showing SPQR banner in the background
How is this allowed? What a fucking disgrace
if this country was virtually all white, they will still vote for gibs, feel privileged that they are doing better than the rest of the world and then import mass refugees into their society
oh wait, this happened literally in every wealthy European during the 20th century.
If a country has one culture, the ruling party doesn't change, ever
>LOL I'm a faggot liberal who goes on /pol because it's satire
So uhh yee..uh
You gonna site or source for that or do you want us to trust you?
I believe you are close to the money, but your numbers seem off.
Then again I'm guessing just like you.
Why would you listen to a man that dresses like a teenager?
Civic nationalism is no better than what we already have. Why wouldn't I have a goal?
Watched both of these videos. I think he underestimates the effect TRS podcasts are (were?) having, getting 100k downloads and making antisemitism and racism cool to a non-trivial subset of the youth. This battle is about winning the culture, only then can we consider big political changes. He assumes a lot about TRS guys, that they are only in it for money. I think more proof should be brought forward against them for misappropriating funds or for their views being ironic before condemning them.
All that puss he's snaggin.
MGTOW get the best puss brah.
Why do you guys continue to pay any attention to fucking "e-celebs". They're narcissistic fuck heads that will bandwagon anything they think will get them views.
Styx pls go.
and stay go.
>country full of independent scots, Irish separatists, posh londoners, dairy farmers and a booming Islamic population
>ein culture
Came for the politics, stayed for the comfy minecraft vids
no I'm not going to cite anything because you can look it up yourself. Bit you shouldn't have to because everyone knows that every small government movement from tea party Ron Paul shit to mainstream conservatism is almost entirely white. It's no fucking secret.
hahahahaha what a faggot. he just removed the video.
I told you he had a fragile ego
>this guy thinks pizzagate is fake
>MUH SMOKIN' GUN. even tho the circumstantial evidence is overwhelming
It's very obvious that Styx is making these threads to shill his channel here. He even made a video describing this exact strategy (the PewDiePie one I think). Sage and move on people.
>He's a neopagan wannabe that doesn't know shit about what he's following.
He is actually very knowledgeable about the old religions and occult things.
His political annalists is pretty spot on as well.
>comes out
Styx was never an ethno-nationalist. He doesn't even make videos against ethno nationalism though, and I doubt he gives a shit how Sup Forums memes on its own turf, so I don't see why Sup Forums would have a need to shit on him. His only argument in the video was that leftists dress up like neonazis to get retards to sabotage their own cause often, and here Sup Forums is, lining up like retards right on queue.
What is it you don't get, lad?
Why does Sup Forums constantly circle around these YouTube faggots?
What do you gain from them that you don't gain from other, better sources?
Holy shit he did!
styx is cool though.
video removed because he's a cuck and cucked to the evil racist nazis. Shame.
>no I'm not going to cite anything because you can look it up yourself
>everything I say 'feels' like its probably true
>i could look it up in a heartbeat heh heh.. I just.. i just dont WANT to right now.
What about all those based black guys from /r/t_d? Surely dont want to live in an America without them
Pic related fuckboiiii
Somebody downloaded it, r-right?
He always has been a civic nationalist. Also, I think living in Vermont has really made him unaware of what diversity does to your neighborhood. Maybe he should get out of his little hippy environment and take a drive down to the Southern New Hampshire and Massachusetts and see what shitskin-induced turmoil looks like.
wtf -10 respect for styx
Wtf i love ethno-nationalism now
No. they belong in Africa
It was pretty comfy however
>using a touchpad
I'm not sure I want to continue.
that's a gril
I disagree with him but deleting that video was just a bad look. Makes you look like a pussy, styx.
what video did he delete? honestly doesn't seem like something styx would do.
Damn he actually deleted that video.
Good for him.
I like Styx again!
R.I.P, is he converting to Entho-nationalism now?
>No. They belong in Africa
Africa? That's not how you spell Ovens.
He's right. Ethnicity and skin color is used by the elites to control us. All that matters is our ideology.
If you can't get past that then we don't need you.
Him shitting on TRS because he fell for the faggot shilling threads.
Okay. Video has been removed. Whatever you replied to was deleted. Fuck is going on in here?
luckily I still had the video open
Paganism isn't a real thing, retard
You can't even keep control of black people in your country, how do you think you'll deal with a country thats actually white?
your country is multi-cultural, it is not nationalistic
The OP video where he basically goes into a bunch of ad-hominem attacks on TRS and essentially ethno-nationalist far righters in general. Definitely not a good video. It was a weird divergence from his usual well informed, factual videos. Literally non-arguments in video form.
Here is one still up addressing same issues
>he needs a citation for the visible electoral reality that LITERALLY just fucking happened
You gonna neck yourself?
Or does it "feel" like we'll have to do it for you?
No shit, he's always saying how right he is about everything. Clearly, a sign of an inflated ego.
"TRS are a bunch of larper nazis, stay tuned to my next occult video where I tell you how to curse someone."
put in video url and you can downloaded since it's still not scrubbed from youtube.
Oh that. I actually watched that video earlier. I don't really see the big deal exactly, aside from the video title being a bit inaccurate.
>Mfw I agreed with styx but now he pulled the video I look like a retard