ITT: things niggers would never say

ITT: things niggers would never say

>I love you Dad

I'll go peacefully officer

>I will let you to impregnate my wife

where do I apply for a job?

Gotta go to work today.

thank you

im sorry for acting that way


You know, I really don't need government benefits. I can apply myself and find a good job.

"No, I don't like KFC."

How do I kill myself easily?

I did something

Thanks for the warning officer.

That was good service, here is your tip.

I wish I had a larger penis

I got a terrible sunburn




I like to shower daily

I am capable of empathy
>No, that was my fault
It looks like what I said hurt you, I'm sorry.
>Yes you're being an asshole, but it's not worth shouting and screaming and going to prison for
I'd like to pay by card please
>I'd like to cash my paycheck please
I should pull my trousers (pants in burgerneese) up
>Did you hear that new black metal album?

>thank you

Here's your tip

I work hard for my children college fund.

Just bought a new pair of workboots

>[an entire sentence without a grammatical error or deliberately mispronounced/misspelled word]

I admit, I committed the crime.

Sex before marriage is wrong.


actually, there were very few royalty in pre colonial africa - in general it was a primitive backwater until the europeans arrived

Im sorry, I can't aim for shit

I really need a set of new workboots. I've really worn these out.

Took me a while.

Best post in my opinion

>ITT: things niggers would never say
Do not hold you shit sideways

Trayvon martin MAY have been in the wrong

> Be me 19 year old male
> Work mid nights at walmart because works with college schedule
> Group of drunk blacks come and tell me they need games out of case
> Dude who is buying the games keeps touching me
> Get games out and let them know i'll have to take them upfront due to not having money in registers at this time
> Whole squad waddles upfront behind me
> Give games to cashier and then go over to cooler to grab monster because it's time for my break
> Bend over to grab Monster
> 300lb+ drunk black lady yells to me "Damn sexy, you have a sweet ass i might have to buy you another job"
> Kill me
> This happened last night

>Trayvon martin MAY have been in the wrong
Zimmerman dindu nffins

Can I ask you a question?

You just did

Kek, nevermind. I'm an idiot

Say no to white cuckold

Hey father have you seen my work boots.

I'm dependable because I'm always on time

t. Kenyan president