The US-appointed leader, in an interview with the English newspaper The Times, has said he considers the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) "an outdated organization."
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Good riddance.
The Five eyes super intergalactic empire here we come
about fucking time
It is.
Fuck NATO.
Fuck the un.
I hope we evict the UN headquarters
bye bye bye
It is though, it was made to counter communism spreading. Mostly from the soviet union.
The soviet union collapsed 27 years ago
sup reddit
This retard is going to get himself killed
It has outlived its mission
If the euros want to renegotiate something modern that seems completely reasonable
Yeah, ynow why? Because it's a North Atlantic treats with half of its members not even bordering the fucking north atlantic ocean
I can feel it deep down in my plums. Getting a purplish hue.
>Trump predicted Britain’s exit from the EU will be a success and portrayed the EU as an instrument of German domination with the purpose of beating the U.S. in international trade.
>Trump praised Britons for voting last year to leave the EU. People and countries want their own identity and don’t want outsiders to come in and “destroy it.”
put your leaf back on canada
Let the boy watch
Good. Those Euro fucks spend their budgets on socialist government programs and expect Uncle Sam to foot the defense bill.
muh nato
>go to war with europe
>shit all over them
>get rid of their cuckoldry
>turn them into colonies under US control
>they thank us for ruling over them
I see literally, LITERALLY nothing wrong with this.
Don't you guys get it? Once we combine the planet into 2-3 mega nations with only 2-3 mega armies and all the power is centralized within a tiny handful of infinitely corrupt billionaires, the world will finally have peace!
The American dollar is going away, soon to be replaced with the Amero. Open borders for USA, Mexico and Canada!
Why would we go to war with Europe?
juif BTFO
Yeah fuck NATO and Trump will invite Argentina when he create a new organization.
He already say with him Argentina will have the best relationship in history with the US
bye bye trump
bye bye russia
pretty much
its pay back time bitches!
US never forgets
This guy is seeming more and more like a Putin shill every single day. It's a bit scary.
Link, you utter faulre?
S for spitting on the soon to be grave of NATO
P for Pissing on the soon to be graves for Nato
Countries that are not on Russia border do not give a fuck about NATO
go back to rEEEEEEdit
I think europe can take care of itself. I am tired of funding nato and then no one helps when we are attacked.
wtf I hate trump now
i want to read the fucking interview.
>and ive been here since m00t was a speramtatzoa.
Please no we pay 2% don't let russians liberate us
He's right.
First 3 letters of your username OIL
Yeah Fuck you Rothschild/Cheney/Murdoch! things like your unchallenged OIL empire is going down. GTFO out of the Golan heights. Genie OIL isn't legit. You better worry about a Russia/US alliance finally fighting you!
I'm kind of fascinated by you, Estonia.
Do you have a sour Russia relationship?
Source you canada without leaf
Because that's where the muslims are.
Noob. Trump is Israel and america. Hes establishment to the core.
go suck some Rothschild cock
Go for it, we really can't do shit against you, but remember that nobody will support you or follow your rules
I'm sorry Eesti. Send me your cuties. I'll keep them safe.
We must protect Europe in this sensitive time while they import the third world horde by the millions.
Mr.T just signed his own death warrent.
Update it to suck less then.
And if we, poorfag estonians, can get the minimal 2%, you are out of excuses why you can't do the same
I am really annoyed by that image. I do not hate, but it annoys me.
He's right though.
NATO is absolutely outdated. It's just as much a cold war relic as say North Korea. As much as the media would like us to believe there will be a war between the West and Russia sometime in the coming years, if it didn't happen at the height of the Cuban Missile Crisis then it probably never will happen. NATO is only good for peacekeeping missions but then again, isn't that what the United Nations is for?
Everyone considers it "outdated". This isn't new.
So what do you guys think the new world alliance will look like?
It's going to be alot of the old without any middle east i suspect.
Hello rome, how's that going?
Just give a hundred nuclear warheads to every country in the EU. We can pull out and save US tax payers trillions of dollars.
> isn't that what the United Nations is for?
It is, but it isn't good at it. If anything, Europe needs to decide if it wants any of the following:
- Real UN-based standing armies/peacekeeping forces
- an EU-based standing army(!!!)
- devolved armies and self-defined borders to defend
Based on how poorly Merkel has fared, I suspect they're eying #3.
>because there is no chance of current Russia trying to expand it's influence into eastern european states
>- an EU-based standing army(!!!)
Only if UK leads it, then i am okay with it
this is actuallya fairly common andold criticism on the left-end of the political spectrum
Noam Chomsky hasbeen saying thesame thing for years now
>Trump gets us out of NATO because he said so
That's not how this work faggots.
you say that as if it was bad
You realize Trump is a puppet of deep state and anything he says is to appeal to Sup Forums right? Literally this is just pushing buttons of his mouth breathing faggot supporters.
I'm convinced the UK is leaving the Union, or else the entire concept of voluntary membership would be moot. An EU Army would be led by Germany, regardless of what the charter / compact states.
Also note they've been beating the drum for a EU Army for some time. They haven't been coy about it.
The US is NATO retard.
I wonder how the continuing destabilization of Turkey fits into that.
1. Trump reorientates NATO
2. Erdogan goes full blown Sultanate
3. Turkey drops out of NATO because Sultanate stronk!
4. Putin goes "lol, screw mudslimes!"
5. ...?
6. Christmas 2017 is celebrated in the newly re-consecrated basilika Hagia Sophia in Constantinople.
tbf with the way this whole applecart is picking up speed, i'm not sure anyone is going to know what the fuck is happening in anyway wtshtf.
'Turning and turning in the widening gyre
The falcon cannot hear the falconer;
Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold;
Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world'
Denmark has been cutting defence spending for years leaving US with our defence bill
SJWs will get mad as fuck because our entire welfare system will collapse if we need to spend 2% of BNP as NATO requires
>get rid of their cuckoldry
>You are the main producer of said cuckoldry
Really gets my noggin joggin
Nobody gives a fuck, Sweden was never a part of that retarded alliance anyway, we handle things on our own around here
the black dimmed tide is loosed, and everywhere
The ceremony of innocence is drowned
And what rough beast, its hour come round at last
Slouches towards Bethlehem to be born?
I allways loved this poem.
Finally it's revelation will come to pass?
Good one cuck
Don't get me started.
It's the kind of "fuck commies" attitude. If you're a chill person, doesn't matter.
He should troll them and propose to relocate to a country that was helped by the UN, like Liberia or something.
My son will watch what is consumated here.
And he will become a man.
A giant man with purplish plums.
And he shall harvest those fruits and take them to market!
Finally, Trump is really going to change the world
youre minted, ragnar.
cough up or face battle of kopenhag round 2.
I don't trust germans with an army atm...
But honestly, i doubt it will happen.
So i take it this isn't true as not one person has posted any source.
Thats a shame nato needs to dissolve
A great a work, of course. I think we see its wisdom in days like these: in its evocative description of events having their own gravity, and take wild paths once set in motion.
Was Yeats writing this about WW1? I dont actually know, but it would seem appropriate- for then, and now.
Lets see how that feminist foreign policy works out for you. Sweden will find itself surrounded by wolves and infested with rates.
Teopeмa тapaнa в дeйcтвии. Cвиньи зaкyдaхтaли - к пepeмoгe.
I for one, am happy not to have my tax dollars employed to defend Muslim nations.
He also called out Merkel and praised nationalism in Europe.
God I love Trump. If the EU comes to war il be one of the first volunteers.
The ol' Molotov-Ribbentrop. For some raisin people think should USSR come back, it would reassert all those claims.
Source? If true, is he fucking retarded? He really starts to look like Putin's bitch.
it might be true, that why i was asking for link.
its credible because Michael Gove, a very sympathetic british conservative got the 1st Trump interview.
However I think it was for the Sunday Times, which is behind a paywall.
It is - turkey is still a member.
t. irrelevant cuck country that thinks they can get full protection while paying nothing
Y'all fucks got it wrong. This is normal Trump business tactics. He's acting all cool about pulling out.
>We don't need no NATO. We're good.
But in reality it's all about getting them nervous so he can shake so shekels out of us. Just wait. The jew will shake EU within 2 months.
>screencap this.
Doesn't the UN have an alternate headquarters somewhere in Europe? Think they've used it a couple of times when the US refused to grant a visa to certain dictators wanting to speak before the General Assembly.
It didnt defend againt communism
It enabled it
Do you really expect Russia will annex you? The threat is YOU since you're bordering Kaliningrad and the NATO forces could attack it from that point.
This is just going to push the EU closer together, which I consider a good thing. So, yay?
As long as Brexiting UK doesn't keep vetoing progress....
I for one welcome our new slav overlords
Disbanding NATO is a one way ticket to an eu army and with that more centralism.
You niggers fucked us.
Oh and say good bye to the Baltic states, Ukraine and poland
Well to be fair
It is outdated
A link would've been provided by now, I'm calling bullshit
>war against white men vs white men.
While shitskins are breeding nonstop
That's what Jews want it very dearly.
>Trump added that many Nato members were not paying their fair share for US protection. “A lot of these countries aren’t paying what they’re supposed to be paying, which I think is very unfair to the United States,” Trump said. “With that being said, Nato is very important to me. There’s five countries that are paying what they’re supposed to. Five. It’s not much.”
False alarm, kids. He's just trying to get people to pay their fair share. I'm all for it.