Why havn't you converted to Islam yet Sup Forums? It is the true red pill.
>Against degeneracy
>Against feminism
>Traditional gender roles enforced
>Strong traditional values
Islam will cure the west of your SJW problem, we all win
Why havn't you converted to Islam yet Sup Forums? It is the true red pill.
>Against degeneracy
>Against feminism
>Traditional gender roles enforced
>Strong traditional values
Islam will cure the west of your SJW problem, we all win
Ah, yes. But it won't end the other problem the West is facing: Islam.
weak post and shitty stock picture. try a pasta like this
A simple idea that will solve all the conflicts and problems in the world:
Just like the Roman Empire converted to Christianity, the U.S. should convert to Islam.
** Enjoy a healthy economy without interests
** Enjoy robust men and pure women
** Enjoy friendship with the region that gave everything in the world
and throw in links to support your argument
It's full of faggots.
Because SJWs and Muslims are equally shitty
I don't feel comfortable following mandates created by a pedophile warlord, that's why.
>Against degeneracy
>Against feminism
>Traditional gender roles enforced
>Strong traditional values
I don't need Islam for this.
Ayyy this guy knows what I'm talking about. Red pill these kuffar on Islam my friend
Islam needs to stay in its own shitty countries. We'll use Christian morals as the West always has.
Im too intelligent.
>Against racialism
>Against nationalism
Islam is Sup Forums's next step in their evolution whether or not they like or believe it. They share so much in common.
>this thread
if you guys really knew islam's true nature then, you'll be shitting on it
Because girls' hair is pretty and I want to see it.
>Why havn't you converted to Islam yet
'cause brain waves still show signs of some life
Fuck Islam
Being a Christian Crusader during the Crusades is the alpha and omega of red pills.
>literally fighting for the one true God (THE CHRISTIAN GOD)
>destroying a false religion (Islam)
>reclaiming the holy land from disgusting sandnigger muslims
>ensuring the Christian religion would live on for millennia
Fuck boys
If you can find another movement with this values that has the same strenght and spreads in Europe as fast as Islam, please give me a call.
Shut up Ahmed.
>Against degeneracy
Is literally degeneracy. It is the will of the stupidest, most uneducated goat fuckers.
>Against feminism
Feminism and Islam LOVE each other. Have you even been paying attention?
>Traditional gender roles enforced
I'm a huge fan of those 8 year old boys that have to prostitute themselves because their mothers aren't allowed to work. Gotta go be the "man" of the family and get fucked up the ass by a rich brown pedophile worshipper.
>Strong traditional values
So you're dumb. That's all that means.
LOL that isn't in any Islamic literature you baboon
Islam isn't the problem, it's the muzzies that fuck shit up.
Servants doesn't mean fuck boys, maybe in your perverted brain yes
No, their religion is garbage. Almost as inhuman as they are.
Troll or you just don't know shit about Islam?
I prayed really hard, like even with my eyes closed and everything, and it didnt work, nothing happened
so religion is bullshit
>Feminism and Islam LOVE each other
Nope. Feminism loves Islam. Islam sees feminism as part of the degenerate west. You think a modern day feminist would actually spout her shit in an Islamic country? She'd be put in her place. They only get away with it because you feminized western men don't know how to control your women
Listen to this user, another user stated it too but i'll repeat it. Don't judge islam because of the bad apples giving it a bad image. It's like me assuming all Jewish and Christian Priests are pedos in the making.
Strong traditional values must include fucking little boys and routinely fleeing the battlefield.
Gender roles enforced like the time I fucked a full-on hijab wearing girl in a base portashitter.
Islam is a bad joke the arab world and the left hasnt caught on to. Mashing your forehead into the ground 5 times a day doesn't produce a coherent ideology.
Praying 5 times a day, my workplace would sack me if I got a carpet out instead of working.
Faggots are just mad that Islam is so shit that I can easily compare it to feminism.
Better cover up your womyn because it's sinful and men can't control themselves.
In Islam, you love God first, you love your mother second, you love your mother third and then you love your father.
Feminism plays a big part in Islam.
Why do you rape farm animals, though? That sounds pretty degenerate to me, Ahmed.
Don't forget all the jews we killed during the crusades too! I hope those heathens are ready for the second round.
Fact: during the us civil war 40% of men capable of fighting fled to Mexico and Canada to live off welfare. - New York times
If you think traditional values include fucking little boys then you're the one that needs their head checked.
And gender roles are enforced, just don't expect everyone to follow the rules you bonobo.
Islam isn't a joke and I just shat on your argument.
>Feminism plays a big part in Islam.
The underlying understanding of humanity is the same for all religions as a part of their "traditional values".
Why should we pick a religion where the surrounding fluff doesn't align with our identities or people?
You uneducated faggot
>Islam isn't a joke
This dumbass hahaha wew
I'm muslim you brain dead idiot. I know more about this than you do.
>Calling me a dumbass for stating the obvious
Boy you're a special one, huh?
>Islam isn't a joke
The only problem the West is facing is controlled oppositions.
Haha, you can't even argue that point.
>Stoned to death for having premarital sex
Pick one
Leaf you must have failed English 101 and 103. I am sorry, life must be hard for you. Only a fool must proclaim himself the victor.
>Believing that anyone that's not retarded would stone people to death
>Believing that muslims want to have premarital sex
Am I a fool? You clearly have no argument. Case and point, I won.
>Believing that anyone that's not retarded would stone people to death
You calling 70% of Muslims retarded my friend?
Will pisslam help me getting laid? And no, I don't want to fuck my cousins
so rape doesn't count as premarital sex then?
The Qu'ran specifically states that only God can judge man and women, so yes I am calling people that do that retards.
Any more questions?
The ultimate redpill is realizing Islam has nothing to do with dirty Arab goat fuckers and everything to do with humanity and peace.. just like niggers fuck up America.. Arabs fucked up the religon revealed to them.. just like Joos corrupted their religion and started worshipping satan
Islam won't help you at all in getting laid, seek a counselor for that. Or go outside.
It counts as a sin, a big one at that. Any more questions?
You are not a true Muslim. You are a cucked western infidel
You're the cucked one. Allah SWT specifically states to respect women and your mother to the highest degree. You dumbass.
It will. You shall have a qt Muslim waifu who will be loyal to you, won't abort your children and breed niggers instead. She will act feminine, cook for you, take care of your children. In return you have to be an honorable man and provide sanctuary to her and protect her. Through this bond and traditional lifestyle, you both will be protected from all manners of degeneracies. Love between husband and wife is the most beautiful thing in the eyes of the one true God.
Allah doesn't state it, but it's in the Qur'an
I see you have failed once again in the same area. A fitting microcosm for everything that is wrong with the arab world and Islam.
Enjoy your coffee and cigarettes while the women work. Lol.
>Am I a fool?
>Islam isn't a joke
>Feminism plays a big part in Islam.
Your opinion is pretty haram brother.
But the original statement wasn't about your feelings about stoning, was it? Most muslims still believe in stoning women for shit.
Notice all these blue pilled anons with no argument? It's pretty funny.
Yes, why do so many muslims do it then?
To sort of red pill you on this. Stoning mostly happens in Shi'a Islam countries. Country's like mine that are filled with sunnis are really peaceful. But thanks to ISIS and terrorists, you guys are blue pilled to think the opposite.
The question should be: Why do so many HUMANS do it. Holy shit christians, jewish people, even atheists have been caught in the act of raping, and yet you still link rape to religion and not psychology? You idiot.
Something something murder cult overrun by closet homosexuals
Part of the problem facing the west today is islam. You suggest converting to islam to reject islam?
islam best religion
If you can't beat them, join them. :)
So because over half of muslims are literally subhuman filth, Islam is great!
Do little boys sell their bodies in Shi'a countries as well? Do you condone pedophilla or do you think Muhammad was a degenerate pedophile?
>return of kings, the rape apologist mtgow website, is an islamic controlled op
well theres a surprise
>peaceful muslims meme
top kek
clearly muslims are a bit more prone to do it
All the people sitting behind only have one leg each.
what does this mean?
Kill yourself sand nigger
only cucks submit to inferiority
Claims to be Muslim "convert" yet uses the word convert rather than revert. In Islam every single person (apart from Jews who aren't allowed become Muslim) is born a Muslim, so when you leave Christianity you revert to Islam rather than convert. Ye thick cunt.
>can't beat 'em
that's where you're wrong kiddo
No, because over half of muslims are incredibly uneducated and evil, Islam looks bad.
Prophet Muhammad literally married a teen girl to get her out of slavery and abolished slavery too. Stop being a cuck and get educated.
And no I do not condone pedophillia and realize that most pedos are satanic, btw most satanists stem from Christianity....do you condone pedophilia?
>Thinking you can beat a religion.
>against degeneracy
sure user
I'm just shitstirring m8
>clearly muslims are a bit more prone to do it
Keep blaming religion for the faults of man you weak minded user.
I could be christian, jewish or muslim. But when I see a rapist or pedo I'll blame THEM for their actions, not their religion.
Getting rid of the people involved in it is always a good start.
Islam isn't against degeneracy, it allows muslims to channel degeneracy in allowed ways for the advancement of Islam.
Islam is a religion where you can commit suicide because your life is shit, but ONLY if you take lots of defenseless non-Muslim women and children out with you, on the promise that you'll be sexually serviced in the afterlife with dozens of virgins.
>what I described was not degenerate
top kek
>Prophet Muhammad literally married a teen girl to get her out of slavery and abolished slavery too.
Then he fucked her. The 12 year old. Muhammad.
The founder of Islam fucked a 12 year old
>But he's not a pedophile
What was that about not making any arguments? You seem rather incapable of making any. All of your points have been useless garbage like
>Admitting that half of islam is subhuman garbage.
>Admitting that Muhammad is a pedophile
>Admitting you worship a pedophile
Go kill yourself. It's the only way you can save your "immortal soul" faggot.
>yids cannot into islam
why? they're like way closer to you guys ethnically than whites
So that means most people, since most people are religious regardless of which sect they belong to. Read up on Albert Pike's 3 world wars dumbass, the last one is going to be Zionist Jews vs Muslims. The end game is to kill of religion so all these rich diddlers can stay in power.
Did you know that in Islam, if you kill yourself you're automatically going to hell?