Has the trumfkins recognized their mistake yet?
Has the trumfkins recognized their mistake yet?
But Hitler was based as fuck
But this is exactly what i want
Yea ):
I knew I should have voted for Hillary
Drumpf is unfit to be president
Remind me how this is a mistake?
>the winners made a mistake
Sup Forums is sad that he isn't more like Hitler
You seem to think we are ignorant of our choice. We are not. BTFO.
Mein Drumpf
There's no mistake about it OP
I'd vote for Hitler.
Sup Forums wishes Trump was more like Hitler
>comparing a moderate conservative to a national socialist
top kek libs are retarded
>oh no he's hitler
do you even know where you are
Hitler hated the Jews.
Trump loves them.
There's no equivalence to be made.
It's amazing, we've been given a second chance :^)
They will when their internet is gone and can't shit post here anymore without paying 19.99 a month.
wtf i love trump now ..
Is she mooning the sign in disapproval or twerking in approval?
>Hitler hated the Jews.
>Trump loves them.
Hitler worked with the Jews.
Trump was bought by the Jews.
Post ending in 88 is the only fit response for OP.
> electing Hitler
> mistake
The two don't go together
Also, the Holocaust never happened, but it should have.
fuck drumpf and fuck white people
>muh net neutrality
Fuck off. I hope reddit is on the most expensive plan.
That is clearly a fat Bashar al-Assad, why else would Trump like Russia so much?
>Your picture
>a bad thing
Choose one
girls don't do that
I wish pic was the case.
Out of hatred for trumpf they do
I'm white,heterosexual, Christian..so trump works for me. Also we are the majority of America. I proudly voted trump
'Literally Hitler' wouldn't be filling up his administration with Zionist Bank owning Jews.
>this is all part of Trumpler's 5 dimensional back gammon grand strategy