"JEW" and "JEWISH" are not a race.
"MUSLIM" and "ISLAM" are not a race.
These are religions, not ethnic groups.
You cannot be a racist for disliking either one, as they are not RACES.
Why is this so hard to grasp?
"JEW" and "JEWISH" are not a race.
"MUSLIM" and "ISLAM" are not a race.
These are religions, not ethnic groups.
You cannot be a racist for disliking either one, as they are not RACES.
Why is this so hard to grasp?
Other urls found in this thread:
Very islamophobic friendo :^)
just like your neighbors
Islamophobia isn't a real thing.
"Jewish," usually refers to either the Sephardic or Ashkenazi jews.
Not races.
not an argument
Just because you don't like it doesn't make it untrue.
read the talmud faggot, jews claim they're the superior race and goys are animal sub humans.
gas all kikes race war when???
just because you're an ignorant fool who doesn't know any better, doesn't make it true.
Typical shit slinging. Why are you so mad, friendo? Did I insult your heritage?
tired of posting this shit man
typical avoidance tactics, are you upset that your non argument was dissolved in a matter of seconds?
Kikes are genetically distinct. Their dumbass religion is not the problem with them, their inborn tendencies are.
They're both ethnic groups that are arbitrarily (like all ethnicities) grouped Into either the white race (tm) or what some chose to call the Jewish race. Ethnicity is real.
i still hate them. doesnt matter what YOU call them
That is obviously correct.
Real wars are based on ideology, race is used as a scapegoat, to deflect.
Jews are an ethnoreligious group
The word "racism" has completely lost any and all meaning, to the point where even CNN watching normies don't care anymore.
There's a reason why the MSM have started using "white nationalist" as there go-to smear against anyone to the right of Jimmy Carter. It's new and fresh.
same fag
Jews require the mother to be Jewish to be recognized as Jewish by the Orthodox Jews. It must be in their books somewhere. mitochondrial DNA can only come from the mother just as the Y chromosome is always from the father, except mitochondria has its own DNA. Anyway you establish the 23 and Me ethnic heritage by the Y chromosome for your dad's dad's dad (ad infinitum...) and mom's mom's mom by the mDNA from the mitochondria which is the "power plant" for every living cell in the human body.
Antisemitism is a cruel con game
"Jewish" is a religio-ethnic group because unlike Islam, Judaism isn't a proselytizing faith ergo you can't just become a jew. You either need to be born into it, or marry into it, in which case you still aren't considered Jewy enough for those born into it.
So the are mixed race. Anti-Jew means anti-mixed-race? If that's the case what chance does racists have?