Lol omg, Sweetie. I'm sorry but you have to go back
i don't get it.
back into the cuck shed or what?
if digits she likes to get slapped and spit on the face during sex
No she likes a cheeky finger in her bumbum.
She uses a basic verbal trick used by women. By sounding maternal, she is able to be condescending. The people that react to her are immature.
I bet she licks nigger ass
>She uses a basic verbal trick used by women
Can't say I've seen a lot of women talk that way, other than massive cunts.
its funny that she took that she writes for the jimmy kimmel show out of her profile.
the show must've been getting a lot of complaints over her shilling
i want to cum in her so bad while she makes that smug face
lol you've got banned from twitter so have to spam this weak shit here.
only reason she is popular is because she's pretty good looking and cucks love to lift her up.
Sorry angel, you just don't have the kind of equipment that can satisfy a woman like me. No hard feelings, darling. Oh, Tyrone's here, would you be a dear and let him in, sweetie?
She's so ugly.. I hope everytime I call her a cunt she keeps donating to PP. I'm gonna bankrupt this bitch.
You think she is into black guys? Do I have a chance to black this woman? You guys don't mind, do you?
mummy makes me cummy
> Sweetie
Compensating for being childless? Sad.
You're all wrong, she wants a tall strong intelligent Aryan man to come sweep her off her feet out of her degeneracy and into his harem. She hates BBC she only pretends to like it because her father spends all his time watching football :^)
A tenner says she licks dog dick
jews only ever date within thier own race.
you can find her wedding pictures with some ugly kike on google.
Digits and her father sexually abused her
Why does the condescending maternal voice trigger me so hard? It takes actual effort to not chimp out and actually yell back and get in a bitch's face whenever some woman (at work, for instance) gives me the ironic mom voice.
I'm usually easy going, too. It's weird
it triggers the shit out of me too
because you're deeply insecure around women
Why don't we all do a collective cum tribute to her and post it to her twitter whenever she replies to Trump? She makes me really mad, but I also think she's really cute and am a bit sad she blocked me.
Mature. That voice works on people that still have many immature characteristics. In my early twenties, that tactic fucked with me. Then life handed me a bunch of shit, I grew up, and now I see it for the blanket condescension that it is.
she just needs someone to fuck her properly. she has too much time on her hands and too much personality.
You cucks just prove her point by getting so triggered.
I have 0 problem talking to women, working with women, flirting with women, taking directing from female leaders, but the condescending "sweeties," and "honeys" and slow, simple explanations (like they're talking to a child) make me want to violently get back in their fucking faces and remind them they're talking a grown adult, it's like a primal "I want to fucking scare you" feeling.
How would a "mature" person handle it? Because I've been condescending back, it just triggers THEM and makes the whole interaction a total fucking shitshow.
no one is triggered. we're posting on an basketweaving forum same as you.
ummm, sweetie? You are wrong, a proud Jewess like her only likes the finest mutilated kosher Heeb-dick :^)
you sure about that user?
Tell her if she wants to talk to you in a non condescending tone she's free to do so. Otherwise call her a cunt and walk away unless they're your direct superior or some shit.
A mature person wouldn't care.
you rage, you lose
because you give them exactly what they want
I've done the "not caring" thing before, also doesn't work. They say some condescending shit, you ignore or silently acknowledge it, and they assume you acquiesce to the treatment. How is that mature?
Same thing, there just is no winning move, if you're forced to interact with a woman anyways. In real life if a woman did that voice on a date or something, I'd call her on it, and probably just end up aborting the date. At a work or school environment it's different, you're a captive audience and you MUST respond, and all of your options are wrong.
You have to realize they do this because they don't have an argument.
When they start insisting 1+1=3 because Tyrone told them so even though it's wrong, they will do the ironic mom or say you are bad at sex.
It's just what women do.
>tried not caring
>what the fuck! my not caring didn't work! look at me I'm totally not caring about this!
user you never stopped caring
I bet she eats farts
that's it
because you are an adult but they are treating you like a small kid who is too mentally handicapped to even understand why he is wrong so there is no reason to even make an argument
it triggers the shit out of me because Iknow that
>the cunt is physically inferior
>the cunt is mentally inferior
yet if you exert either of it all the vagina-hungry whiteknights will pile up on you
Ohh my dear when you talk like that it makes you looking like a sad lonely virgin. Don't be so triggered honey maybe one day she'll notice you!
this is the "mature response"
I am not trying to be mature you retard fart eater
we can only fight this bitch through memes, if we attack her she wins, we can only create image ruining memes that are funny that will make her regret being such a dumb bitch, to a new age of dank!
I bet she eats semen off her men's butthole
Personally, I internally edit what they're saying.
>Remember, dear, when you complain and moan about the pee story and SNL, it makes you seem defensive AND wounded.
reads like
>when you complain it makes you seem defensive and wounded
This becomes a point that you can argue against.
Sweetie, she's clearly too busy fantasizing about being made great again by the Don.
She is sexually confused because of her father
I bet she drinks coffee with jizz in the morning
Just point out this to them>user sweetie, I'm sorry but black men have big dicks
>not an argument. It has nothing to do with the topic at hand, is based on anecdotal evidence, and is your way to guilt or shame me into agreeing because you are wrong
Then just walk away
I bet she rubs her clit to President Elect Donald J. Trump
Act like a prick to the next leader of your country, wonder why this rustles a few jimmies.
Until Trump actually bites back she is doing this for people like
Well, you were right.
Job's done.
Where are her nudes??? All leftist degenerates have them out there.
This gets closer to the real problem. When you're at a white collar job everyone is neutered and equal, so it doesn't matter what degrees I have, how strong I am, the books I've read, how long I was in the army shooting sand niggers, you're the same as some weak barely literate woman who squeaked her way through school just to pester you.
You CAN'T say anything. At least when I clock out I go back to my sports cars and big house.
Sweatie, when you're using words like this it make you look very triggered.
now your'e just projecting, everyone hates the condescending voice, retard, it's meant to make you feel small, even when a man does it, think before you talk.
You can't be this retarded, I refuse to believe it. We act like pricks to so many world leaders here, and getting triggered over that would be just as childish.
flag checks out
yeah, the only way to counter it is to have the last word (doesn't even have to be a good argument) and then end the discussion in such a way that she has no chance to reply anymore.
you could completely destroy every argument they make and they wouldn't give a single shit because they aren't interested in an "intellectual" discussion.
but take the last word from them and it will drive them fucking nuts, they'll spend the rest of the day texting all their friends what a horrible misogynist you are because then they'll be in the exact same position as you were when she did the retarded "sweetie" thing
That may be true but you can fake not caring. Internally, yes, I am offended. But outwardly if I show no reaction and give no response, does it not seem as if I don't care?
Do I need to mediate my fucking hormones now? They can smell caring?
you're one to talk camelhumper
>waaa you can't have fun on the internet
what do I care if I look triggered
If you want to get under her skin just accuse her of being obsessed with Trump for sexual reasons.
No idea who this and suspect that people who do spent a beautiful Sunday Fucking about indoors all day waiting for the night to extinguish any guilt for not being productive at present. In short, fuck off who cares?
She wants to be the one to pee all over Trumps bed.
I can't be the only one who's noticed that there's a multitude of (((verified))) nobodies that always reply to The Don's tweets.
It's like they're paid and replaced the usual parody accounts/bots.
>Do I need to mediate my fucking hormones now? They can smell caring?
You're missing the point user. No you don't need to put some sort of horomone fleshlight on your dick and suck out all the biological giveaways.
It's not about feeling "hmph, I'm not gonna let you see that I REALLY care about this because I'll bottle up my emotions so tight!" It's about feeling "meh, some chick is being condescending on twitter, whatever."
If it offends you, you assertively explain that you won't listen to her condescending tone. Don't start an autistic fit.
Showing insecurity is not fine, but showing boundaries is encouraged.
can someone fill me in on who the fuck this is?
Probably CTR's new job.
>basic bitch so pussy punished that she stalks Trump to make snide remarks that only a few nutless simps like in the hope she'll retweet some shit from them
>They don't even realize that her condescending tweets are a mask to cover up how fucking furious she is every waking moment of the day that a woman will NEVER be president in her lifetime, that the one shot the vaginas had was blown by the biggest loser in politics
She's a chick on twitter who tweets condescendingly at Trump, and some user on pol gets really fucking triggered over it and constantly puts these threads up.
Digits = BLACKED
Wouldn't be surprised if she created these herself.
relax, man. Have a burger.
Someone unimportant that happens to write for Jimmy Kimmel that replies to Trump's tweets as if she is talking to her child to be condescending, and as said, some stupid triggered nigger keeps screenshotting every one of her tweets and making a new thread about it every single day, as if we really care.
>By sounding maternal, she is able to be condescending.
really makes you think
I'm talking about real life.
So you've explained assertively that you won't listen to her condescending attitude and she replies with added condescension that you need to get over it because you don't get to tell her what to do, now what? You shit the bed and have to spend the whole day with that person.
It might just be me. Lots of times when I encounter this behavior early in a relationship (professional or otherwise), that person is mentally blacklisted and I refuse to engage them on any level.
but... cheeky fingers in bum bums is nice desu
But then why are you triggered? Don't get mad at me just stating my literal opinion seriously..
gladly, while I enjoy my constitutional rights :^)
Oh honey, there's no need to get so upset. Just tell them to stop being so mean to you and they'll see that you're such a good boy that they should stop.
same... yes and different at the same time
Sounds like Sup Forums