It's 2017, all this rampant meme transphobia is 100% inexcusable. Qt3.14 trap waifus are real people and they need to be loved
It's 2017, all this rampant meme transphobia is 100% inexcusable. Qt3...
Muh dick. M-moar? I only ask because I have a 10,000 word essay due on Tuesday about folk art in the Federalist period.
Real people live in the real world
how does his hairline look under that
Probably like yours, poland fag.
Why do all tranny's go into porn and become prostitutes? It's like they're trying to reiforce the image that they're mentally ill fetishists.
Natalie mars
Natalie Mars
Yeah so qt trans girls are more women than cis females ever will be.
1. Cis women from relatively well off families are all entitled vapid whores, they have never faced any adversity in their entire silly lives, fuck fuck fuck them. Whereas trans girls have had to deal with discrimination, pain, hate just to be themselves. This makes them more woman and much more of an equal in my eyes.
2. Treat her well and she won't cuck you with Jamal
3. Cute shenis to milk tasty girlgoo out of
4. Won't get knocked up
5. Like kinky sex
6. No fucking whore games like cis women
you're flag looks like a crabstick
I've come to the conclusion that traps need to be discouraged. In a time when our societies are naively welcoming opposing cultures, our men must be strong. Our birthrates are also atrociously low and men voluntarily making themselves infertile is not helping.
eww no shenis will always be superior to any kind of pussy
they can love each other and sudoku at 30
The fuck is a crabstick
Yours looks like an 80:s company logo.
I forgot how its called.
Wikipedia gives me the wrong name.
It looks like that flag, even more so like poland's
what did austria do to deserve this vitriol
Trannies be gone
body dosnt even look that feminine is it just that "she" is shaved and more feminine face.
Any cute feminine traps on Sup Forums?
Post pics!
I didn't know austra existed until today
austria did nothing as far as I'm concerned
fuck you nigger
pick one
mods don't ban, it's simply a benis that's been inverted
mia is my post-op trans waifu.
Who the fuck would hire them? The majority look horrible
I op am akin to a trap. I mean I take qt pills too but I identify as more of a femboy/trans dyke
natalie mars is a goddess
is she dropping a shit nugget on that pic?
>Qt3.14 trap waifus are real people
kek, no
they are (((real))) but certainly not people anymore
man made pussy will always be atrocious
it instills fear in my dick, I can't like it, it's impossible
that's a hon (disgusting 40+ year old fetishist) not a trap waifu sorry, there are tiers to this shit senpai
Trannies are a disgrace to the entire human race
Get some facial feminization surgery and lips done
You already have a home over at Kindly collect your shit and return there.
Trannies without photoshop or 2d ones simply do not work out in the real world.
sorry I'm just doin my part to combat baseless transphobia, a trap evangelist of sorts
Mental illness
fucking gross
>that nose
more like trans kike
wew la-, more cock loving burgers from leddit
I've dated trannies. They're crazier than women. None of them have their shit together and they try to unload all their problems on you. Most are total sluts with no self-respect either.
They're good for a fucking but nothing more.
Post their pics m8
There is literally nothing gay about sucking a feminine penis
hah, this
It's the emergency drain on the sink.
>4. Won't get knocked up
thats actually the most crucial negative
>feminine penis
he dont get it. It dont matter what pills you take what surgery you get or how you act. Jews will always be jews. There is only one solution and since he bought into the tranny meme it wont take too long.
>ITT: Faggots that cant admit theyre faggots
ummm could you not use Sup Forums. sorry not sorry
No. You're a closet homosexual.
yeah my parents are from shitkraine but i wouldnt be surprised if theres jew blood in me
Not feminine looking in the least though.
>*bullshitnonsense* are real people
They're real crazy people.
Why are you listing the differences between trannys and real women, they are killing themselves by the dozens from reading your post.
Not passable, even his hair looks mannish. Not that I care, these freaks all have mental illnesses that need to be treated not encouraged.
I love Natalie Mars because the day I found myself masturbating to her is the day I realised what was happening to my life and that I had to start making changes
thank you Natalie
This whole thread makes me feel ill.
Mia who?
You take that shit back about glorious Motherland
>that hairstyle
how bad is this dudes hairline
I wish mods would be faster with deleting these things.
What are you going to do about dem hands?
>Discussion about politics.
>Faggot shits it up by turning it into a faggot self absorbed attention whoring post
This is why we want to fucking gas you faggots.
Got the fake vagina? My girlfriend wants to see it
these hands have evolved to grope and squeeze boiboobs/shenis
Go back to fucking 8gag.