Are asian girlfriends the biggest fucking meme?

Are asian girlfriends the biggest fucking meme?

They are either super foreign or just like your average white girl

The real top tier girlfriends are jew girls

>good cooks
>want to raise a family of strong jews

all you have to do is please mom and dad, and you're part of the family.

also before you all start talking shit, I bet none of you have ever been with one. They're amazing. wonderful girls.

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Looking at Sarah Silverman has an uncanny valley feeling. What's wrong with her?

Sarah silverman has always gotten me hard instantly. Yeah, I've seen the shower noods they're fucking shooped.

Okay sounds good.

They are not shooped but you tell yourself whatever it takes. And yes there is something about her.

Hairy arms, jesus christ that's disgusting

There's no way she can look that good clothed and that shit naked.

Most Jew women are degenerate as fuck op, they are even more radical leftists then your average leftist.

You've never fucked a jew girl.

They also age like fucking cancer and generally look like horses.

>virgin detected

She gained weight for the role, then lost it. Ergo, etc, bla bla bla.

>Age like cancer
Thanks for the chuckle as always Aussie-land. Not disagreeing with you either.

Lo no. I've fucked enough women to tell when a broad probably looks like naked.

Her shower nudes broke my heart. She looks terrible when naked.

She put on some weight for that role

silverman is ugly as fuck

Jews are for gassing not sexual user

She's Jewish too? Jesus Christ.

I would put a goy in her oven

Ha ha you sure are right OP

Ha ha ha yes Jewish girls are the best girls

Asian woman are shit.

Did you ever speak to one of them? Most of them have deathbreath out of their mouth. Don't they have fucking toothbrushes in fucking china?

I dunno I hate kikes. But their women look so cumfy pic related.

>good cooks

ha ha ha get the fuck out

she is a refrigerator squeezed into a dress

keep telling yourself that. you're not convincing me. because, unlike you, ive seen women naked irl and know that clothing can and will be deceptive.

Did you finish school?

Everyone is a Jew in Hollywood

Asian girlfriends are annoying. It's bad enough to have a wife constantly bitching and nagging you, it's worse when it's in an asian accent.

Ever hear of Jewish for play? These girls cuck like no other, and it's barely fun when she complains about fucking everything right in the middle of the act.

look at her arms the filthy jew

you're not finding the right ones idiot


thats a man baby

Jew girls are best girls

Even Mike Enoch, leader of the alt-right, agrees that white women are obsolete, and that Jewish women are the way to go.

Fuckin sharts man


That one surprised me.


Damn, those baps look juicy af. Shame I know what she looks like naked.

Alison Brie is literally 10/10

that's cause they keep hiding in attics

We must make Jews Ash again!

> The real top tier girlfriends are jew girls


the highest demand for asian girlfriends is jewish men.

stick to something more in the burger realm of expertise like BMWF

Bitch Spreading.

>be richest nigga on earth
>marry 4/10 asian


And see, I have no problem with this. Don't feel oppressed in the slightest. Everyone just needs to shut the fuck up and live in peace.

Would motorboat one last time before the oven.


I slept with a hot redhead jew. It was the worst sex of my life and she was batshit insane.
Dumped her after third strike

I always found her hot as shit too and she doesn't age at all. rubber skin etc

but yeah those tits are not hers

ITT degenerates that should be put to the sword for fapping to a blaspheming jewess. No wonder Western civilisation is such a joke nowadays.

Most redheads are fucking bonkers. A Jewish one? Never had the displeasure, can only imagine.

True story, I got a blowjob from Sarah in 09

this is why the white is inferior to the jew. he married her because his endgame is infecting china with the jew virus since they don't control it

maybe they cancel eachother out?

You blaspheme every day when you "take his name in vein". Who gives a shit.

Her disgusting fridge-body stands out in this pic, even moreso than in the nudes.

>Most redheads are fucking niggers( coal burners )

>Dumped her after third strike
Your a patients man... *[slow claps]*
the Patience of the Christ!

She has a point. Christianity wouldn't have become the global homogenizing force that brought civilization to the entire world if Christ hadn't died for everyone's sins.

I hadn't noticed that. I'll take your word for it.

I've been saying this for years. The Asian woman is a meme. You don't want a kid that's going to shoot up a school, right? Then don't go after the gook pussy.

Now Jews, that's where it's at. You'll want a strong family, and no family is as strong as a Jewish family.

Shhhhh... THE MUMMY!

Why is she sitting on the toilet with her underwear pulled up? Does she have poopy panties? Did she forget her diaper? Is this supposed to be sexy? Do jews even have bowel movements?

>What's wrong with her?

>She put on some weight for that role

Putting on weight doesn't turn your body in to this disproportionate mess, only centuries of Jewish inbreeding can do that.

I second this question...

Dumb goys, you can't date our women.

If it's actually Sarah Silverman, whoever is supposed to care for her forgot to change her and she's literally just wearing whatever she can find.

Did someone shoop those shoulders? Either that or her head is too small for her body.

Sweden, do you have any fucking idea the horrendous shitbag of a life you'll be committing yourself to?

Your kids will be Jewish. You will have to convert. Her family will never see you as one of theirs despite this. I don't even like having a conversation with a Jew. There's something off putting, that snide condescension... NO THANKS.


take notice, you will be shocked.
i would say the majority of white women/black male couples i see are with red headed white women.
anytime you see a redhead on your twitter of jewbook dig through her pictures i guarantee she has pitcures with black guys

what a... great... actor...
did he... win the... Jew... Oscar?
William...Shatner... Couldn't... have done... better...

>Anybody want a coke?


Sarah Silverman is old enough to be Sup Forums's grandmother.

She actually hate Ching people...
But love Hillary Clinton..
plɹoʍ uʍop ǝpisdn siɥʇ si ʇɐɥʍ

Will do.

I meant I hadn't seen in real life.

>I didn't take it out so you could look at it.

Thing is though, there's Ashkenazi blood in my family. The surname we had when we migrated to Sweden was so Jewish we weren't allowed to keep it. It's worse than any (((Stein))) you can imagine.

That said, I'm going to Israel to find my love and I'll convert to Judaism and follow my ancestors ways.

If im gonna be honest I thought the sarah silverman program was funny as shit and shes hot as fuck for being 45.

Probably the only funny female comedian in existence.

Pump and dump Sara no problem

Even the dog is like


Do what you need to do Swede-man. Here in the "melting pot", no-one knows who anyone really is. I'm French/Scottish/Irish/English/Scandinavian, sounds nice.

More like this at higher resolution?

Yes was a mess. And I had my share of insane women before.
Story time i guess:
I met this girl practicing martial arts, we started going to the same dojo at about the same time. Really hot, long hair, green eyes and she played vidya like baldurs gate, tabletop D&D and all that so it was a plus.
I had a gf at that time and happy. For the next year, this girl developed a strong crush, she orbited me and i could notice her looking at me all the time.
Eventually, break up with gf, and week later, while drunk, jew red head throws herself to me.
It was good but kind of weird, and she is fucking hot, a big plus.
Tells me she wanted me for a long time. My cock is made of titanium
Get together next day to fuck.
Insanity starts
I could see her face distort in real time by her emotions at high speeds. She would make a horny face, then scared, then disgusted, then horny, then like in love, then like in pain in 10 seconds. So confusing and such a turn down.
And then it happened. I went down, and she smelled so bad. Worst pussy in my life.
And thats the thing, I didn't like her smell. I can't explain it, it was kind of disgusting.
But then again, there she was, redhead, green eyes, INCREDIBLE body once naked, why is this not working out?
It was so impossible to have chemistry with this girl, and her emotional chaos was so huge, that I was just not having a good time.
She was so hot though that I tried 2 more times.
Worst sex ever. At times it was like an asian pornstar, the ones that do nothing but squeal around. If I tried to get forceful, she got legit scared.
Only time I experienced something like that. Fun girl to masturbate though.
Now i'm back with my olf GF for a long time. We both realized we were douchebags and are trying to live a life of improvement outside of big cities

i dont think the word true means what you think it means my dude

I was just thinking this.

Asian gfs are literally fucking disgusting you fucking race traitors

>The real top tier girlfriends are jew girls


>telling a made up story on 44chan
>not greentexting

Sarah Silverman is a constant reminder in my life that someone can be so beautiful but also have mental issues, be two faced, and be a terrible person sometimes.

True, she can be a good person sometimes too but my god, she can be rotten, if she wants to be.

Maybe he's telling the truth. She's got questionable morals and mentality, at best.

Also he said "Sarah". He could just mean some other girl with the same name.

Mike, just stop

she's a pediatrician I think

I think Zuck was looking for a brainy gal

It's true,
>believe what you want

Boho, she said mean things about emperor Trump, shes such a terrible person :(