>Little sister staying over at home from Liberal college
>She's a lesbian
>Suddenly hear screaming about White supremecism upstairs
>Dad said he hates Sharia supporting Muslims since he has a gay daughter
>Sis is in an uproar
>Starts saying how Trump admitted to sexually assaulting people
>Try and explain how that's not true
>She doesn't get it
>Goes back to gay Muslim shit
>Says how he should hate Russia too
>Say how that's mostly propaganda
>She says how Russia legalized domestic violence
>Had enough of her shit
>Say, "Well that's necessary with Slavic women. Like, specifically in Russia it makes sense, gotta keep Russian women in their place."
>Seething angered silence
>She shuts up and goes away
Stories about dealing with blue pilled family members
Other urls found in this thread:
Make her watch "With Open Borders"
would suck
Is that intestines or vagina?
i have just the thing
>be me
>go to see my little sister's birthday party
>older sister shows up
>she's been a fucking leftist ever since I've known her
>she married an atheist
>start casually taking about the feminist cabal
>she whipped her husband into identifying as an feminist
>she gets triggered
>a gem from the night is 'that's a conspiracy theory.'
>so what
>'so you're dumb'
>night pretty much went like that
>ignore her and was sorry I brought it up
>later, she brings up how I'm 'brainwashed' by neo nazis and tells my mother to take away Internet
>tell her ' if I were brainwashed, I'd have moved to Oklahoma, gained 60 pounds and marry a God-hating heathen'.
>painfully accurate
>she gets so triggered she has to leave
Feels good man.
Not family members but close friends
>at party
>we're all in our first year at various universities
>literally tumblr starts complaining about white men being privileged
>oh boy here we go
>check myself before I wreck myself
>yeah you're right and you know what's even worse? Jews are 2% of the population but over 30% of population in ivy league college
>maybe some of us would have been accepted to harvard if there wasn't obvious pro-jewish bias there
>others start to nod
>oh and also congress is 40% jewish and 3 of 9 supreme court justices are jewish
>we need to end racial prejudice everywhere :DDD
>literally tumblr gets butthurt and retreats
>we continue on with our night getting shitfaced
>>tell her ' if I were brainwashed, I'd have moved to Oklahoma, gained 60 pounds and marry a God-hating heathen'.
Good on you man, she may be family, but family helps family see how shitty they are time to time
>Be my incredibly blue pilled sister.
>I want to go to South Africa
I had a sister who actually did this. She didn't get HIV, thank god. But she did get chased by some niggers so I think that actually swung her back now she's dating a nice white guy.
>See my brother at a grocery store in Los Angeles a year ago.
>I told him how cool it was to see him again
>told him I meant to call but knew how busy he was with his Wife being a Diversity Officer and his website thing, so I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him and her
>He said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?”
>was taken aback
> all I could say was “Huh?”
>he kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing his hand shut in front of my face.
>I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off.
>When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen Milky Ways in his hands without paying.
>The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Mr. Enoch, you need to pay for those first.”
>At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter.
>she took one of the bars and started scanning it multiple times
>he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any communist infetterance,” and then turned around and winked at me.
>is that even a word?
>After she scanned each bar and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly.
It's jerky
Even better if she dyed her hair and got piercings
You wasted one (1) minute of my life.
>>He said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?”
10/10 great intro, didn't see it coming.
I wish we'd been able to get that copypasta reported in the news when the MSM was asking for Trump stories from random people.
>BF's mom jacking off to Hillary
>BF brings up how Hillary gets votes from illegals
>BF's mom fake laughing really loud, saying that illegals can't possibly vote because they're illegal
fucking SAVAGE
I feel bad because you're Russian and your life span is far shorter than mine, so that minute really means a lot more to you.
>be me
>parents always semi religious bit not crazy
>got more religious the older I got
>never really bought into "muh of peace"
>hated dietary restrictions
>hated the hair covering bullshit
>after graduation parents decide to sit me down at the table and insist I get married
>I'm applying to college not looking to get married
>says it's important for the culture, family honor etc
>they insist, dad gets loud, mom getting hysterical that "this country made me forget my culture"
>Shut that shit down and go upstairs
>next morning they bring it up again, same shit except now they want to send me back to the old country (Saudi)
>still not having any of that shit
>dad gets real intense and tells me I will do what he says
>legitimately unnerved
>leave and go for a drive
>upset and angry, trying to figure out how to just move or leave early
>decide fuck it and go by Army recruiting
>they were desperate for linguists
>Who soon can I ship?
>end of the week is earliest if no issues, can go to MEPS day after tomorrow
>sign me up
>go home, never mention to parents, just pretend to agree with whatever they want
>turns out they've got some guy all lined up
>man is 12 years older than me
>say nothing and just agree to meet the next week
>ship date comes and I just leave. Left a note, but kept it vague as to which service I joined.
>Fort Stewart
>reup contract
>reclass 15Q
>join FAA
Now I'm an air traffic controller. Dumped the Islam shit years ago. Not an atheist, more of a diest. I called my parents once about a year after I enlisted. They hung the phone up on me, kinda hurts to think about but fuck them
Wew lad, now there's a rare MOS
Thats pretty savage. I go to a catholic uni and idk how someone would get away with pointing that out.
Well fuck. That must've hurt. I'm glad that you managed to pull your life together instead of letting it get ruined though.
lmao sry f a m your sister needs to be gassed
Congrats, you managed to dodge a fucked up bullet there. I'm glad to know that people aren't just going along with the tyrany of Islam.
Should have gone to Saudi Arabia and married the oil prince famalam.
is this a vaginal prolapse?
Former 11A here. Good for you.