Does anything rustle Trump's jimmies more than this guy?
Does anything rustle Trump's jimmies more than this guy?
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city people
He looks just like him
niggers on /pol
Doesn't change the fact that he's not funny. It's like your retard friend constantly doing that bad Arnie impression.
>Alghu alghu aghu
Disloyal people seem to really get to him more than any amount of mocking or satire, honestly.
>Alec Baldwin
I call upon KEK and any and all future gods who may rightfully earn a place in the Sup Forums pantheon as a result of confirmed digits and happenings.
Alec Baldwin must suffer the curse for insulting the God Emperor.
The same DNC pac that incited riots at Trump rallies.
It ain't about him
It's about the (((SNL writers)))
It's so unfunny, and I feel like SNL is forced to make fun of Trump. Their ratings must be tanking, they are trying way too hard to push an anti-trump agenda.
youre stupid and special needs kys
99% of shit that gets posted is funnier than anything SNL writes
The skits are pretty bad, but I still get a laugh at how similar baldwin looks to trump
It's not the Jews.
that skit was funny because it was true...peepee streaming down
Yeah I know. Just posting for reference.
He doesn't look like him bro.
youre funny and gay
Found the kike
you will be first on the day of the rope
'member when he fell out of favor with leftists for calling a reporter a fag?
i 'member….
must be trying to shill his way back into the fold so his brothers don't starve to death
The makeup/hair etc was great but the skits were lacking. I think that knowing Baldwin was assblasted over Trump's rise sucked a lot of the energy out of it, you know he's just doing it because he's a bitter rich dude.
It's not like when Bill Burr makes fun of someone where you Billy doesn't give a fuck about anything except Boston sports teams so you're not away of any bitter agenda behind the banter, making the whole thing easy going and thus funnier.
I think Trump deliberately gives him attention to get people to watch how tilted the celebs are. But as entertainment, SNL is very hackish and boring. You don't need to watch it as anything that's close to being funny will just get posted by grandma on facebook.
Fucking Paid Shill
Trump is a city person numb nuts
He's that smug guy who pretends to be funny and his group of like minded dip shits feast on every word he says like it's comedy genius.
Perhaps it is the greatest comedy routine of our time.
they've been trying so hard to bring back the magic they had making fun of W.
It's tough when the guy you're trying to impersonate is funnier and a better actor then you.
This is why they are often not funny. They are surrounded with themselves patting each other on the back. Why improve or try to be novel in that environment? Darrell Hammond does a pretty good Trump but he's old school SNL. From before every comedian commenting on politics was trying to be the next Jon Stewart.
this is exactly what it feels like.
tfw Trump himself makes me laugh more than SNL has in years
his press conferences are pure kino
I hope Trump throws everyone who talks shit about him out of the country.
all that needs be done is let the coast of California secede from the Union
The only thing I'd be mad about if I were Trump is that a supposedly seasoned actor can't accurately mimic his voice or gestures.
It might actually be funny if they got someone as spot on as Larry David was for Boirnie.
idk but im in tears laughing everytime i see him on snl. godbless alec baldwin
Baldwin looks like Trump and can mimic his cadence decently well. It's a shame that his own personal bias prevented his mock character to be as funny as it could've been
Same thing with whatsherface actress and Hillary Clinton. Neither character was funny and that's why SNL sucks dick
Why has Kek not punished him yet? I'm beginning to doubt his power...
Probably a lot. The guy is a dweeb and everyone with half a brain knows it. Alec Baldwin I mean.
But I fucking HATE with a passion you shitty, depressed, lonely ass, sexless, betamale motherfucking LOSER LOSER LOSER neo nazi wannabe, phony ass, alt-right screeching , pathetic. divorced ass parents, facist wannabe motherfuckers.
There was a time, where I was like man, "All men are created equal". Thank you lonely ass shitty white ppl for showing me the truth. There is a reason you are so loud and inconsiderate. Why you feel you must be on top. Because the truth is. You are walking failure Albino. Failed flesh incarnate. A disease. A deficiency. An inferior mutant who is super, super fucking ashamed of what he really is. Super fucking ashamed. What a fucking coward. Grow a back bone albino. Fucking weak leper.
GJ, neo nazis and white supremacist wannabes alike. Ugly fuckig neckbeard creeps. You make people like me. I am here because of you and your fucking loud barking everyone you are online you small cowardly dog. You pave the road to self destruction for the white race.
Cuz before, I was like pce and harmony, hug the trees. But now, Im looking for that antifa sign up sheet. I cant wait to knock you shitty ass fucking creepy white ppl down to the lowest possible rung of society. I hate you so much more than jewish zionisn. At least jewish zionism can keep its mouth shut for 2 seconds. You are ALWAys fucking screeching. projecting your innate inferiority. Recessive lepers with the loudest fucking voice. Know your place albino.
This is what you wanted right? Race war now? You got it fashy goy. You are going to get the oppression you beg for lepers. I am going to smile at your every downfall. Im going to kick down the remaining supports of your "white supmreacy, aka indian caste system"
Just a reminder I am here because of you, not the liberal media, you loud wannabe WN. Youre shit you fucking creep. Lonely motherfucker. You want WN? Okay, we will have minority nationalism. And were going to fucking crush you and drink deep of your sorrows.
they'll still do it and he'll still go mad hearing about it
he's in need of a more final solution
I dunno. I think he overdoes the lip movements and acts way too much like a petulant child. Trump isn't THAT petulant or childish.
Tbh he rustles my jimmies too.
The guy is an insufferable faggot that won't get off of Trump's nuts.
which is puzzling.. why did so much small town/country white trash vote for him if he is a city slicker?
>At least jewish zionism can
die white trash!!!
SNL hasn't been funny since before most people on this board were born.
But that's beside the point. The real question is why the fuck is Trump bothering with this petty bullshit? I can't imagine that anyone else thinks this makes him look good. The president should be above this.
Is this a pasta?
Very interesting that Alec has been forgiven for his extremely problematic comedy involving the mocking of child rape victims.
Anti-jew version:
>Bertis Downs IV
Literally a person named Downs is a member of a liberal org
Alec baldwin even shits on trumps son's. Pretty disrepectful but goddamn is it hilarious
You know I was an actual tank gunner? I was on the East/West German border with an M1A1 ((((Abrams)))) tank. I am a wartime service veteran. You are a basement dwelling furfag degenerate and your mother is a whore. Enjoy your insignificance. The closed you will ever come to a tank is when it rolls over you. You will play vidya games and shitpost. You will never pull the trigger on the 120mm main gun. You will never hose down targets with the 7.62mm coax. You are overweight, unhealthy and unfit.
So I'm guessing this was the original genesis of The Water Boy?
I think you mean the day for the shoah revenge kike boy
>bong riding in an abrams
>Bongs riding around in american legacy equipment
cool story.
This. He's Teflon Don for a reason. That and I feel our country is much more jaded about the media as a whole now.
>them dubz
Faith restored, I'm sure kek is cooking up something real good for mocking his earthly avatar...
He wouldn't have gone out of the way to take a selfie with a Russian MAGA hat if that was the case.
Everyone makes fun of the president. What's the big deal? Trump can't handle the banter or something?
>And here are my 2 sons Beavis and Butthead
Donald just did that so he'd troll this Baldwin loser into wasting his whole life being the man that parodies him.
Does anyone else's career survive by mocking 1 man?
Why not get someone to make a shitty skit about all of Baldwin's many failures. The difference would be they'd be more truthful than anything SNL has done.
Because he is lulz in person. He got great bantz and people are tired of the pc culture. Making Donald PUTOS was the biggest fuck you to them america could muster and the liberal tears and butthurt are beautiful. Journalist cling on any shit they can on him and fail everytime.
I'm not giving these jews any clicks, what unfunny shit did they do this time?
Someone should edit that MTV nigger on this. Would do it myself but i can't even handle paint.
They should recreate that psycho call to his daughter
What is everyones thoughts on the Putin caricature? I think its pretty well executed
It was cheap but good. 7/10.
Checked and kek'd
That actor does a great Mike Pence to the point that he almost looks like him.
Only minor detail is that they use the Christian cross instead of the Orthodox one.
The guy despises women and treats them like shit yet the left love him.
Trump made those "pussy grabbing" comments while as a registered democrat.
Really makes you think.
Another Trumpshills butthurt because his God is seen as an idiot.
well the right loves trump so who are they to judge?
(((Norman Lear)))
>Lear grew up in a Jewish home and had a Bar Mitzvah ceremony.[6] His mother was born in Elizabethgrad in Kherson Gubernia in Ukraine, while his father was born in Connecticut, to Russian-born parents.[7][8][9]
Drumpf can't recover from this. He WONT recover from this. Expect butthurt twitter rantings in 3..2..1
He's useful. Whenever there's bad press about Trump circulating that he'd like to mitigate, he just pretends to be outraged at Alec Baldwin's latest impersonation, and the whole liberal internet switches gears to focus on that.
It works
His impression is fucking terrible. The one who did the trump and sanders mock debate was great
delet dis.
An even better one:
>Does anything rustle Trump's jimmies more than this guy?
only people scrutinising his billion$ of debt and forever-in-the-red, tax-dodging financed, robber baron bankster propped up (((wealth)))
>good cop bad cop
Alec Baldwin is that friend that imitates you when he gets mad but does a really shitty job because he is trying way too hard to insult you.
"Look at me I'm Drumpf I'm an angry orange racist with small hands. I am gay for Russia and I am so stupid. I will blow up the world please don't give me those nuclear codes"
"That was a shitty unfunny impersonation"
"Wow Drumpf so fragile I don't even understand comedy because I am stupid like all Republicans I hate poor people and pout my lips and am a problematic white male rapist"
10/10 satire, 100% brilliant comedy, A+ thought-provoking hilarity.
t. rural and suburban retard
Darrel Hammond did a better trump t͏bh f͏am
Bitch b packing dem crazy eyes
Cut Sweden some slack. Those are the only places left where he can live in his country.
>He's not funny
>Jerks off to Sam Hyde autistic """jokes""" just because you agree with him
Nice pasta m8
Look, I voted for Trump. It doesn't mean I think he is perfect. I think he is far from perfect but he spoke to me. I recognize that presidents usually never deliver on their promises. Oh well. I'm over it.
If you think Trump is 100% perfect, you are 100% a shill and need to fuck off back to r/The_Donald so you can jerk each other's tiny weiners off in a circle.
Ask yourselves:
Are you running for re-election?
Are you getting paid?
If you answered No to both of these questions, then you really need to get your priorities straight. There is no point in having to constantly defend Donald Trump. The Election is over and he is YOUR president now. If he fucks up, you need to hold him accountable, regardless if libshits are going to laugh in your face and say "I told you so".
Stop with the mental gymnastics.