I quit smoking, drugs, alcohol

I quit smoking, drugs, alcohol.

I'm trying to stop beating off to rancid porn but I can't.

Help me.

I'm just some dude on the internet. Ask Jesus.

He doesn't help.

Get off the internet.

If that doesn't work, recognize that it's a different man fucking a literal whore, which is what a cuck likes.

If that doesn't work know that girl is a slut/whore cause her dad/uncle sexually touched her.

Educate yourself on the detrimental effects of pornography. Spend less time in front of your computer/phone. Make an effort to spend time with other people.
And of course,

There is literally nothing wrong with rancid porn

Yes He does, you just can't see it yet. Also, your life will turn into a living hell (/r9k/-tier) if you don't get out.

I got you senpai

you can't cold turkey it all, you'll end up an hero.

Download more porn... Also dump thread

I can't spend less time on the net, and I tried praying to jesus a bunch of times and that didn't work either. I can't be alone, if I'm alone I beat off. It's terrible.

Literally just go for a long ass run. Go as far as you can, then go a little bit farther, and then use the rest of your energy to (hopefully) get back home. You won't have any energy left to beat the meat.

Not that I'm the person you should ask there are plenty of addiction specialist with way more knowledge on the subject, but precisely what do you do for enjoyment?

If your house was on fire, you'd leave it. The unfortunate truth is, you have to come to hate it so much, you change. How much of your life you let it consume, that part is up to you.

is it supposed to be his own hand? His own right hand to the left of him?

This is the truth, and I'm not talking about being all religious & going to church. Literally just talk to God and tell him fucking everything you struggle with, making it a point to involve him in whatever you're doing daily. You'll start to notice a difference in due time.

Same boat senpai

Try to find ways to stop the fapping process from taking place.

You need to pay attention a figure out what your triggers are for fapping, also what is going through your mind when you consider going for a fap.

Here is what i've done so far and I'm basically down to fapping maybe once a week, so more can be done

>installed k9 web security, make your password something to shame you like (I will be a fat cuck)
>move internet on phone into a folder titled (Do not fap, do anything else)
>replaces phone and computer wallpapers with St. George slaying the dragon

I know I should also be blocking Sup Forums, I'm working on it senpai.

You also have to keep busy as boredom often leads to fapping

who controls your brain?

you or the jews?

get in control of your own damn self

wake up Neo, deprogram your shit

I'm going to try hanging a picture of jesus on my wall near my computer. That might help.

Leave a bible next to the comp while you're at it.

Cultivate an interest in the movements of the financial markets. Open a paper trading account and focus on growing it.

When you gain some success, switch to real money.

If you are serious about it you will be unable to think about anything else.

This picture proves Jesus was white. LIBERALS BTFOD

You absolutely not alone

I tried the God route too but relapsed. It is honestly going to take a lot more than prayer

Watch Jordan Peterson's lectures (the maps of meaning course, and the personality course)

While it isn't geared towards fapping it is a good philosophical rock to start from. He's all about sorting yourself out and offers interesting insight in what goes on in the human brain.

I suggest getting a gf. You'll still probably fap to porn, but a lot less. At least that was the case when I had a gf.

yeah this.

pre-2009 and I found this place I used to take internet vacations where I would cancel my service and only have internet at work.

now without the digital jew I'm a cripple.

no man is independent if he has the internet in his home. literally

lol whatever bloats your goat man

glue a framed picture of your mom/dad staring at you to the table by your computer and imagine them looking at you whenever you want to start jerkin the gherkin

try that maybe

I kept my laptop in a drawn under a rosary for a while.

A lot of it comes down to finding ways to remind yourself fapping is a bad idea.

Reigning in your reptile brain is hard to do but practice makes perfect.

Also don't be too hard on yourself when you inevitably fail and fail over and over again. It's part of the process

Huh, is prayer kind of a precursor to talking to a therapist? I'd never thought of it that way but I guess it makes sense, the important part of therapy is allowing those emotional issues to come out and be addressed instead of ignoring and burying them. Never thought about it that way before.

Ok thnx for the advice ill try everything.





Print a 50x50 cm photo of Varg Vikernes and place it on your desk in a frame. Should help.

Try going for a walk and reflecting on yourself and life user. I'm sure it's cold out but getting outside into the actual world is very grounding and breaks the micro-world we all build in our houses. This is particularly tough in Canada because of our winters and how we hibernate till spring basically but you would be absolutely amazed how it will orient ones self.
Scientists say modern humans have existed for 1-2 hundred thousand years and we have only really had the modern conveniences since say the 1920's. Hiding inside for a quarter of the year isn't natural for us and I think the modern world can be a bit disorienting and unnatural.

First of all, congratulations on the first three. Hopefully you've cut that out for a few months and not a few days.

To quit pornography addiction, you must stop looking at porn, thinking about women, and browsing areas of the internet that contain images of women. Focus on your work or a new hobby. Lift weights.

I really need some hobbies

Sup Forums and video games don't cut it

>pic of mum staring