Did anyone else here have trannies as the final straw that made you realize liberals had gone insane?
Did anyone else here have trannies as the final straw that made you realize liberals had gone insane?
It is you who are insane for not accepting transgender people.
Sup Forums btfo
So why did you transition, user?
i would easily fuck a tranny
They should be rounded up and put in camps. I'm not even kidding. This shit is not compatible with sanity. I would vote for any politician who ended trannies.
passable trannies are okay
the rest should be gassed though
Any of you that know people IRL that transitioned saw it firsthand. I know 3 MtFs, all of them are suicidal and depressed and turned out with weird halfling jawlines and proportions.
That did it for me more than any Kazakh rugweaving imageboard could.
Yes. At that point I realized as an old school liberalism that neolibs and radical tumblr nuts were pushing weird shit
Most people I know still dont accept trannies and I live in lib Cali
Pediatricians BTFO, too?
Nope, it was the biological sex is a social construct and kill all men shit
Yes, trannies all need to be gassed.
The weirdest thing is the "its natural" meme. Adding hormones to fuck up your body chemistry and mutilating your penis to form a vagina is anything but. I will always call this mental disease, and nothing else. The procedure alone makes your skin crawl. Pure Body horror. I hope there will be a surge in tranny suicides, so governments will be forced to regulate and outlaw this bullshit.
No that was gays
The last straw for me was "kids know their gender". How can they make decisions about fucking up their body forever if they can't vote or consent to sex?
No matter how many studies come out about how much better these people feel these are the only ones I care about.
Our jobs as adults is to ensure kids make it to where we are uninfluenced by anything that would harm their character. Propaganda included.
It's so fucking horrifying.
I've gone from being liberal and socialist to cheering every conservative court victory.
No, I think I could somehow stomach trannies, at least if they restricted a lot more. The recent paedophilia acceptance I've begun seeing got me really riled up though, I hope that won't stick.
Never. I'm not going to pretend biology doesn't exist.
Trannies are alright as long as they dont try to force people to love or like them, but if you see that theyre obviously a man thats fucked
I still don't think liberals are actually insane. I think most of them actually know what they are doing.
>The non-whites hate whites with a passion.
>The white females hate white males with a passion (for giving them too much freedom and being too secure and boring).
>Hence, they work together to bring down their common enemy, white males.
>The upper class white-male-liberals who own factories and large companies want to eliminate trade borders and pay third worlders a few cents per day and gain even more wealth and power.
>Regular white males are in their way.
>So they push liberalism towards the other two aforementioned groups.
The only insane ones are the lower-class white-male-liberals. But even they have an angle. They haven't comprehended that womens' brains don't work the same as theirs. They think that if they are nice to women, women will be nice back to them. Which is what everyone in the west has been taught since they were babies, so it is kinda hard to blame them.
It's totally fucked up for the law to claim a man is a woman.
>I'm Napoleon Bonaparte
>buy a big hat
>learn French
>get leg shortening surgery
>run around screaming "Let's conquer Russia!"
this person is clearly insane
>"I'm a woman."
>buy a dress
>learn to speak with a lisp
>get dick removal surgery
>run around screaming "where's the woman's bathroom?!"
this person is a hero and you need to play along with their delusion or you are literally Hitler.
Accept them as in if some adult wants to cut up their genitals that badly go ahead. They're freaks to me though, and I'll never see them as whatever gender they wish to be seen as.
4 year old transitioning???
holy shit
It is, but if they "pass" as a woman who does it hurt really? Sure its rather degenerate and such but it is how it is
Former libtard here. My final straw was when I saw how opposed libs are to free speech. It took a while for me to realize that, it's hard to look outside echo chambers.
>libs are batshit crazy
I knew this for a long time, however the trans stuff pushed them further away from my definition of acceptable.
It hurts reality, dumbell.
I'm not going to deny science exists for tranny freaks. Plus, normalizing it hurts kids.
Also, you realize about NONE of them "pass".
They've been calling 3 year olds trannies for a while.
Personally i really dont like trannies, they looked fucked up and mostly are too. But they are such a small minority theres nothing harmful in the long run, the biggest problem now are our politicians and islam
No but despite Sup Forums I was tolerant of them until I actually met one.
They literally, LITERALLY (as in, actually fucking happened) started spouting feminist shit and exact words "All men are predators, even ones who aren't or don't act like it. They are, though."
All while fucking demanding everyone, including men, to be tolerant of IT.
I'm a Zap man now.
One day, we'll find the right part of the brain to shock, until then, let's just zap 'em all.
It's pretty crazy.
Just label anything as "hate speech" or a "toxic ideology" and suddenly it's okay to not let anyone talk.
To be honest, I kinda like it.
These people are donating their bodies to science.
We are confirming, on a mass basis, what happens when males cut their dicks off and take estrogen.
Pretty fucking interesting, to be honest. They will be writing about this shit hundreds of years from now.
Ok, ive changed my mind, that picture just made my blood boil
I can accept some transgender
But making kids transition is straight up criminal
Underrated. Have a (You)
no, the reactions to Elliot Rodger and Michael Brown were what did it for me
I really don't give a fuck if someone wants to lop their dick off and wear a dress. What bothers me is how normalized and even ENCOURAGED it has become. Children should not be transitioning until they are older.
This thought has been scaring me for a little over a year. How long until people start sexually identifying as other, actual people? Would I have to pay some sort of financial compensation if someone starts sexually identifying as me?
>Mommy! Mommy! I want to be a t-rex!
>Let's get you started on species reassignment treatment, get you a tail transplant and do Starting Strength!
If gender and sex are mutually exclusive anf are just a social constuct, trans as a concept cant be real.
If genetics and genitals dont define sex and gender, nor do idiosyncrasies of personalities that are "masculine" or "feminine" have any basis other than social norms, then there is absolutely no metric for a person to be able to tell that they are male, female, something in between or beyond, and whether they are fluid.
To be trans is to be a paradox that has only one resolution: it is a mental illness.
Now we dont take rights away from disabled people, such as paraplegics, and we even give "special rights" and accommodations, such as required ramps.
But if someone is delusional and mereoy thinks or wishes to be paralised, and wants to cut off their legs, and a surgeon complies with this request to mutilate, we take that quacks license.
There is no widespread "hate" for trans, only hate for judgemental and intrusive trans advocacy that now seems convinced to push itself on children.
No demographic commits suicide as much as post op trans with the exception of other verified severe mental disorders. Dont tell me thats just a product of "oppression and bullying". Not even slaves offed themselves at these rates.
I sexually identify as Ted Cruz. Ever since I was a boy I dreamt of being the zodiac killer. Trump supporters say to me that me becoming president is impossible but I don't care, i'm just gonna keep lying. I'm having my campaign manager install a love for cheese, a bible and several sex scandals on my body. From now on I want you guys to call me "Rafael" and respect my right to be born in Canada. If you can't accept me you're a Ratophobe and you need to check your Trump supporter privilege. Thank you for being so understanding, and p-please clap
mental fucking illness. they ned to help the kids, not be enablers and cutting their peens off.
Parents who use their kids as little vanity projects and encourage them to transition should be in prison for child abuse.
I don't care if adults want to cut off their balls and pretend they're women.
Yeah the left has gone off the deep end. I used to be a pretty left wing guy but these people have serious mental issues, and the left is encouraging them to mutilate themselves to feel progressive. It's sick. There are entire groups of men who are depressed who are falling into this trap of thinking that their lives can be fixed if they just chop their dick off and become a woman. It really shows the state of our current society and how fucked men are when we've got so many of them just opting out and trying to switch gender because it's too hard as a guy
When I was young I bought into the feminist "gender roles are bad" meme, but then found myself puzzled when feminists supported trans people who reinforce gender roles. It took a long while but it finally dawned on me that they aren't fulfilling the most important part, which is protecting/working for males and giving birth/raising children for females.
The family unit is the basis of civilization, and I realize now that promoting trans crap is a way to weaken a civilization. Them sexualizing children by convincing them they are trans/gay/whatever is just another step.
Trans is more than insanity. It's a deliberate departure from reality, removing all objective anchor points and instead relying on feelings.
Think about it this way: how can you prove whether or not someone is a man or a woman? According to liberals, you can't either way. You simply have to accept the other person's word for what they are. Basically, to accept transsexuality as a part of human society is to allow feelings to shape what is supposed to be objective reality.
Thing is, they're pushing this onto kids. You wouldn't trust a five year old with deciding what to eat every day, why would you trust them with making a decision like taking puberty blockers and getting their junk cut off?
I think there's something to be said about offering it to adults as well. A doctor that prescribes a paranoid schizophrenic to have his teeth pulled out because the patient thinks the CIA put a tracer in it, is a doctor that should lose his license. Enabling mental illness for your own benefit is disgusting.
That's an interesting way to put it. If you shape people's reality then there's no way they can dissent without looking crazy, aka RACIST SEXIST HITLER.
Trannies were not the final straw, it was the blind acceptance of them and their lifestyle in the face of all the facts.
Transgender people currently face a 41% suicide attempt rate, as in 41% of all transgender people will attempt to take their own lives. Liberals looked at this number and said "hmm... it must be because they aren't accepted enough!"
Now there are more kids turning to transgenderism to both escape being fair targets of bullying and to also seem special. With that comes hormone replacement and depression, which leads to more suicide attempts.
It's literally evil what is happening. The only thing I can really compare it to is telling alcoholics that they are beautiful and that they don't need to change. It's fucking EVIL, and I don't use that word lightly.
Yes, exactly. I've had so many arguments in circles where they constantly push this idea of being a man or a woman as this bizarre subjective claim.
> What's a woman?
> Shouldn't we have a word for female human?
They can't answer.
It's horrifying on a really visceral level. They really want to de-sex all human beings because reality offends their ideology that everyone is equal and differences are due to muh oppression.
I'd go insane in that world.
I think the final straw was their complete and unquestioning tolerance for Islam.
Wait, not tolerance, but their obsession with accepting as many as they can.
>stand for gay rights
>stand for equality for women
>stand for transgenders
>stand for pro-choice
>stand for religious tolerance
>stand against racism
>want to import a homophobic, xenophobic, religiously intolerant culture that would immediately throw gays, trannies, and non-muslims off buildings and ban/criminalize abortion when given the chance because they're brown so if you don't you're racist
>Transgender people currently face a 41% suicide attempt rate,
This isn't true, though. They make these numbers up. It's all made up.
What IS true is most of these tranny deaths are from prostitution. They never admit to that.
Until they can literally rewrite your DNA or stick your brain in a different body any level of transition is pure delusion.
The only tranny I know is a racist alt-right retard.
>14 years until "she" can buy cigarettes
>trannies as the final straw
I'm glad you FINALLY woke up, you leftist faggot. Maybe if you had understood sooner it wouldn't have needed to get this bad.
not so much trannies but the idea that gender is just a feeling is fucking nuts repeat after me libfags... gender is biology and you cannot change it
>Y chromosome
>passable as female
got no problem with trannies as long as they get the genitals to which gender theyre becoming. my final straw was when they started saying there were more than 2 genders.
>The family unit is the basis of civilization, and I realize now that promoting trans crap is a way to weaken a civilization.
They are mentally ill, by themselves they are not destroying society. Making sure they have equal rights under the law is also not destroying society. If they want to cut their dick off fine. It is the desire that they be free from the consequences of their action that is damaging.
They want to be free from ridicule and force people to treat them in a certain way, that is impossible without some authoritarian bullshit. You will never be a women, that may be unfortunate but it is the truth. You are free to put on a dress but you can't get upset if people laugh. The world is a cruel place, most people will be tolerant of your choices, but tolerance does not extend to you always being treated in the way you want.
>children who don't know shit about biology or have grasped complete common sense agree with me completely in anything I tell them is right!
>why don't rational adults who have already grown up and have fully developed brains???
Really fires up those neurons.
>4-year-old children don't understand adult degeneracy
Color me shocked.
mods are asleep
post your sinks
There are SO MANY stories like this.
>"guys can serve in the military"
>me: well, ok as long as they do their job and leave their faggotry at the door
>"women can serve in combat units"
>me: if a woman can meet the physical demands of the job, why not?
>"transsexuals can serve in the military"
>me: what is fucking wrong with you?!?!
That's why I said adults, pushing this unto kids should be criminal.
But what you're saying is true, I'm just conflicted if I consider it a mental disease or just let stupid people be stupid and mutilate themselves.
Fuck off fatso
Reason #2039 why children should not be using the internet.
The close-to-perfect ones with a clear mind like Claire White are rare, most look horrible and explains the hate and rejection
Home Depot sink. Home Depot countertop.
Yup I'm all for LGB rights. Everything they tried to shoehorn in after showed I'm not part of the nuleft
>trannies are alright
You fuck off
>an ordained minister
>she said
Protestant degeneracy
The whole cultish mentality of millennial SJWs is what made me realize they've gone insane. The tranny thing is a symptom. It's amazing how so many will go on a downward spiral of being stereotypically liberal, then come out as some ridiculous gender and/or sexuality and then seem to be unable to talk about anything else than transitioning or how some imaginary person said something slightly rude about their sexuality.
>I'm all for LGB rights
I told my daughter that if she wanted to make things real awkward at school, to start an Anorexia Acceptance Group for people who identify as fat. I think that properly and earnestly implemented--Kek willing--destruction and hilarity would ensue.
Marxists andbmuslims are a bigger problem than ladies with cocks
Ok i may have been wrong with that statement after further investigation
Is your daughter based? Did you raise her to hold tradition and family values close?
No, not because of the existence of individuals who are trans. It as because of the sheer ammount of trannies coming out of the wood work all of a sudden. The gender fluid fad is revolting and complete cringe.
She's more based than I am. I was a smartass in school, just teaching her how to troll. The Homeland generation is based AF.
Man...shit like this is just horrific. That poor kid. I really hope the top blows off this shit soon and we can prosecute bastards like this for child abuse. This woman's actions are indefensible. Why is it so hard to just love your own kids?
I knew the left had gone insane when they said that men are actually women yet with a straight face say that they believe in science.
Now I have no ideology to call home because the left has gone full fucking retard over the past decade.
Nothing wrong with trannies.
I knew a tgirl who was in the US military. Worked with tanks
>Suicide attempts among trans men
(46%) and trans women (42%) were
slightly higher than the full sample (41%).
Cross-dressers assigned male at birth
have the lowest reported prevalence of
suicide attempts among gender identity
groups (21%).
Suicide attempts and deaths by suicide are very high. Hell, it's even higher among those that are "out and proud" at 50%. What you're thinking of is the "every minute a beautiful genderfluid transfat is being murdered in the streets by intolerant evil White cis scum" which is bullshit. Most are indeed tranny prostitutes that get killed, and being a prostitute is already a group that is at risk for that. There's probably a portion of more passable trannies that get beaten/killed when they follow some drunk guy home without disclosing their status and the dude get pissed when he finds a sausage surprise. But yeah, the "trannies are literally dying"-narrative is mostly bullshit. They're mostly dying by their own hand.
Yeah, every time I argued on the internet with them the moment I ask them what a woman is they disappear. Every single one of them.
No, I think the final straw would be pedophilia.
>come out as some ridiculous gender and/or sexuality and then seem to be unable to talk about anything else than transitioning or how some imaginary person said something slightly rude about their sexuality.
It is because they are attempting to find purpose or meaning in their life, they want to feel special. The traditional sources, like the church, have been destroyed by science and progress and they are too uneducated to construct any sort of personal beliefs system from philosophy, religion, and psychology.
Its sad when you think about it, their lives are empty and this is their attempt to remedy that. Everything becomes about sex and a victim complex.
We aren't far off.
why is it always male to female?
i guess they realize that men get the raw deal in life and are wanting to take the easy path
>Implying this wouldn't become reality in 10 years if leftists had their way
I would have agreed up till a few months ago.
I now believe the only thing is to support social conservatives to roll this plague back.
We're going off the cliff edge otherwise.
the pedo acceptance video did, fuck the left forever if this is where it leads
Youre doing Gods work friend
That figure is bogus. Look at the source. It's just an internet survey. Anyone could fill it in.
We'll, we (not us) did make it a competitive sport to be the biggest victim.