>god is real
>just have faith bro
>you can't prove he isn't real
>just have faith bro
>dude pascal's wager lmao
>dude faith lmao
God is real
its mathematically more likely that someone created you than you just happened by accident, but yes there is a leap of faith when you believe in god that's why youre rewarded for your faith.
>fukken atheists christianity has nothing to do with judaism
>well yeah all of the major prophets and angels were jews
>well yeah half the bible is a jew text
>well yeah the ten commandments was discovered by a jew
>b-b-but here's a quote by jesus about how jews are the synagogue of s-satan!
>he also f-flipped some tables over! see! d-deus vult
>t-those jews were not like the j-jews of today muhh pharisees muhh talmudism
>this is somehow Sup Forums
How is it "mathematically" more likely
I've known a few angels myself and none of them were Jewish
One was a buddhist though
>dude creationism lmao
Ok, show me the math. Also atheism does not say anything about whether or not existence is by accident or intent.
>if you trust something mysterious and dubious and almighty-seeming, you get a prize for it
welcome to all mythology ever
>dude muh flying spaghetti monster strawman
It's very simple, it is more likely you are in a simulation of a universe than the first original universe.
Who cares if god is real or not if religion adds something positive?
Only kek is real
Consider how dangerous technology is and how much chaos it can cause if handled improperly. Sometimes ideas can destabilize and collapse entire societies as well. How does one deal with this? How can one know if certain traditions are good or bad in the long run? How can one know the ramifications of technological developments?
Create simulations and observe. Of all the simulations, analyze them all so you know which path is best to take. The utility of simulations in predicting the future will provide an evolutionary pressure for advanced civilizations to develop these simulations and constantly improve them.
Mathematically speaking then, it is more likely we are in one of those simulations than us being the first.
you've spoken to the wrong people.
HERE'S A TIP: majority of loud mouths who say they speak for God actually don't. the most spiritual people you will find are the most quiet because they know not to interfere with your own spiritual process.
Faith is something that happens later, after you have an experience. Give yourself time.
Its mathematically more likely that you are following the wrong god. What faith's reward do you get when God discovers you were worshiping your imaginary friend over him?
If you take that any of the "Big" endings of the universe (Big crunch, rip, bounce) can be the possible end of the universe then one can assume this isn`t the first universe nor the last.
And the saddest thing of all in that theory, that nothing at all remains to tell the tale of civilizations that could have once existed on a rock much similar to ours.
The question them comes, if we are in a simulation, what are we to do? But I think about it another way, if we are in a simulation then this universe has been given a purpose. This purpose is unknown, but it exists. Perhaps this purpose is to study our behavior, and see if we can create useful behaviors.
Would it be any surprise that the observers at a higher level, watch the memes and genes flow rampant, but adopt only the most fit ones? The memes and genes that enhance their own existence? If our simulated existence is to discover superior forms of thought and genetics, then should we not make that our goal?
We cannot know our purpose for certain, but I have deduced that our best course of action can be distilled into two modes of thought: Expansion and Innovation.
it would be really stupid to think there wasn't higher beings of some sort with all the multi-dimensions and all
If the Christian god is the one true one, then, as I have said before : the universe is rigged against us and the righteous creator is basically an omnipotent manchild demanding recognition and absolute loyalty without question or explanation.
That or the bible thumpers have gotten it all wrong and an all knowing entity truly is all knowing and instead of being a portrayal of what a human would be with absolute power (which lets admit it, would just abuse it) or you know, it`s an entity not a single man woman or child has ever thought of and cares not for the daily bickering of humanity of man in an incomprehensibly large space.
we are all god
Okay retard
>but yes there is a leap of faith when you believe in god that's why youre rewarded for your faith.
Or punished. Depending on which god you pick and which is real.