How does this man know so much? Does he really know what he is talking about or is he good at researching beforehand and seeming knowledgeable?
>tfw I want to make videos but am not as smart as Styx seems
That's about all, peace out
How does this man know so much? Does he really know what he is talking about or is he good at researching beforehand and seeming knowledgeable?
>tfw I want to make videos but am not as smart as Styx seems
That's about all, peace out
Other urls found in this thread:
The one who controls the memes controls infinity
spooky skeleton man
I loved that video, too bad he removed it I think
Styx disavowed ethnic nationalism and then took down the video after he got too much backlash
Kek, what a cuck. He ranted about standing up for his views and then he takes them down after getting some dislikes. Still a fan though
where is the original thread where he was answering questions tonight?
He took down his video about Mike Enoch like a fucking coward
Shit I must have missed that
Agreed, he should stand up for his views.
I never thought that my respect for Mike and styx would be demolished on the same day
i liked his "legalize vehicular manslaughter for protesters blocking the road" video today, it made me chuckle
He is under attack due to his growing influence and excellent analysis of the election
keep this in mind when you see him mentioned
A lot of people dislike him here, I'm not sure why. I wish I could make videos like that. I lack the insight honestly
Stop fucking shilling Styx. You think you're so enlightened. It's obvious that you're making these threads to shill yourself. Get a life. Go fuck your landwhale GF or something.
Does he really have a gf?
Wow I must be repulsive
me too, hopefully when people see an obvious shill attack like whats going on tonight they will watch his videos and judge for themselves
he talk completely out of his ass 80-90% of the time. He contradics himself constantly. He made some video about italy in which he said one thing and the next day he made a different video saying the opposite and the other video was gone. Dude is a complete fraud. Also i cant handle his retarded occult non-sense
he also deletes comments and blocks people.
i leave what some pol fag has said about him the other day which pretty much nails the guy entirely.
"My guess is he's trying to figure out how to reconcile being an anorexic NEET who looks like a tranny and talks like a 14 year-old outcast being drawn into an edgy death cult with his overwhelming pathological desire to view himself as a great and noble wise leader who's a forerunner in ushering in a spiritual upheaval capable of putting the world's most brilliant and prolific religious apologists as well as the vast majority of normal people to shame. Must be hard and explains why he gets stressed out so easily when people troll him, and why he feels the need to project a supernatural level of power in order to feel secure in his ability to post hundreds of hours worth of childish rants on YouTube. If he hadn't ridden Trump's coattail to reach the subscriber count he has now I don't think he'd still be posting content to laugh at."
He knows alot but so do fags like myself who brows Sup Forums all days.
Difference between him and many people here, he isn't at the same autism level like the rest of us.
I almost want to make a practical clone of his channel without the occult nonsense and see if I can a ton of subs just for the hell of it. Fuck, I'll even call out the Jew
styx is a jew
What did he say about him?
Also Enoch is a total faggot, not because of anything that has happened lately but because I browse Sup Forums constantly and I had not really heard of him, just thought he was some "twitter personality".
Alright Youtube. Charles Manson dindu nuffin. Selling heroin to kids should be legal. I like abortions. Rapefugees welcome. Peace out.
He's an editor. His job is to read all day and write books. Of course he's an intellectual.
All he has to do is read a headline or a few sentences and he can conjure up a good 15 minute video about any subject.
He said goose-stepping through the street won't accomplish anything and is going to scare off normies. Also some shit like rambling about Nazis all day makes you retarded because Hitler isn't going to come back.
He got a ton of backlash, it was funny actually. Others may be able to sum it up better.
>That fucking pic
fuck normies though
fuck appealing to them
fuck political influence
kill all those who take their political activism off Sup Forums
I didn't get to watch more than 1/4th of it before it got taken down, but he attacked him for being a Nazi LARPer.
Kike Enoch is a lot of things, but he was never a Nazi. So styx's video was, once again, pure bullshit
Saved his comments.
He always talks about how his community has a lot of libertarians and maybe even lefties in it, then he makes a video like this. 90% of his audience is Sup Forums
Here is the video.
The video description was
>Published on Jan 15, 2017
>There's a reason I distance myself from the non-primitivist segments of ethnic nationalism.
>Support me on Patreon:
>Category News & Politics
>License Standard YouTube License
lel so that faggot who got doxxed actualy got a jewish and straight up leftist SJW wife?
good riddance
Not too much backlash, why did he delete it lol, cuck
So basically the stormweenies got triggered
maybe he just didnt have all the facts, it called enoch a leftist, he probably realized he isnt
Fair enough, seems plausible
He does it for his only income. Sometimes he's good but there's times when he's dumb as shit by saying the military should be secret service as if thats not a conflict. I think he's more quantity over quality. He could be a lot worst though.
lol if he's the paragon of the white race then we're totally fucked
he looks like the kinda guy in middle school who asks to see your dick when you go to piss
He's not even very pro-white (nor is he anti-white), he's a (((civic nationalist)))
alright youtube
it's time to talk about a middle of the road boring position i have. it's funny because the occult and memetics are why trump won. the legacy media is dead. here in rutland there is no diversity yet i think diversity is great. ethnic nationalism is bad, civic nationalism is good. i predicted this thing once. don't forget to donate to my patreon. that's about all, peace out
He could have listened to a couple of hours of TRS podcasts before comparing them to Al Sharpton. He's made enough gaffs at this point that he's dropped. Worst gaff was giving the veggie MREs a good review. Dude clearly has no taste.
that's a nice strawman there kiddo. if he disavowed anything it's larping nazi edglords like yourself. retards like you and idiots from trs and other nazi idiots undo any effort for actual ethno nationalism. and the worst thing is you dont even realise it.
he's insecure and deletes criticism rather than deal with it
Dude, it's pasta with garlic powder and vegetables. It's not exactly the worst tasting thing in the world.
You faggots are annoying, Styx is right. Get some self-awareness. Not everyone is a Hitler-cock sucking faggot like you guys are.
Lol, you're just mad beause he regularly shits all over Europe, especially Germany. Whining about it here will not un-gape your eternally blown out asshole, Kraut.
this guy is kind of gay
He literally believes in Bigfoot.
I always traded for the chili anyway. Throw some cheese spread and crackers in there. Plus I think it came with one of those milkshakes.
Styx is a good goy. He'll become an ethno nationalist sooner or later. As soon as he understands that his liberty dissipates with every non-white that enters the United States.
>why did he delete it lol
I listened to it. Right from the start its clear he is completely uninformed on the subject then rambles 25 minutes not really saying anything and mostly repeating himself.
Reminded me of TotalBiscuit in a way: only partially informed on the subject, uses a very authoritative tone, repeats himself constantly, makes the video 3 times longer than it needs to.
I really don't understand his appeal. Very few videos he makes are worth watching.
What did he meme by this?
>spend all day shitposting on Sup Forums
>doesn't pick up anything interesting to research
Blame yourself OP
I support him because he is the only one of these game talker fucks that puts the consumer first and actually uses his influence in ways that favors us.
But I'll be dammed if I watch a review by him past the first third of the gameplay section.
>claims he's proud about being a civic nationalist
IDK if he's serious, or just likes getting to go on national TV as a meme consultant.
>implying I'm on here all day
But you are a shitposter?
Why does Sup Forums pay so much attention to these YouTube freaks?
literally who?
Depends on the thread
When has he been on TV?
Styxhexenhammer666, a youtuber
THIS or go play your faggy block game