>>Current Year
>>Still living in the domestic jew.
>Current Year
>Not owning land in a major city (LAND not condos)
I shiggy diggy.
Come home, white man.
Why is it bad to "own" a home? Granted that the govt can take it through eminent domain, like greedy kikes.
I have no reason to own a home. I'm single with no kids. While I'm starting to make decent money and I'm looking for good investments to make, I'm more concerned about the cost of upkeep and property taxes that I'd end up paying. That's saying nothing of financing. I could buy a house, but then I'd be stuck with a house, you know?
> ukrainian architecture
> hurr le white people
>Driving the drivable jew.
beat me to it.
What's your alternative? We've got these big fucking concrete tower blocks the commies left behind over here, is that more your thing?
This one gets it.
suburban america is gorgeous
it's like you guys invented it decades ago and are now all bored and cynical about it, but forget how good it looks compared to 99% of the world
It's very comfy coming home to your own house after a day of work. Granted you're stuck there, but there's worse fates.
Gassing the gassable jew.
>breathing oxygen jew
It's Aussie architecture, you dip.
Why are jew's noses so big?
>Still typing on the lettered jew
>Still drinking the carbonated jew
>Still guiding the clicking jew
>Still jewing the jewish jew
air is free
This thread is turning out to be very entertaining.
We're really cynical about recently built suburbs. What some of us fail to realize is that most suburbs were built the exact same way, with like 4 different designs in a square mile of neighborhood, but by now most have edited their homes in different ways to make each house unique. Not to mention, the trees grew much taller. In 20 years, the same people will be calling the currently new neighborhoods "comfy as fuck".
I will say one thing I dislike about modern suburbs, and that's how it's all built around the car. In my metro area, the older towns have really nice walkable downtown areas with train stops, while the towns that filled in later only have shopping centers with huge parking lots, and everything is separated by busy streets.
>believing in the jew meme jew
>Wiping the wipeable poo.
what did kek mean by this
All threads like this are to make the entirety of Sup Forums look totally insane so they can discredit everything that we're even remotely connected to, namely anything Natsoc or Trump-related.
we need either indian or romanian to decipher that message
The poorest Americans have it better than kings did hundreds of years ago, but they're too stupid to realize it.
yeah but why not keep living better and better if possible
this is where the english middle class lives
just end us
can romanians even read lol
>Current year
>Calling everything a jew
So true.
Best get.
Looks nice. Where do you park?
With your bedroom 10 feet away from a highway, not comfy.
middle brits seem so fucking miserable. Poor brits at least give up and fuck around, but middle brits seem like they work too hard and just rot in front of the tube when they don't work. It seems pretty sad
That's the lower-middle class you're thinking of. E.g. young professionals recently into decent jobs but still at the bottom of the ladder. The upper-middle class can afford either decent sized inner-city apartments or choose to live in a village near where they work and get a pretty big house.
>Current year
>still x-ing the y jew threads
I'm sick of this shit
>posting the current year jew
I'm sick of you, kike
That's not a highway, cars are limited to 30mph at the highest around residential neighbourhoods. Plus chances are the only traffic that road really sees are people leaving their homes for the daily commute.
>even using the porcelain jew to have to use the wipable jew
The looless poos are the most redpilled people in existence prove me wrong.
>protip: you cant
>pretty big house.
still made of miserable, rain proof red brick
i love england, but we have no beautiful, quiet suburbs. i grew up in a small village. there's a reason youth suicides are an epidemic there
No, because they still use the wearable Jew.
Naked is most redpills existence.
naked is still living the livable jew
>eminent domain
This should be a good thing, I don't know how it works in the US but you get compensated at least 2x what the house is actually worth over here when new motorways go in.
Your more than welcome to continue to build and live better, of course there is a cost to this I assume most americans don't want to spend.
I love where modern Australian homes are headed and can't wait to start my new build next year.
>Current year+2
>Still living
yeah i can't even imagine being a londoncuck who gets up at 5, spends 2 hours commuting on the underground each way, works a 12 hour office job then goes home to an industrial revolution age house
i live in the north, and nobody gives a fuck. everybody either does drugs, spends every evening in the pub or swings
I would spend so much money on my dream home, it's where you;'ll spend so much of your life there so it should be a home you enjoy
I bet you alot of em dont wear the jew that shall not be worn because they dont have the currency jew.
>tfw when planning to start a cozy homestead at some point
drugs and booze are degenerate but at least they're not getting fucked by shit jobs and public transit. how is the north anyway, scale of one to trainspotting
I just want a small bedsit in the nearest city, with attached toilet being negotiable.
I don't have any more ambition left in me. I used to want a two bedroom house and a family that I'd support by being a doctor, and now I'm going to be thankful if I get a 6ftx6ft bedroom with a fridge and microwave that I will die alone in, that is HOPEFULLY in walking distance of the shithole Paki shop I'm going to be working in for the rest of my life.
Say what you will about poverty, it makes you fucking grateful for anything even if it's shit.
You know this. Using the currency Jew only strengthens them. Real redpills barter.
This is a terrible problem. Gas the world, end times now.
depends how much you filter out. i rate it a 7 but then i am high literally all the time
some people, the way they look, the way they live, the misery is just unimaginable
>Renting the rentable Jew.
Buy caravan, drag into woods mate. Solar, wind, and water wheels make power.
I just want a place like this.
Is that so much to ask?
I don't get it. Pls explain because I just talked with my supervisor for an hour about audis...
Being high all the time is the solution to life here now britbro. I feel your pain, our pain, for our country.
>smokeable Jew
Because no tax hurr
I'll just live in the wilds of Wales then. No way I won't freeze to death while my fucking crops inevitably fail.
Besides, I can't buy alcohol in the wild. How else am I supposed to drink myself to death?
>Conversing with the talking jew
Fuck sake, distill you moron. Electric heater. Don't be shit at tending your land, it's your job now faggot.
Really the only downside is when the (((govt))) will come imprison you for not paying into the system. Freedom, what freedom? Fucking Jews and their shekels. Reeeeee
Have about 2 million in real estate and climbing. Don't think I've ever met a Jew in the industry lots of faggy white people tho
That's fucking depressing m8.
Tips for a beginner with a $50k downpayment?
That's Wales for you.
At least I'm not English.