Muslim Hate Thread

Daily reminder that Muhammad was a pedophile.


I do not hate them.
As much as I do not hate diseases, parasites or natural disasters.
I just want an efficent solution to rid the world of this scourge.

Reminder that the french soldiers got raped in the ass literally during the Napoleon campaign

Pisslam is a disease of the mind, parasites upon our planet, and natural disasters wherever they go.

You appear quite triggered, Ahmed.

Doing my part

Hey! That's not fair, OP.

You left out all the other degenerate shit, like him being a cross-dressing, serial-raping numale that paid people to lie to pagans and pretend to believe in his schizophrenic delusions.

Die muzzie shits

Get the fuck out of here Mohammed lmao

>implying pedophilia is something bad because cucks tell you so

>Muhammad was a pedophile.
that's why he copied catholicism


End yourself, Ahmed. Kid-fucking is bad and anyone that does it needs to be thrown out of a helicopter.

My mere presence triggers you huh

"ولا تحسبن الله غافلأ عما يعمل الظالمون"

If you can't see how it's bad to fuck a 9 (nine) year old girl, then your going to hang too.

Being a pedophile doesnt necessarily mean you have intercourse with children



Is molesting them halal in Chrishtianity? hehe

and put the heads of woman and children on stakes. pure evil they must be stopped

I see no reason in doing that. Being pedo is not sicker than fucking another man in his asshole

We are the kangs, not you.

go away nazi

Why does Mudhammad loves pig cock so much?
Half the Quran is about him taking a deepthroating challenge with some literal who called Allah and his faggy uncle Ali doubling bets and taking them in his hairy ass.

I'm not gay but this is making me seriously consider about training my sausage skills in some mosque.

>American education

It's the same with Christian countries you fucking idiot.

>implying I'm a (((Christian))) or that I have respect for them

And last I checked, the Catholic church was pretty much condemned for the pedo-priests. Can't say the same for Mohammed, or all the sandniggers still practicing child-prostitution in the middle-east today.

>Lists a whole lot of islands

Found the Turkroach.


I thought being a white knight and caring about pedophilia although its really not a big deal in todays society was a neo-nazi thing

That means I'm Europeanz?

موت يا امريكي يا خنزير

Uh oh

More than 25 countries in there. Search yourself if you aren't a retard.

Sounds good

Obviously not.

Hopefully I save some European girls from being raped by boastan in this bread.


fuck muzzies


Here to do my part.


You like being an untermensch? Fascinating.

So Muslims are faggots on top of being pedophiles? Good point.

if only we could genocide

Well hey, they WERE told they had to imitate Mohammed to be true Muslims.

See pic related. This is the USA less than 100 years ago.

Kek wills it.

Always. The same. Pic.

So this means Muhammad wasn't a pedophile or?

He was and so was this faggot.

Historical values dissonance is not an excuse for degeneracy.

>when the barrel bomb drops just right

I think girls age 15-30 are prime fuck meat. Below 15 is just strange. They aren't even developed.

We just posting pedophiles?

Smoke a muzzie for me with this post!

That's because that's the natural breeding range.

Cuck and rustled muzzie tried to white-knight kiddie-fuckers, so it's more of a brief derail. Last I checked, every post in this thread kills a muzzie, so I don't care.




Some economic problems won't really make me inferior. You believe what you want though

Muslim pedo made girl into kebab

bye Muhammad


Every camel is a Muslim

Only Germans together can enact a final efficent solution.
I heard you attacked a synnegouge recently, Mein Kampf has been selling.
God speed Klaus.

It could have been you whiteboi. Better behave now.



Nope, your shit tier genes, borderline autistic religion and small penises makes you inferior.

Brussels terrorist was a star in a film about successful immigrants.

Lets double dat number


Muslims dance on street after terrorist attack.

>Literally so notable that it was national news at the time vs hundreds of years of normalized child rape

Nice lack of an argument.

Sweden-- muslim beat boy for having blue eyes

ITT: a jew samefagging with 7 different proxies

>your shit tier genes
Wuz kangz
>borderline autistic religion
That's just you hating on the most successful religion which will rule the world
>small penises
Your women LOVE it.

Britain --Muslims think child rape victims had it coming

>this triggers the kebab

You will be like her. Stupid whitey

>most successful religion
Citation needed.

>Your women LOVE it
Nope, they just love putting us through shit-tests, which don't work since we legally can't discipline them anymore.

>be SJW
>complain about misogyny in america
>also be a muslim apologist
>completely ignoring the real, life ruining misogyny of middle eastern cultures and Islam as a whole

>99% Muslim
That's statistically false. 1/4 of the Palestinian population are Christians

I'm going to assume your sandnigger symbols translate to "Allah is a faggot and Muhammed was a pigfucker."

Ok. Message received.

Fucking end yourself

the sooner we eradicate these vermin the better

Doubtful, sandnigger.

So much for stereotypes--Muslim TV exec beheads wife


Chinese girl a cute.



>wuz kangs
Kangs were inbred to shit. Nice genes my friend.
>That's just you hating on the most successful religion which will rule the world
Success /=/ quality. Isn't even really successful either desu senpai
>Your women LOVE it
Yeah, that's why you have to rape them, right?
I've been to Egypt twice. Your pyramids are nice. Would be nicer if you poor sandniggers didn't steal all the outer stone to it. Cairo is also hilarious. Men, women and children BEGGING me for money. What a joke your country is.

Posting for Muslim killing

Hell yeah

Germany: Your children will pray to allah or die

This image is misleading, no virtuous Muslim man would pray next to a filthy woman.