Does Sup Forums know who this is?
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Ur only allowed to post this on halloween :(:(:(
Can anyone in this thread tell me what is being said in this video?
Styxx before he grew out his hair.
Doctor Jekyll.
A man who BTFOd marxism before it even became mainstream
>OP is a spook
>muh spooks
He's probably more retarded then Marx was, and that's saying a lot
that is shaun king
a spooky fella
Wtf, is this a thing now? Pedos protesting?
it's a nationalist march, the uploader is just autistic
he's a spook
Lefty ragnar redbeard
So can someone explain how Stirner is different from regular nihilism.
>He's probably more retarded then Marx was, and that's saying a lot
That's a heavy accusation care to explain?
I think he was the first one to express egoism so explicitly
He also goes as far as you can with amoralism
Unlike your average college (or 20th century) nihilist he didn't just shat on G-d and traditional society. He shat on everything except for the Ego and his whore of a wife.
I don't know why /lit/ and /leftypol/ try to appropriate him because he's inherently contradictory to any ideology, leftism included.
Max Stirner. Basically "might makes right" and "selfishess first, each man for himself".
Hes correct, but you damn well know that the extreme version of his ideals result in the total lack of altruism or sense of community and that is the very downfall of societies.
explanations are a spook
Nihilism rejects morals
Stirner claims egoism is the basis of morals
>nothing matters
>except my self-interests
This Pushkin is looking weird.