What is Sup Forumss endgame?


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Make the west great again

World domination

The return to primordial chaos

Sup Forums severely overestimated its influence on the election (Wikileaks and Rust Belt economics decided far more than a bunch of race autists) and it will accomplish nothing because it is populated with the same fat virgin Sup Forumstards Sup Forums has always had.


I love these butthurt retard posts it's excellent.

1.The North Wesern Front
2. Reclamation of Europe

Global national socialism.

To live in peace.

Sup Forums has no endgame.. this place is just blind hatred, cynicism, insecurity, fear and scapegoating. Mostly it is angry white trash that all need to be thrown in a trench and buried alive.

The destruction of the New World Order.


wine and the world burning.

Oh Britbong, how the fuck would you know about anything fappening in America? The ovarian jew cannot be defeated and race autists have only primed themselves as targets, not authorities.

Sup Forums isn't white trash, thats stormfront
we're much more refined gentlemen

The free exchange of information

Sovereignty for my fellow white people.
A beautiful wife.
A kid that looks like me.
And a job that involves my passions.

Its posts and people like you that cause this. Your lack of self-awareness is fucking astounding.

Actually he's closer to the truth than you realise..

Constantinople my nigger.


To fulfill The Boss's will and establish /Outer Heaven/.

National socialist utopia led by the aryan race, and being in touch with the nordic aliens which assisted the third reich.

I wholeheartedly agree, fellow redditor XD

>Sup Forums says they are behind the Trump leaks
>all the mainstream media reports it 10 minutes after the thread was posted
>not influential

go ahead faggot, say you're gonna bomb so and so tomorrow, you would be v& in 15 mins flat.they are all here. all eyes on us.
the world is asking 'Sup Forums, please tell us what happens next?!'


to serve the laughing god

Save Europa.

Too watch the world burn
Then when everyone is weakened, we will use meme magic to conquer everything in our image
Also to make anime real and get free waifus

Look, I get you've never felt even remotely important before, but just because you're a patient in the asylum doesn't mean any takes what you say seriously.

sad life you must have


It's pretty fucking rad, actually. Leaves will never understand the sheer cool factor you can achieve in the States.

just sit back and enjoy the ride, cuck

go to reddit then fuckface

>Mostly it is angry white trash

nice projecting there Cletus

why don't you go off yourself


It's all I ever wanted


As if you will ever enjoy even a fraction of the influence I have as an average burger, Serb.

lmao i'm going to murica next year...
my friend went to california and is living there illegally for a year now I think, so I'm gonna be like a white mexican

How is it not obvious?
is.Sup Forums.org/wsg/1484527793275.webm


Seeing as I'm pristine white, trust me, you'll never be my equal no matter how much liberals want you to be.

anoda shoah

Meme the world into nuclear winter to wipe degeneracy of the face of the planet, along with humanity.

Praise kek

The only guy itt understanding shit

>be leaf
>think gifs are substitutes for arguments
>must resist the constant pressure to anhero for my obvious inferiority
Please, for us all, just leaf.

Make anime real

a vote is a vote is a vote
a bullet is a bullet is a bullet

But a Serb will never be an Anglo, and so...

What do you mean "endgame"?

Things happen. Let's see where they go. There is no end on the Sup Forumstrain.


Our endgame is absolute chaos

the only way to tell is that I'm a foot taller than you american manlets

Exposing the jew

Shit, son, you're 7'5"? You really need to be seeing a doctor regularly.
And yes, that will make you very popular with the whores so enjoy that AIDS.

A future for white children

Complete eradication of all shitskins

Complete eradication of all Jews

Earth inherited by the best of the Whites

>Gas the bikes



>enter Hitler deja vu

Your unclear frog god turns on you and you are shamed and exiled.

Stupid faggots.

Kek is really Heqet, the goddess of ressurection
I think you can tell the way this is going

faithful gf and/or race war

Thoth speaks!



There is no endgame, and if there is it's beyond the comprehension of you or I.

If recent events are any indication, destroying the white race. Pretty cringe, we're basically Antifa now.

Should be to get a job.

>complains that the board is full of hatred and cynicism
>claims the final solution is to kill everyone

Nice meme

Intergalactic domination.

>ywn be fulton extracted by big boss


we're using the ancients knowledge of quantum physics to attack the humans that have abused this knowledge for far too long and have committed mass murder and genocide of cultures and peoples in our name. The goal is to keep faith in the creator, and denouncing the snake charmer. Liberal, college educated elites are not on our side. in spit of this, we're building a forward operating base in the dark

The end of the Jewish race and the shipment of white liberals to the Middle East or Haiti if they refuse to be saved.

Recreate Rome. Space Rome

I can't wait to hear all about this:
>White Trash and his three sister-lovers shot to death by three dozen basic niggers!
>local lesbian asks: should we end the white race?

Illegitimate Congressmen removed from office

Killing themselves. Either alt-right beliefs cause mental illness or they are the result of them, or both. alt-righters are completely unhinged and many of them psychopaths and narcissists.

They will either go full Dylan Roof or live a life of misery as their hatred towards everyone and every thing turns inwards.

If you doubt this, try saying this out loud with a straight face: "Pol is filled with mentally healthy people in control of their emotions and reactions." We aren't talking edge cases here, we're talking monumental psychological dysfunction.

> this low post quality
> can't even bants
I'm calling normie or canada proxy.

Kept you waiting, huh?

telegra dot ph/The-true-meaning-behind-Abrahamic-religious-symbolism-11-25

Just an update, Ive made up my mind.
It's Canada.

telegra d0t ph / The-true-meaning-behind-Abrahamic-religious-symbolism-11-25

"refined gentlemen"
muh nigger

>implying thee are not black people on this board

Global ice age.

Sup Forums is filled with many factions that fight to get their memes to reign supreme. Memes are excellent to get people to think of ideas. When something is funny though and pol is bored enough they try to meme something to happen. Like trump or brexit. Sup Forums has no endgame but to tear down the ones in power whoever they are. In this case it's globalists who for whatever reason happen to be more jewish but are not exclusivly. Sup Forumsacks want their memes posted on the fucking moon because it would be funny. If they have to "redpill" the world to do it they will.

it's objectively safe to say that trump wouldn't have won without /pol

meant Sup Forums