Quick Sup Forums, red pilled movies? It's family movie night and I need to stop the degeneracy that my sister exhibits. Help? They saw Hidden Figures (muh black female astronauts) and they have only become dumber
Red pilled movies
Other urls found in this thread:
>unrealistic fanfiction where men have spraypainted abs
Schindler's list
>being healthy, fit, and strong is unrealistic
They quick out the invaders, ur looking to surface level. Nationalist appeal and honor stuff
Chariots of Fire
(((Schindlers List)))
Any Clint Eastwood movie ever.
Especially high plains drifter, or Dirty Harry. Maybe Gran Torino.
Mel Gibsons films are dope as well. Just saw hacksaw ridge. Very good.
Also the angry birds movie.
And you can't go wrong with Lord of the Rings.
300 is so politically correct I was surprised they did not made all the spartans black, gay and trans.
While replacing the persians with white cis males.
i was surprised at how overt the Angry Birds Movie was with its criticism of Syrian refugees
Angry Birds Movie and Zootopia are animinated redpillkino. Also easy to convince others to watch.
I believe that movie was back when the middle east and terrorism was the enemy before white males. after the movie was released I believe there was an outcry in Iran about this movie being American propaganda against shitskins
>and Zootopia are animinated redpillkino
Kill yourself you racemixing faggot piece of shit.
Not really redpilled but a fucking brilliant English film from the midlands. It also makes you want to tool up and kill cunts.
>Dead Man's Shoes
This is England (same director) is also fucking brilliant. But it's a bit American History X where racism is made out to be bad. But just enjoy the first 80% of it.
If you haven't seen them both, I 100% recommend them.
Another is 'Outlaw' which has Sean Bean in and is one of the best films ever made.
You're a retard. The blue pill stuff is surface level. Look harder idiot.
Ehhhhhh I wouldn't go that far.
Er ist wieder da
Ignore the part where Hitler shoots a dog, that was obviously inserted to tell the Jew overlords "yeah of course we think Hitler is actually evil"
The liam neeson movie with the wolves where they survive in the wild
Also OP not a movie but check out Danger 5 on Netflix. Very redpilled.
The Matrix
Just the first one, the other 2 were shit
The Room.
>genetics? lol what's that
>we can be whoever we want, and live together in peace because we are all animals
Zootopia is literally modern Germany.
With the protagonist a white farming bunny fucking the sleazy nigger thief.
Not redpilled in the slightest and is a totally shit film desu
Not 300.xerxes is based as hell
B B But there was no Islam in 480 BC.
Oh wait, my bad, it is an american movie, you are right.
>kids faggot movies
no, the others are good though
How is it not redpilled? Survival is as redpilled as it gets
Thanks fellow burgeranon, Braveheart it is!
None of those are family movies, although they are all great
pol wouldn't consider gran torino redpilled, hes not racist by the end of it, but i think it's a great movie.
other eastwood movies like dirty harry are great as well: youtube.com
>9 feet tall
>gold chains
>trying to enslave the Greeks for power
In what fucking way was he based?
He's watching a movie with his sisters. Some girls like kids movies even as an adult. At least that's been my experience
Lord of the rings
Quintessential red pill ed viewing 101
Loved the ending
A Serbian film
Falling Down.
Danger 5 requires ample weed and a odd sense of humour to be even remotely enjoyable
oi pol am with my dad what cool movie should we watch, i was thinking in blade runner but i like to hear one that was redpilled
Serbian Film is black Pill
Most girls do.
Indiana jones
Lawrence of arabia
Empire strikes back
>mfw the only 2 movies that made me cry are 300 and Gladiator
how fagit am I Sup Forums?
Children of men and Angry birds.
Anime movie called Wolf Children. It'll make your sister want kids so bad.
>Spraypainted abs
Guess you never saw the training vids. Doubtless they were touched up, but the guys all looked like that.
Ilsa, She-Wolf of the SS
Nocturnal creatures is pretty redpilled. It shows that degenerate lifestyles will only lead to emptiness and shit. If all else fails, show her jojo.
antagonists are all one or more of: black, jewish, or gay
my man
great movie, great soundtrack
but not actually that redpilled
take your fucking (you), rareflag
Requiem for a dream
>Genetics? lol what's that?
>Oh shit we can't reproduce with other animals
>red pilled movies
Darius literally called himself Aryan of the purest stock.
300 implies that Negroes were Persians. If you even look at the reliefs of Assyrians who were of Semitic stock, you'll find plenty of Caucasians with European features.
The Persians were as European as the Greeks phenotypically
>shooting a dog
What the fuck were the jews thinking, dude loved animals.
He conquered babylon he is the only king ever to conquer babylon all that other stuff was made up
The Greeks actually depicted the Persians as lighter skinned than they were.
He didn't do it in the book,
But they had to portray him a more devilish, or the Antifa would have burned down every cinema showing it.
pretty fag but also rare