The more I put myself in Enoch's shoes, the more I understand why he did what he did

The more I put myself in Enoch's shoes, the more I understand why he did what he did.

Basically, he married this Jewess 10 years ago. At that time, he was still a leftist, but he was starting to turn libertarian. He didn't know any better. Now fast forward to 2014, when TRS is just starting to take off. Now he's getting woke on the JQ, but he's having some cognitive dissonance because he knows his wife is Jewish. But he still loves her, and he's not going to divorce her just because of political beliefs. Then by 2016, their ranks are full of extremists and spergs, including Enoch himself, who has now a self identified white nationalist. At this point, he cannot disclose his personal life, because he knows it will cause a lot of damage to the group. But he still believes in what he says, and he wants to do as much a he can to further the movement and save the white race. Besides, he is an anonymous figure anyways, so there's no sense in disclosing something about his personal life, since he can't disclose his real name regardless. So he keeps quiet.

Now he gets unfortunately doxxed, and everything that he feared would happen has now come to pass. In addition to losing his job and getting persecuted by everyone he knows in real life, he is now going to be widely disliked and reviled among the very group that he created and fondled from its inception. He is going to lose everything.

In summary, this is what I have to say regarding Mike Enoch:


Other urls found in this thread:

We're fucked, white nationalism is dead, all that's left to do is kill yourself or join the enemy.

>kike wife
>chink "cousin"
>nigger half brother
>coal burning mother
He could have disowned at least 1 of them. He tried living a double life and got caught.

Look buddy, he obviously isn't a role model for how to start a perfect Aryan family. But he absolutely was a white nationalist, and he did a lot to further the movement. He legitimately wants to save Europe and further the white race. He knows his bloodline would be compromised, so instead he turned to spreading the world. And he redpilled thousands of people. gotta give him a little bit of crrrrrrredit

Fuck off you blackpiled faggot. 2 Podcasts aren't the end of the Alt-Right

>one podcaster gets doxxed
>user contemplates suicide

It's like these people want to lose. But we're gonna drag them across the finish line whether they want to or not

Who here still supports him? I do

We need some degree of centralization if we are ever going to convert ideas into actions. TRS was the closest we have gotten. This will likely set us back years. Spencer is launching a new site. Maybe that can be the new central place.

The cover-up is always worse than the crime itself.

It's okay to get caught, but don't get caught covering something up, they'll make an example of you EVERY fuckin' time.

Basically, you can either make mistakes, or make enemies. But not both.

I support him. AKA, I understand his position, and I still respect him.

It's amusing to see all of these user Sup Forums faggots criticizing him, even though he's done infinitely more for the movement than they could ever hope to accomplish.


RIP based kike

I do too

It is sad to see that these people are too autistic for progress. I think that we have lost. The fight is over. We could have done something under a Trump presidency. Guess not. The demographics are too far gone.

And you think that the altright would have forgiven him if he would have come out with this information in... say... 2015? I don't think so. If he did that, TRS would have never received the following that it did. It would have died out.

I think that he should have recused himself from being a leader. This is too damaging. I feel bad for him and his black brother. I hope he forgives Mike. Good guy, ruined by spergs and antifa.

Don't be so blackpilled, m8. People were saying the same thing after Salute-Gate. This is nothing but a bump in the road. We'll keep growing with or without Enoch

I feel the same way user,this is a rough situation
Mike Enoch stay strong where ever you are

he could have handed the reins off

he knew at some point the leftists would dox us

he put everything at risk because he wanted to stay on the fucking show

all he had to do was come out with it himself and just be honest with us

His jew wife will leave him and his half black brother will never look up to him again.

Literally everybody hates him now. On both sides. He lost his job and his side job (podcasting).

I would not be surprised if he an heroes.

it's no excuse,But the show was probably his only outlet

He did a show only a few days ago after Sven got doxxed. He was laughing and talking for 2 hours like an idiot while he knew he was fucking sitting on this....

We seem to have created something big in the 21st century, politics as reality show entertainment. No reality show on TV can hope to compete with the real life political drama.

I really love watching this. The big-ass Armenians don't have a chance competing against pols like Enoch (and Trump) for sheer entertainment value.


mike will be back, he just needs to apologise for the disgusting hypocrisy

maybe divorce the jew and go to the gym

Who? Why do we care? Literally have never listened to his 'podcast' and honestly couldn't give less of a fuck about this Enoch guy.

I feel like this is going to be the new pasta and we're gonna be reading it forever though, and that sucks.

So do I. This is basically a whole lot of nothing as far as scandals go. The alt-light (our more ignorant allies) is full of Jews and Trump himself has Jewish family members. Enoch just needs to either redpill his wife or divorce her if she's won't budge and do this on his own time out of the public spotlight because no one should really care about his personal issues.

If she's good enough for the Nazi racial laws then she's good enough for the alt-right. It's her silly beliefs I'm more concerned about.

The other stuff is out of his control. I have a half-chink cousin. You can't control your family.

A lot of people shat Ghoul when it came out that he had two mommies but it wasn't like he had a say in it.

But Enoch's Jew wife thing.........very different situation.

He literally said his wife was an ex skin head in old episodes... he's full of shit

>mike will be back, he just needs to apologise for the disgusting hypocrisy


That was Sven, not Mike.

I do, but he needs to disavow and divorce his wife for me to trust him again.

that was Sven

Nice damage control, Enoch, you retarded sellout. Go hock shekels somewhere else.

Send link for proof cuz I'm 99% sure it was mike who said it.

If he divorces the jewess I will

This level of stalking is just fucking creepy. I am actually unnerved.

That's based

Please return to your designated gas chamber, shill.

Styx was always right. Mike Enoch is the Al Sharpton of the white race.

Because namedaggotry gets you nowhere. We have to stay anonymous and confines to the chans. Meme magic will save the white race. Anyone who tries to make a name for themselves is either a kike or FBI 100% of the time.
The kikes want us to be organised to staying on fucking Sup Forums is how we get success ;) mike was a kike and it was only ever about the money

t. Antifa pretending to be Sup Forums and spreading division

lol, you're not dragging shit bro. You've set us backwards. TRS was a huge broadcast, one of the only successful ones.

Now 8gag has slashed the tires and the whole thing is falling apart. Who's fucking left? Who's left to "drag" ANYONE across the finish line you stupid bastard? Red Ice Radio? Mike fucking Cernovich? Don't make me laugh.

It's completely fucked. We've wasted years.

>tldr: he married the jew before he was redpilled

Seems reasonable at first, but there are too many holes here.

This isn't just some normie jew. This is an uber-leftoid cultural marxist jew. She works as a diversity officer as her main job and spends her free time advocating for fags and trannies while organizing jewish events and drag shows. She's the platonic form of a marxist kike.

Not wanting to divorce your wife? Yeah, I can understand that. But he married a woman that was doing all this sickening degenerate shit. Even as a bluepilled normie, no self-respecting man would've been okay with this. And even with that aside, why did he continue allowing her to do this shit after he got redpilled? Apparently his white nationalist convictions are very strong if he's okay with his wife doing activities that are diametrically opposed to white nationalism.

AND EVEN THEN, it's not like the Shoah was just a way for him to blow off steam from frustration with his wife. She knew about the shoah. You can hear them talking in the background during some recordings. She knows about TRS and GTKRWN and their jokes about stuffing kikes in ovens. You're telling me a leftist jewess is okay with that? You expect me to buy that at face value? Clearly something is going on here.

People loved Mike. This hits them right in the feelz, that's why the reaction is so strong. But Mike will be back. His first post-doxxing interview will clear a lot of things up for people.

I don't. He's a cuck and a niggerlover.

Mike is never coming back, lol. The guy has zero credibility.

Note how different this thread is from the others that keep getting posted.

>be a white nationalist
>have a jewish qt wife
>have a mulatto brother
>chingchong eat dog

He's literally a fucking leaf incarnate. TFW


Mike, I learned a lot with you. If youre for some reason reading these threads: Thanks

I'll support Enoch in whatever he does.

He joins the ranks of exiled shitlord tech workers like Pax Dickinson.

Neither does 8gag after this. This is a punch rightwards so strong we've pretty much undone everything accomplished in the last ten years.

Yeah, I could see it.

Once all the noise dies down I hope everyone who has been gaslit by all the D&C will realise what fucking idiots they have been.
Maybe next time, shut the fuck up until you actually know whats going in.
Another tip, if there is only one explanation and its coming from the enemy, don't latch onto it like a pitbull nigga.

The new narrative is this was all just cover for his wife engineered when the doxxers were closing in.

Only truth is probably that his wife is a quarter Jewish.

he got doxxed at the same time, they all did

antifa sat on this shit and waited for their time to strike, they started with ghoul first and started picking people off one by one

I just want him to get a fucking divorce and start the show back up

you know she will initiate if he gets fired from his job anyway

what's worse is if the kikes keep him on and blackmail him to go deep cover double agent for them, unfotunately that's why we can't trust him until he cleans his backyard

I can tell you I've only been "redpilled" for a few years, and he's contributed to a lot of it, but not once have I ever fucked a black girl, yellow girl or a jewish girl. The worst I've done is bang a half-brazilian chick one time.

RIR? Yeah, and a hell of a lot of other groups and figures. Plenty of normies are getting redpilled by alt right/alt lite folks, a lot of them probably never even heard of Enoch or TRS.

TRS is the least among them all.

M8 I don't have the link. I am 100% sure it was Sven.

Sven and his wife are a bit..........sketchy.

Completely different class of people than Mike Enoch and his jew wife

>you know she will initiate if he gets fired from his job anyway

Pretty sure that is done

A quarter jew brings down the biggest right wing podcast network because we are so fucking paranoid about jews

Really makes me think.

TRS was one of the largest. It was the second biggest alt-right site after The Daily Stormer. This is a huge torpedo.

I do. If it's true that his wife is a mischling

Then he still either promises he won't have kids or else divorce.

What exactly did Enoch accomplish? Alex Jones did 1000x more to get Trump elected. Even stromfront were critical of him.

No faggot you're making the accusation. YOU are responsible for proof

I don't, kike wife aside the whole "do as I say, not as I do" preaching has been uncovered.

>quarter jew

There's that lie again.

>Zero credibility

He did nothing wrong, leaf.

Mike's wife's extra-Jewy social media accounts we're a psy-op to throw the media & antifa off his ID trail. When the normie media canvassed his ID, as he alluded was happening, they'd find his wifes super-Jew accounts as say "this can't be the guy"

>One weird trick not to get doxed by the media
>Pretend your wife is a super-Jew
Only problem is we (chans) are too autistic to see this as something incongruent, and instead of saying "we must have the wrong guy", we say "the Jews have outdone themselves with this conspiracy" and wrongly assume the worst.

They were created with a purpose: to fool people as to Mike's identity. She's not a real super-Jew, she was only pretending to be one to trick antifa & the media and throw them off the dox scent.

Fuck off spencer shill. I wouldnt be suprised if he had a hand in this.
>sets up a new alt right site just as trs dies
Pure coincidence

This was always escapism for him. He was on twitter making fun of fat people, pretending to be some sort of Aryan Ubermensch. He's a sad little man who couldn't face reality, that's all.

I support him killing himself.

>lesbian mother

what the fuck man

It isn't a torpedo if the head of the whole thing is secretly living a lie.

Others will move in to fill the void. It will happen soon.

Enoch did nothing wrong.

Oh yeah dude all those angry white people are just going to become libertarians again

Give me a fucking break kid. go to bed

He's a hero because he got caught.
I like people who weren't caught.

"You win. I'm here to shill for shekels."

Sven said it. He is just remembering it wrong.

Jesus Christ my parents house has that same material on the railing, same fucking color too.

Punished Mike shall return

Fuck this "b-but he did so much for the movement!" shit. Conviction and integrity of a mvoement matter. If we can't even have our members adhere to basic fucking shit like the 14 words instead of racemixing, then we are doomed from the start. There needs to be discipline. It's not even about Mike himself. It's about demonstrating conviction. You can't make exceptions just because you like and know a guy. Racemixers can't be given positions of influence within this thing. He was right to take a hike.

And you people that think having good contributions makes you immune from the basic rules of white nationalism... are we operating on a point system or something now? If I get 20k listens, I'm allowed to be a faggot and still allowed in as a national socialist? If I get 50k listens, I'm allowed to date a hispanic girl? If I get 100k listens, I can have a jew wife and mischling kids and still be allowed as a national socialist? If I get 200k listens, I can be an orthodox rabbi with a mulatto son and still be considered a national socialist?

Are we really going to go there? Are we going to start making exceptions left and right just because muh viewcount, muh influence? A movement built on a foundation of sand is destined to crumble. I'm not talking about autistically strict bullshit rules. I'm talking about basic shit like "don't be a fucking racemixer, have white children"

I mean... That would explain this. I forgot about this when I was trying to convince people that she was a closet racist.

Trump isn't the goal, Trump is an actor in the goal of convincing white people to wake the fuck up and protect their racial interests.

TRS was a huge force for that. The meme machine was funny as hell, it's what got me into this in the first place. Now it's gone. People are going to flood back to Jones and Milo and Cernovich and all these other faggots who don't actually care about the white race at all, they're just in it to sell books and piss off SJWs.

Well that's great and all but it isn't going to fix the demographic problem. We're completely fucked.

I'm not entirely disagreeing here something does feel a bit odd. But Mike did in fact drop a metric fuck ton of hardcore rhetoric and truth bombs and to deny that as helping our movement is ignorant.

are you new here?

im a dataminer for at least a decade now

i collected data on everyone and everything in every online "community" iv been part of

Jew women have big tits. Also just cuz you're sticking it in some Jew doesn't mean you like them. Nerd Virgins from Antifachan wouldn't understand.

Nope, I'm pretty much right. Either they build another TRS (which I'm sure your 8gag friends will just destroy again) or there's pretty much nobody left to follow except alt-lite cucks.

Enoch is the one just in it to make shekels. You're indicating that nobody else on earth exists to care about the white race? What the fuck are you smoking? Jones my ass.

Fuck you, you got Trump's kike dick in your mouth, bitch.


His only option is to an hero himself.....

That is why Ghoul is such an edgelord. Or rather why he larps as one online.

His moms are total shitlibs too. One of them was all "You go girl" on Faceberg regarding meryl streep's fucking speech the other day.

I hope so, user. Movements are defined just as much by personalities as by ideas. I've associated the alt-right with Enoch, Bulby, Sven, etc. far more than I ever have with Spencer or Taylor. I even remember the olden days when they used to pal around with Ryan Faulk and Sean Last and argue autistic libertarian shit and trigger internet atheists with race stuff.

I don't want the community to die and I hope they'll weather the storm.

I don't think those who are hip to race realism and the JQ will suddenly drop their beliefs, as once you swallow the red pill, you can't go back. The problem is that the conveyor belt that transforms Normies into nazis is now incredibly damaged, with the alt-lite counter signaling us and the middle group (TRS) heavily damaged.

>The new narrative is this was all just cover for his wife engineered when the doxxers were closing in.
And people believe this?

>Only truth is probably that his wife is a quarter Jewish.
Yeah right. She looks jewish, has a jewish surname, acts jewish, identifies as jewish, is the president of a jewish organization, and does stereotypically subversive marxist shit. She's a full blood jew. Not some poor mischling that just has some bad blood from a grandfather somewhere.

>14 words

You every drop fags need to step back and realize first of all

This happened

Second of all, you have a finite amount supporters in the world. It would be a shame to leave out the Italians just because of their semi moorish ancestor.

It's highly likely this massive purge is going to leave 1000's of young men cut off from life.

I'm sure many were sure that many alt-right ideas were becoming normalised and sooner or later they wont be alienated for "just calling them niggers.' Either they will just tune out, listen to inforwars or bluepill themselves OR we might have some more Dylan Roofs

Here's an F for Fuck Mike Enoch and Fuck White People.

Everything I'm seeing right now confirms that I'm right. The alt-right is committing suicide right in front of me for nothing. Over nothing. I'm just done with this shit dude. If we're going to eat each other what's the fucking point?

It's consistent with Mike's behavior and actually makes sense, so yes.

It's extremely believable.

t. commie shit doing damage control

The fat fuck got cucked.

Makes me comfy because I ever really liked his attitude on TDS.

I do, too. People act like the Jews are out to get us, the same way niggers think whitey is out to get them. Some are, most aren't. And just like niggers depending on like-minded whites to save their movements, we whites are bound to depend on sympathetic Jews to grow our movement. Way of the world guys.

Literally fucking everyone supports him. No sane person looks at the contributions that he or TRS has made and says something stupid like "wow it was all a sham!" "controlled opposition!" "WTF i hate mike now!"

This whole doxxing shit has been antifascists puppeteering cripplechan schizoids the whole time. There are a bunch of obvious shills in this thread doing FUD.

So he married a signally Jewess ten years ago? Were YOU red-pilled 10 years ago? Have YOU taken the risks Mike has for the cause? Anyone trying to cash in with the (((antifa))) and (((media))) now has a special cuck corner in hell reserved for them.