Mfw I'm getting $1700 back in taxes

>mfw I'm getting $1700 back in taxes

Other urls found in this thread:

>He gives the government an interest free loan

>Happy that you're getting money back in taxes

You do know that they tax it when you pay into it, then tax it before they give it back to you, right?

If you were actually smart with your finances you would pay the exact amount and get $0 back in taxes.

>your face when you almost forget that taxes are theft

Pretty much this, you ideally don't want to get any money back otherwise you just let the government hold onto it without any interest occurring.


Don't worry, the government will get it back eventually by taxing everything you buy.

>make less than 25k
>won't have to pay any federal taxes this year

feels good

I'm also getting 1300 back

haha poorfag

Poor fag

>im getting about 1200.
Feels fucking good

I'm a jewish poor fag

if you saw how I lived, the car I drive, etc you would think I'm middle class.


They took your money and yo got nothing for it for a whole year.

if you're getting money back you did your w-2 wrong.

it will never stop being funny hearing idiots think they're smart for getting money back

>celebrating because the government took off too much in taxes so you're getting your own money back... money that you never owed them... money they were never entitled to keep from you

can you be any more bluepilled?

That's actually a bad thing. You've essentially given the government an interest free $1700 loan. You should stay near $0 on your tax return or owe a little.

Fucking idiot wow you gave the IRS a free loan. You should be so excited. It was all your money in the first place you fucking idiot.

That says a lot about your income.

Please tell me where I'm wrong.
You only get tax returns because you paid the government in taxes that you didn't have to.
If you knew exactly what you had to pay you would get 0$ back.

I always tell people who claim a big refund this.
It's fucking stupid to withhold more than you need to.


Wtf im getting 10k back

>Get robbed
>Robber returns some of the money


that part is correct

the double dipping thing isnt

>wow I have to work extra to get money back because the Jews keep stealing money from me and I have to proof it to get some of it back

Defininition of a cuck

There are a few cases where getting a large tax return will happen regardless of your withholding. Like if you donated a large sum of money to a charity or if you bought an electric car that qualified for the tax credit.

Or you have a kid. I get $5k every year for my daughter.

>Trump relieves me of federal taxes
>State raises minimum wage

wow it's fucking nothing

There's a tick-box you can check when doing your taxes called "Dependents" so you don't have to give the government an interest-free loan for your kid

even hans is calling you a cuck, I'd give up if I were you.

user are you retarded

So would it be smart to update my W2 and claim myself this year?? I expect on getting $1600 back.

It would be smart to adjust your withholdings so you get as small as a return as possible.

You should ALWAYS keep your W2 and tax information up-to-date. If you're getting money back in taxes that means YOU fucked up and gave the government a free loan.

>what is a child tax credit

he's proud of himself, like it benifited society. It never occurred to him that he was on ball-sucking avenue

I claim 1 allowance, so I should be claiming 2? I'm getting money back this year so correct me if I'm wrong.

>paying taxes to Obama

You faggots.

>What is child tax credit
>What is earned income credit
I claim her as a dependent so I don't pay out as much and then I get a refund.

I don't know your full information, nor do I want to, nor should you post it on Sup Forums. Take it to a tax expert to see what you're doing wrong so you don't give the government an interest free loan which "may" get back to you at the end of the year

If you're single and nobody else is claiming you as a dependent then you should claim 2.

Read your W-4 next time dumbass

Every time I've brought this up, they always laugh and say "well, I'd have just spent it if I had it. At least this way I have something!"

Poor people are poor for a reason.

>"well, I'd have just spent it if I had it. At least this way I have something!"

I hate family guy but they had a pretty good clip on it.

Thanks bud, I'll submit the revision next week!

Muh free loan. This is one of those old chestnut pieces of financial advice that doesn't always make sense given changing economic conditions.

For example for the last couple years I've claimed 0 exemptions and received 1k back from the feds. I'm not loaning them 1k at the start of the fiscal year and then getting it back at the end. I am loaning them $38.5 dollars 26 times per year (because I am paid biweekly) and then getting back the sum at the end.

I could have invested that 1k at the start of the year in an instrument that gives me say, 2% APY (because interest rates are shit) I could have made 20 bucks, right? Wrong. I accumulated that 1k over the course of the entire year incrementally $38.5 at a time, not once at the start of the year. So even if I invested that $38.5 every two weeks at 2% APY I wouldn't end up with 20 dollars at the end of the calendar year because the full 1k wasn't sitting in the interest bearing instrument from day one. My real return would be much lower, I'm not calculating it right now because I'm drunk, but my guess is that it would be around 7 dollars. Wow, 7 dollars.

The point is, for small sums, the potential return is so inconsequential that I refer to have this little cash windfall once per year, muh free loan is gay shit and one parking ticket would wipe out any gain from your 1k the taxman held but you fags aren't nearly as assburgers autistic about that are you? Don't order dominos every night of your life and cook at home a couple times per year and you accomplished the same thing as "not giving muh free loan" you stupid fucking neckbeard faggots who don't know shit about finance. Fuck yourselves faggots.

Increasing your number of exemptions makes sense if the alternative means a tax refund of at least a few thousand, but $1700? Get real you fucking FAGS.

Based Johan

One of the few good things to come out of Sweden

I'm hoping I get some back this year. I'm single and withheld at a higher rate and didn't claim any exemptions so I know I paid an assload.

>tfw always end up paying 600/yr cuz of massive witholdings
get on my level

> short term capital gains
No return for me kiddos too much sick gainz

This guy is seriously passionate about finance

getting back more than i paid

>claim 9 exemptions
>2 kids
>married filing jointly
>put in my income (41k)
>put in 2 kids SSNs
>5,129 back federal return
>put wifes w2 in from her part time job
>she made 12,000
>return goes down to $2,900

which is fine because i only paid $189 federal tax all year due to claiming 9 exemptions

have kids faggots.

ITT: employees who are classically conditioned to enjoy tax season because the people who give them jobs are hamstrung by stupid withholding rules.

It's psychology. When people are conditioned to enjoy it, it's easier to jack up taxes.

They raise taxes on a tiny fraction of the population at a time, such as employers. Nobody else cares because hey it only affects other people, right?

Can't corner the Dorner

Fucked up the screengrab

>be me
>4 children
>getting 7200 back in taxes
>0 of which is going to gifts for my children/family

>you take a loan
>they charge fees and interest

>government loans money from you
>offers no compensation

bullshite i tell you, not to mention that refund is a year later, which will have a higher inflation rate, last year canadas was 1.2%, which means when the cunts gave MY money back to me, it was worth 1.2% less, average of course.

having rock solid taxes means owing nothing, and receiving nothing.

That's another good point: nobody is self-employed anymore. Although in construction, many people file 1040 to avoid becoming employees. There's so much regulation and taxation around full time employees that people have to file as self-employed if they want to have a job at all.

I guess I should play this game.