Our guy edition
/frpol/ Revival Thread
He's basically Hollande why would the French people elect him
A foreigner becoming French President Wew lad
Spain is rightful French clay
Didn't this retard say France mutual deal with terrorism
Damn autocorrect *must
Hollande could have been reelected if it was Sarkozy and Le Pen
Nah Hollande sealed his fate with the labor reforms and the trying to strip terrorist French citizenship
Yes France is so cucked that stripping Terrorist citizenship is considered to be Fascist
All exiled Spanish Republicans went to France
How come French presidential candidates are so damn handsome in this election?
Well he is a Spanish Commie you could do worse
Fuck this guy. Marine for the win.
yeah no, he's a liberal-socialist.
Why do Spain and France love each other dare I say greatest ally?
Invades Spain and cause the lost of the America's as an effect
Greatest Ally indeed
Because of /Latin/
I'm pretty sure it's Italy that's Spain's greatest ally
France is Algerian
Daily Reminder that leafs killed fr/pol/ with the Francois Fillion shilling and diversion threads
The eternal leaf strikes again
I'm sure it will pick up back in May
There isn't a huge French community on Sup Forums
/fr/ on Sup Forums is based
Can't save France
It's night time in France of course their aren't any Frogs awake
This fag is still awake
NEET or proxy
Both are Catholic nations
Praise Kek
Leafs at it again
El Blancos became french at 20y old and is “eternally tied” to Israel.
France gave this spanish half retard everything and he thanks Israel for it.
Only in France.
Quand meme !
They're the dumbest. None of them contributes anything to society and enjoy being subhuman neckbeard fatass neets. The opposite of what any true White should aim for.
This guy is a pro-muslim piece of shit
Still awake and I'm working in a few hours... Should go to sleep...
Of course not. You'll end up in a worse state than if you didn't sleep at all. + the risk of not waking up
You must be fucking blind, then
It's 3:20 AM in France
Styx is planning to amp up his European coverage are Frogs subscribed
baked brie?
Is the legacy media dying in France?
RT is pretty big in France better than MSNBC ×10 they have over at France they refuse to put poll numbers
No its Muslim Dicksucking like the rest of France
Femen is based in Paris
Still less than hispanics or niggers in America, and you guys still managed to elect Trump. Whites also tend to be uncucked and right leaning. The muslim problem is our biggest problem by now.
kek i should go to sleep.
>30% in every major city
Makes you think
Turks are White in France I'm not even joking their considered European there
Fuck off Achmed
France is countryside based though. Paris is the biggest city and only make like 3% of the population.
not an argument
Turks are a small minority though
Marseille says hello with a range between 25 to 45%
Turks are okay so long as their not from inland and from the Coastal Cities
Most Turks from France are from Germany
Fuck off
this (((catalan))) nigger isn't our guy
>Turks are White in France
It is you cucks who consider anything light brown white :)
Marseille is the worst city, and has only like 800 000 inhabitants. Litterally nothing.
Most people are though or fedora
France is the next America
Lyon, Roubaix, Marseille, and the Whole Parisian region are niggerized.
And the North East and South Est is in it's way to also become a part of Niggeristan, only West France can be saved but we must secede and form a Catholic State.
Country of cuckolds.
West are hardcore socialists. Also seceding would end up in a disaster. There is no retreating into some safe zone, the whole of France has to be saved or it will not.
>West France can be saved
>Bretagne, being the whitest part of the country, is one of the most leftist region
Pick one
Bretons are socialists because the socialists defend their interests, just like the Basques and the Corsicans.
And desu
Only the Bretons, the Basques, the Corsicans, the Alsatians, and the Vendéens conserved their identity, other French are merely americanized atheist cucks and their region are filled with niggers and sandniggers, they're doomed.
pick one