What's up with liberals' obsession with nudity and sexual liberation? It all seems plain idiotic but I can't quite express it in words.
What's up with liberals' obsession with nudity and sexual liberation...
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damn rly make u fink
too much decadence.
Bolshevism 2.0
If I looked like these lads I'd keep my clothes on at all times.
Chick would get it.
Complete lack of personality so they have to over compensate
this, they do it because shock value
the shock has already faded, they do it out of neo-tradition now I think
only reasonable answer itt
I don't know but I'd fuck her can someone post more of these
and what's up with right wingers' obsession of racism and racial supremacy? It all seems plain idiotic, but I can't quite express it in worlds.
holy shit that girl has such a nice body
>Liberal brings up racism even though it's not the topic
>Claims other people have an obsession with it
Well since our nigger mods deleted my thread, I'll just post this here because it's related anyways:
I've been doing internet dating for like 6 years now, since my only relationship ended and I decided to do everything possible to ensure the next one lasts.
>found a red-pilled qt on OKCupid this afternoon
>message her about the 2nd Amendment since it's in her profile
>proceed to banter and she seems really fucking cool
>she sees on my profile that I'm not going to sleep with a girl who has a number higher than 1 (ideally want a virgin but I had 1 so I won't be hypocritical)
>she admits that she's not in that category and that I probably wouldn't want her
>agree and go my own way, no second thought despite her really being a catch in every other capacity
>she revisits my profile and disappears
>have to assume I made her feel like shit
Just doing my part to make society better. This is a long term game. You're welcome.
nothing wrong with nudity
fashion is a jewish invention
It's art, OP. No surprise such a primitive fascist like you can't understand it.
You probably fucked up dumbass. Honestly how many relationships have you been in? How old are you and her? If you guys are over 25 and you still have that rule you're being a bastard. Over 21 and you're still being a little bitch.
Because they think everyone has no job and no time and no morals like they do
>getting mad about having a lack of self control
Age has nothing to do with judgment.
Fucking degenerates. Sex before marriage is indefensible.
How many women have you fucked?
>what's up with every major city being a weimar replica?
Did you read the post? I said 1 and it was 6 years ago.
I would agree with the attention aspect of this behavior. But, I have to give them credit for getting that hot chick to disrobe. Jesus.
And yea, age does have something to do with it. How old are you, seriously. If you are anywhere near 30 you need a wake up call, and she deserves better than you anyway.
It's not a liberal thing, it's a human thing you dumb fat virgin.
Let me guess, it's been six years because you have "self control" right?
In their minds, they are pushing boundaries. What they don't realize is that some boundaries are good for you.
Bro, you're gay. We get it. We get how gay you are and that you're not willing to admit it.
>ignoring statistics on promiscuity
>she deserves better
Great argument, nigger.
I know an orgy when I see one.
If I have to claim these people you have to claim the Westboro Baptist church as conservatives.
Fuck, that girl in the first half had a great rack.
thank you friend
The thing I've noticed about this topic is how angry normies who think only with their dick get when they are confronted with the realization that someone else out there is doing what they wish they had the mental ability to handle. Pretty funny watching you all squirm and that wasn't the point of posting. Always seems to get this reaction though. Maybe you guys just lack self esteem. Hitting home?
They listened to Jews advice on art and expression.
This guy gets it.
>It's not a liberal thing, it's a human thing
>my long post says why Ur a suck
We get it, you vape
God her tits are perfect
I don't vape. Vaping is for faggots who need to feel something physical between their lips at all times because they wish it was a cock.
That's next level retarded, I'm glad the mods are deleting your retarded shit
Categorization and prioritization are key components of organization which is the number one sign of intelligence.
So according to you, you spent six years without getting your dick wet due to "self control". It's funny watching you try so hard to convince yourself that is the reason you didn't get laid. Whatever helps you sleep at night.
You're not going to find another moderately attractive female if she is over 25 that meets that criteria though.
Having sex with a girl who has been filled up with all kinds of other dudes is maximally gay. I hope you know that. It doesn't matter how great you think she is. She's damaged goods.
Even if you're right and it never happens, at least I can keep my dignity. I'll just adopt a cutie one day, raise her to be super conservative and right-wing, and mold her into my own future wife. You can enjoy your AIDS-ridden whores, broski. I'm not jealous at all.
I almost wouldn't mind being a liberal if it meant that I could participate in daily orgies
then again, I have no idea how I'll be able to pull off the mental gymnastics required
Libido dominandi
Dude, you're hilariously insecure.
I hope you grow up and change your perspective, I'm having fun harping on you but I'd rather see you be happy. You need to be told these things for your own good.
that girl has a fucking rocking body
Don't worry user i respect that. I'm doing my part in weeding out the whores.
So when you're 50 you want to find an 18 year old or something like that? You see, THAT is fucking degenerate.
This is either abstractly done in the moment, or these fuckers rehersed over and over again. Either way they are slightly more fucked in the head comparitive to your average upright walking mammal.
>says he's only been with 1 girl
>probably actually only ever got a handjob from a hooker
>thinks he's hot shit for turning down a landwhale slut
>Age gaps common throughout most of western history
>sexual promiscuity demonstrably and objectively horrible
You're fucking retarded user. Why do morons like you ignore data over and over, and throw up bullshit arguments about "insecurity" "virginity" or "you're not a virgin why do you want one?!"
I get it, you're dating a whore. Kick her to the curb and find a better one.
It's unfortunate that there aren't more guys willing to put their foot down but that's just the state of the world. It'll make it all worthwhile when our gambles all pay off. Best of luck, man.
It was a joke to piss you off. I know how badly you want me to say that you're right and I'd be at a dead end but there's always another route. Would I do that if I get to 40 with no success and am starting to get crazy-bitter about the lack of decent women? Hell, maybe. It's not something I ever really considered though. It's still less degenerate than what you're arguing for and I'd certainly do that than fail to reproduce so suck my cock. Also, this post () looks like one huge projection to me. I don't feel badly for you though. You are making your own choices.
Liberals got tired of arguing and fighting for a better economy and shit like unions so they made a deal with the kikes not to talk about it any more: "Give us unlimited sexual perversion and degeneracy and in return we won't pay attention to you jews trying to wreck the economy"
Sexual liberty is a tool to control the youth. It's a modern bread and circus.
Yes it CERTAINLY is! Remember perversion and porn ARE political weapons.
They have no talents and are not interesting people, so they rely on shock value for attention.
They think they're still fighting the religious right
Yea that was fucking stupid
>being a retard
>blames mods
yes THANK you for pointing that OUT
nice fanfiction
Dont worry about them. Thats all a Liberal wants to do.
Make the rest of the world as damaged as they are so they dont have to feel bad about being damaged.
>What's up with liberals' obsession with nudity and sexual liberation?
nigga fuck you for even trying to put me in same camp as to what amount to fucking modern day dirty ass hippies. Those fags are more akin to the fucking dirty fucking hippy than even the most obnoxious of liberals.
If the term weren't dead and if popular culture had not given it the shit about peace and love being what hippys were all about then the distinction would be a hell of lot fucking easier to do and they would not be lumped in with shit barely similar to what they are.
Fuckers like that want to "save the world" and make it a better place for all and free expresion and shit but all they fucking do is get irresponsibly high to the point that thier fagity ass ideas like rolling around naked in public with each other are the best though ultimately meaningless shit they can come up with due to have fucking ignorant they are.
Like shit man even I as a liberal understand that while force ,in its many and varied forms and not just outright violence, more often than not is the last thing i want to genuinely use that some times its the best and only thing some cunts will listen or pay any head to and is the only thing that can keep some assholes in line. While rolling around like fags in some dirty as fucking hippy love pile will do fucking nothing but get everyone around them to just fucking look down on them like the dumb sheltered fucks they are.
haha wait are their fingers in each others assholes??
Exactly. It's up to each of us to try to be the best person we can be regardless of what is happening around us. The Left will never understand that. They think morality comes from a popularity contest.
Don't care. Chick has a smoking body tho. Would fuck her twice.
I'm with the love of my life, seven years in, and if I had made her meet your ridiculous criteria I would not be with her.
I understand why you wouldn't want someone who has had a bunch of one night stands and shit, but if she has had a couple of serious relationships? That's very different. You could have just blown off your match, you should give her a chance.
They dont believe in morality at all. Its what causes this, moral relativism.
Like you even said you arent asking for anything from a woman that you didnt do yourself (ie 1 partner). You arent being unreasonable.
But they think they are entitled to all of their wishes regardless of their own decisions.
so much this, every time you talk to a liberal THEY bring up race, and claim that right wingers are the racists, never even see the hypocrisy
that girl has a FAT ASS
Well if youre happy than thats all that matters right?! There is no such thing as objective good or standards!
If youre having a good time than its a good thing! ......yay?
>i can keep my dignity
dignity is settling down with a faithful wife anything else is compromise
Monkeys don't like to wear clothes.
Sex is a powerful agent, libido can either be regulated to maintain social mores and the primary institutions of society like the family, or it can be unleashed in a torrent of uncontrolled degeneracy that manifests in shit like pride parades, a semi-pornographic media, and rampant promiscuity to destroy the very foundations of society. The latter unfortunately is occurring.
What better thing has a moderate-or-better looking liberal woman ever done than get naked in public to protest something? I'll support a cause just to have one protest against me...
You'll find that it's the conservative WOWSERs which are actually obsessed with nudity and sex. They are constantly up in arms about it and can't shut up telling other people what they can and can't do.
It's cultural Marxism and an attempt to undermine the family structure.
Basically, the Frankfurt School was to undermine the Judaeo-Christian legacy. They called for the most negative destructive criticism possible of every sphere of life to de-stabilize society and destroy what they saw as the 'oppressive' order.
They hoped their policies would spread like a virus--'continuing the work of the Western Marxists by other means' as one of their members noted.
To further the advance of their 'quiet' cultural revolution - but giving us no idea about their plans for the future - the School recommended (among other things):
1. The creation of racism offences.
2. Continual change to create confusion
3. The teaching of sex and homosexuality to children
4. The undermining of schools' and teachers' authority
5. Huge immigration to destroy identity.
6. The promotion of excessive drinking
7. Emptying of churches
8. An unreliable legal system with bias against victims of crime
9. Creating dependency on the state or state benefits
10. Control and dumbing down of media
11. Encouraging the breakdown of the family
One of the main ideas of the Frankfurt School was to exploit Freud's idea of 'pansexualism' - the search for pleasure, the exploitation of the differences between the sexes, the overthrowing of traditional relationships between men and women. To further their aims they would:
• attack the authority of the father, deny the specific roles of father and mother, and wrest away from families their rights as primary educators of their children.
• abolish differences in the education of boys and girls
• abolish all forms of male dominance - hence the presence of women in the armed forces
• declare women to be an 'oppressed class' and men oppressors
They're shoving their fingers into each other's buttholes and running naked in a circle.
>Modern art
Sex before marriage is degenerate even if it with the woman you will marry?
I've been with my missus for over a decade, we've never been with anyone else sexually and are only beginning to consider marriage now. Are really telling me that we are degenerate (albeit low tiered degenerates) because we have sex without getting a piece of paper signed and the blessing of a bloke in robes?
That's clearly why people always get ultra-pissed in these threads when this concept comes up. They would rather attack you than accept that maybe they've made a mistake or two that they can't undo. That's really the point of all of this talk, to show people that there are things in life that you cannot come back from so the only way to live regret-free is to develop foresight. People who live the YOLO life are fucking retarded.
Good for you but not all of us are willing to just pretend the past never happened. If you're happy then that's all that matters, just like user said. Wouldn't switch shoes though. I'd rather be alone than settle but of course your definition of "settling" doesn't mean what it does to me so good for you.
That's why I said it's either the waiting game or some kind of crazy "raise your own wife" scenario like was mentioned before. It'd be fucking weird but better than not reproducing or settling for a fucking whore.
Yes....But I mean its not like that means you arent allowed to get married now or that you should be hanged or someshit.
Why is it so fucking hard for you fucks to admit you made a mistake. Its not the end of the world everyone does it. Nobody is suggesting you be punished for it. Just stop pretending it wasnt a mistake so that people who dont get lucky and have everything still work out like you did wont think they can do it too and things will just work out for them.
i don't get it. . .
Because it's "rebellious" without risk.
EMJ theorizes it's a form of political control.
"A man has as many masters as he does vices."
I do genuinely get where you are coming from but its just describing me as degenerate when I am anything but degenerate. Like I didn't even have sex until I was 20 and going out with my girlfriend for about 4 or 5 months.
I never felt like a desperate virgin because I wasn't fat or ugly and never lacked the opportunity to get laid. It was just my friends had been having sex from the ages 16/17 upwards and I saw how they would share the same women over the course of time. It was disgusting and I swore that I would never end up in a relationship with a whore who had been used as a cumbucket at any stage of her life.
The only reason myself and my girlfriend aren't married or have children yet is because we were waiting for her to finish her PhD. Now that its over we are planning things out properly, especially regarding having the kids because time is ticking along for her now that she is 28.
I'm not trying to bore you with a life story here but I'm just making the point that you don't need a marriage certificate and the blessing of a man from the church to lead a happy, wholesome and civilised life.
They're R selected.
You're a degenerate because you committed a degenerate act and refuse to admit it was wrong. If you just did it and said "Shit I shouldn't have done that" than it would just be a degenerate act and not an indicator of you as a person. But because you don't think it is something wrong that is indicative of you as a person, thus making you a degenerate.
> I'm just making the point that you don't need a marriage certificate and the blessing of a man from the church to lead a happy, wholesome and civilised life.
Ya and? Was this even up for debate? The point of the infograph you quoted was to show what happens on average not what happens every time.
Its like you're telling me a story about how you ran into traffic to get somewhere faster and didn't get hit by a car therefor you don't actually need to use crosswalks and you shouldn't be considered a criminal. But doing that is dangerous and is against the law and you shouldn't be pretending that just going to the crosswalk isn't the better thing to do 99% of the time.
m8, I'm really just talking about life-partnership. If you know you're not leaving her, then have at it.
Im 28 and what is this?