Why is healthcare so EXPENSIVE in the USA? why we cant import cheaper life saving drugs from Canada? Bernie Sanders launched a bill to allow just that and even the Republicans liked it. Guess who stopped it? PHARMA SHILL DEMOCRATS


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Leaf prescriptions are almost as expensive as you burgers. We can see a doctor, but many can't afford the meds needed to fix the problem that was found by the doctor.

Meds are paid for by provincial health care.
What are you talking about?

If you are below a certain income bracket, yes.

And also depending on your province

An epipen in USA costs $600

In canada? $100.

This is just one of many examples. You guys have a system in place that doesnt allow big pharma to rape the sick

Forgot link


Capitalism and healthcare dont go well together. Making profit from the sick was always going to end badly.

The whole reason the US is so disproportionately ahead of the rest of the world in medical/pharmaceutical research is because they're allowed more direct profit from their work. If we adopted the types of systems other countries had the cost of everything would be much cheaper but progress would either slow down in the arena drastically or outsource to China or some other country which didn't give a shit about anything other than tax revenue.
We're basically caught between a Sword of Damocles because to the government the massive increased tax revenue brought about by these industries is more important than the health and affordability of livelihood of the general populace.

>implying the extra cost is going towarda R&D and not useless purchases like a lost Wu Tang Clan album

> t. somebody who knows nothing about pharmaceutical or medical industries or the absolutely massive costs and research involved therein

>Falling for the Pill Jew

Fuck your research. Give medicines to the poor

>An epipen in USA costs your insurance company $600
>if you're an uninsured poorfag fucker you can get them for free

Why do you lying jews keep coming here?

It's just like getting assistance in the US then. If you're $2 over the earning limit then you're fucked.

Who the hell is even a sick person? I've never seen a doctor in my adult life and I haven't costed the system a penny. I hear of sick people or medicine and stuff...who are these weaklings? Damn. I agree with socialized healthcare so that women can have what they need to have children/families- NOT so weak faggots can keep being weak faggots.

Literally the entire rest of the world benefits because of the research done in the US. Learn fucking something about business or the massive capital costs and externalities required to get any of that stuff done before just spouting off platitudes.

Since when was US Healthcare better than Germany?

also seeing a doctor takes forever

Did you read his post?

>Why is healthcare so EXPENSIVE in the USA?

greed is the main reason but it's also now damn near impossible for you to change the system. the high fees are supported by insurance and you can't really just go without insurance or you risk losing everything including your life. as long as insurance exists hospitals, doctors ect can just charge whatever the fuck they want

the only possible way you could change it would be for the government to heavily regulate everything like Canada but good luck doing that. you'll just have doctors and such go on strike and you'll have the billionaire hospital CEOs and the insurance companies bribing everyone they can find

Damn, why isn't this guy the star of the show?

Instead it's some fat fuck with a temper, and some bimbo skank, a jew freak, and some spitter

This is bullshit.
I fucking hate you people.


According to a press statement from CVS, which has 9,600 pharmacies spread across the US, their version of the Epipen will cost $109.99 for a two-pack, so $55 each.

Why can't you dumb burgers put price caps on lifesaving medication yourselves instead of having to buy ours or spread out the 10000% overpriced pills across your entire taxbase

Going to a doctor for anything except surgery or emergencies is nigger tier behavior. You should know how to fix yourself with herbs or tonics.

Statistically, it's more expensive in the USA.

Statistically, you're a delusional faggot.


>Prior to 2016, the longest recorded median wait time was in 2011, at 19 weeks.

Stop pretending your system is super good.

Can you read?

Someone still has to pay those 600 USD. If uninsured people get them for free then it's the taxpayers who pay for them. Would you rather tax payers pay 600 USD or 100 USD per epipen?

I work for a pharmaceutical company, and the American market is by far the most important one because they pay such outrageous prices for stuff.

Then there wouldn't be novel life-saving medications. Company's wouldn't invest tens of billions if they knew they knew their "life-saving" medication would be capped and they wouldn't break even on investment.

2020 presidential nominee Cory Booker opposed it because he actually is financed by big pharma

Haven't been to the hospital since I was 5 getting my tonsils taken out. Haven't had a physical for 5 years, and I take daily allergy medications which I pay out of pocket since pharms are (one of the) only medical service not subsidized by tax payers. Oh and I work in a pharmacy and have the pleasure to see where my tax money is going --
to the degenerate, low-income, obese, smoke-breathing, entitled single mothers.

Oh I see you've taken the Shkreli-pill.

you idiots are about to phase out immunization so we will now be paying more for vaccines. I feel like we should just outsource med production to the cartels in mexico now. At least they put their products out there for a fair price unlike these assholes charging $1000 for a pill. Plus they have the manpower, government support, and know how to get this done efficiently. Plus if Javier fucks up in the lab, he will end up in pieces on the side of the road so you know there's gonna be quality control.


because if it were cheap, that would mean you would have like 20% taxes on income and bought products and the services would be absolutely abhorrent
also forget ever trying to run a business, if you ever try to be successful the state would just take 60% of your profts

Open your eyes for once; what does that have to with expense?

Are you implying that Shkreli is wrong or not knowledgeable about this area? What the fuck do you even know about it? Memes aside, and all of the shit spread about him aside, the dude has shown himself to be at the very least capable and knowledgeable within this arena, much moreso than you ever will.

because we actually want to save them and not put them on a list to be save.