Day of the rake

What is taking so long for the day of the rake.
I cant fucking wait any longer.
We must remove the leaf to make our people healthy again.

>It is time
>Ban The CanCuck

American Chads require living space and parking lots get cracking


Day of the rake soon, don't worry.

It comes. If digits, Kek wills it this year.

Ur welcome for making this place semi enjoyable.

Nope. Maybe next year.

Watch your back or we'll rake your ass

Jesus fucking christ i want upside down leafs for anyone east of Alberta

frig off

Back up before you get smacked up

This is the first decent leaf post I've seen in about 4 months. You redeem your country.

When will you racist right wingers wil learn that tolerance and love beats hate?


how about never you fucking faggot lol xp


If you rake us, we win.


Haven't you heard? If you rake us, we win.


>American Chads

45% non-white. Remaining "white" population is a hybrid of European/Indian/Mexican mutts.

Congrats on electing a nigger-loving, fag-loving, centrist who promises to not send back the 30+ million "non-criminal" illegals, Chad.

What's wrong with Canada?

>if you let 1,400 of your youth get raped, you win


Don't worry eh.
It's a part of all those memetic spyops.
I think we are winning bro'.


shitposting is so much fun
do not forget your sage

The difference between me and you is that I know my country is a leftist hellhole.

Right-Wing Canadians in Alberta, Saskatchewan, Central BC, Southern Ontario, and Eastern Quebec know that we are in the minority.

You watch the Mexicans and Niggers commit demographic genocide on you and just keep blurting out "USA! WE'RE #1! LAND OF THE FREE!" with your head in the sand.

When are they going to admit this is Castros kid?

We elected Trump.

>Right-Wing Canadians in Alberta, Saskatchewan, Central BC, Southern Ontario, and Eastern Quebec know that we are in the minority.
Are you? They told us the same thing. Quit being such a faggot and find a candidate you can get behind.
Get to work faggot





LOL so fucking true


The leaf is WEAK

Don't forget to give your dog full blown AIDS faggot.


holy autism

HEY saskfag here and most of us are not liberals. Although I want to move to Calgary one day because it's the only CITY in Canada that is actually conservative.

At least in Canada we dont have a mass shooting per week.


>We elected Trump

Donald "Only deporting the criminals" Trump?
Donald "Same sex marriage is settled" Trump?
Donald "Parts of wall will be fence" Trump?
Donald "Bring back illegal's families" Trump?

Congrats. Your president spits in the face of conservatives by surrounding on key issues because it's "settled" and current year.

>Are you? They told us the same thing.

You won by the skin of your teeth. By the time next election rolls around and your country is even less white you will be absolutely fucked.

They import 250k immigrants + their families into Canada each year. The college retards will vote for Trudope and Weed all over again. The Muslims, Chinks, and Toronto Liberals invade Conservative areas and vote for the same left-wing policies they fled from.

Our "conservative" party is too busy pandering to faggots, and chinks, throwing social conservatives under the bus and promising to keep importing 400k Chinese people a year.

Speaking out against any of this is legally considered "hate speech" and will land you in jail courtesy of our activist supreme court full of women who are left-wing boomers, frenchies, and jews.

We are beyond fucked.

You fking idiot, Canada isnt secular. OUR head of state is anointed by god, and god save our queen

>You won by the skin of your teeth.
Oh leaf. You've convinced me. Your country is a lost cause. You can't see the forest for the maple trees, faggot.

Now apologize.

Stop shitting up the board with the same thread every few hours. You do the same shit that the leafs you complain about do.

blow the leafs rake war now

>You won by the skin of your teeth.

And yet we still won leaf. Lament your own country's death if you wish but our population is waking up. Every news reported violent crime pushes another average Joe to ask questions and look the progressive machine in the face for what it is.


I just watched that six times and I swear it fills in the exact same pattern each time. What are the odds?

I'm so proud to contribute to the hatred /pol have for canada and canadians.

Take these faggots down USA

I hope you're right.

But when the GOP fast tracks "comprehensive immigration reform" for so-called non-criminal illegals it won't matter how many whites wake up. They will out-breed you and overrun you until you tip into the point of no return.

who the hell would want to come to canada, fuck even we hate it, why would you ever think people would ever come to this shit hole to make us feel bad, were already miserable with all the socialism
why would Sup Forums ban people from comming to its website, watching ads and giving them revenue?
