Why don't millennials want children? What is the cause of this and what can be done to fix this?
Should video games be banned?
Does YouTube need censorship?
Should conscription be mandatory?
Why don't millennials want children? What is the cause of this and what can be done to fix this?
Should video games be banned?
Does YouTube need censorship?
Should conscription be mandatory?
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This is now a fruit thread
i want my money for myself
>banning entertainment
>Censoring freespeech
And you call yourself American?
Explain to me why I should want children.
>inb4 1488
What's the point? I feel no attachment to my heritage and neither will my children. Creating a white ethnostate in my country is nothing more than a pipe dream. Such is the result of the multicultural society in which we live.
That is the attitude why whites are dying.
Don't care
Who the fuck wants the added expenses? Especially fucking college (4 year vacation) that everyone seems entitled to these days.
>Why don't millennials want children?
Jewish influence leading to excessive capitalism to the degradation of community; too much prosperity from same; technology; impending obsolescence
>What is the cause of this and what can be done to fix this?
Require a minimum number of children per woman (2) and apply significant social stigma toward breaking the baby law.
>Should video games be banned?
>Does YouTube need censorship?
>Should conscription be mandatory?
So it's a selfish thing huh?
Get of Sup Forums fag.
No, they're dying because of propaganda and the lack of social control over their societies.
That's yet another factor that makes me avoid children. I don't want to fall into the child support trap that I wouldn't have had to worry about thirty years ago. Thanks for no-fault divorce, Reagan, it sure made this country browner.
There are literally no women out there to breed with
And if you do manage to get one to shit out some offspring she's just gonna divorce you, take half your shit, and the kids will grow up to resent you.
Our culture is fucked
People are disposable
Everything is too expensive
Nothing is worth it
>Should conscription be mandatory?
This alone would fix the country for generations until shit started to collapse
What have whites done for me other than fail time and time again?
Face it, whites deserve to go extinct, we had the world in our hands and we let ourselves lose it
t. Justin Trudeau
> Conscripted to go fight a bunch of rando's in the middle east will fix EVERYTHING
please save me
The non-meme answer is that most people don't have the resources to have both children and a financially stable lifestyle, for whatever reason. Raising kids properly can be expensive. That's the result of choosing the former. Remember that most people don't give a shit about the survival of their race and bloodline; they just want to be happy.
The meme answer is .
By "that", I mean the webm in OP
>Why don't millennials want children
because people like this are children
>Why don't millennials want children?
They have no money with which to raise children.
>What is the cause of this
Low paying jobs
>and what can be done to fix this?
Better paying jobs
>Should video games be banned?
>Does YouTube need censorship?
>Should conscription be mandatory?
yeah, i genuinely hate children too
Nothing of value was lost. Can't wait to have six kids
Here's another big one. Having kids is such a risk for men. Any male with a shred of sense approaches reproduction with extreme caution.
Don't go full cuck, Justin. There's a happy medium somewhere; we just need to find it.
My only son is a MTcuck. I don't want the bloodline that my ancestors worked thousands of years to build to die off. What is the best way to convince my son to stop being a pussy faggot? All he does is go to work and play video games. Are there hookers you can hire to pretend to be interested in someone?
1. Millenials can't afford it because they're all single with shitty jobs
2. They're all single because women are basically trash now
3. Women are trash and they can't be trusted not to leave with your kids in 3-5 years anyways and take them from you along with all your earnings for the next decade
Tradcon faggots, I'll enjoy fucking your wives, and daughters. Make sure they're submissive, the way I like 'em ;)
Force him to marry and have children. Take his video games away until he finds a relationship and has the interest of having kids.
I don't want to resort to violence and get sent to prison.
The girls we want to actually breed with are illegal.
For me it's
Christian girls are the only girls I can trust to maybe possibly not be degenerates.
I'm agnostic, so I don't think I should be with a Christian girl.
So I'm left with nothing. Sometimes I feel like I should lie to myself and pretend to be a Christian just so I can find a faithful and supportive female partner.
Fuck you dad, boomer shat up society now you want me to continue it? This is your fault for voting Democrat.
My wife is turning 24 this month and she is taking my seed. I hope soon to find out she is pregnant.
We both have our degrees(I'm an electrical engineer and she's a nurse). We live in a 2 bedroom apartment, and have 2 cars. we aren't super rich, but we have enough to start our family.
it's good to have your Children young. They are healither and you have more energy. Do you really want to be 50years old and have to deal with a bratty 10 year old ?
Are you actually his son
>taking care of something that needs more than just a walk and a bowl of food.
every generation gets more and more self centered
its too fucking expensive for millennials. We need good jobs with good benefits and time off to spend with the kids occasionally.
>Why don't millennials want children?
Why do you post the same girl in your millennial threads? Ya got a thing for her or something?
I don't make anywhere near enough to raise a child, let alone move out of my family home.
May consider moving out after I save up some money from my dead-end job.
>My wife is turning 24 this month and she is taking my seed. I hope soon to find out she is pregnant.
You said this in the most autistic way possible
Trump will bring back the jobs, maybe he'll cause a baby boom.
>wahhh I want to be a faggot forever and ruin thousands of years of my ancestor's hard work!
Fuck that shit.
I'm 30, grew up in a family with 7 kids, got married early, and having my 4th with my wife this spring.
I'm following my biological imperative and loving it. Better be in STEM to be able to afford the kids though, lol.
Name your forth kid pepe
>Everyone shitting on Millennials.
Consider this, for a moment, you dumb niggers:
What if Millennials aren't having kids because they don't want to raise them in shitty, underfunded, damaged and unprepared homes like boomers did, who often just fucked out kids because they liked to give each other white picket fence reacharounds for performing token actions without considering the consequences.
What if these millennial are actually trying to care for their children before they even exist? I plan on having kids with my partner but not until we have a stable, safe home with guaranteed income and savings, so we don't make the same mistakes that boomers made that reduced the place I was raised in to a drug ridden, violent shithole and yes, I am white.
Reminds me of the same old shit of 'You should respect me because I had kids and got married, details don't matter, I just did those things, you hear!'
Put them all in a single grave.
Waste of time and money. And havings kids is weird and gross and any faggot trying to get entertainment banned to force people into having kids should immediately kill themselves. People that only care about breeding are literally animal tier and should be shot.
>that giant nasty tattoo
Jesus christ, how long have you been working?
Not all Christians are good. I know "Christians" who party and act degenerate.
Most Christians are also usually massively annoying especially if you're agonistic. My wife is catholic and her family is big into church. Sure they are nice, but their beliefs are annoying & all their church events are just a waste of time. God this God that. Not to mention giving money to the Catholic Church all the time.
Found your school picture you extinction loving faggot.
Millenials can't into relationships
bunch of hunched over man children
>all these excuses of it being to expensive to raise a child
Listen shit heads, how are Mexicans and Arabs who come to the west are able to pop out dozens of kids when you alone are too afraid to have at least 1 child?
>Should video games be banned?
>Does YouTube need censorship?
>Should conscription be mandatory?
Who knows! What IS obvious is that we should all care to an extremely high degree about what others do with their genitals and their lives as long as it doesn't harm others, and legislate authoritarian laws to coerce them to conform to our narcissistic ideal.
If I can't order people to be like me, why the fuck am I even alive?
>Christian girls are the only girls I can trust to maybe possibly not be degenerates.
I wouldn't bother unless I could get my grandparents deal. My father got a shit deal. But grandads had it sweet. Imagine your wife cleans the house everyday, cooks every day, isn't a complete bitch. Imagine she did this til you died. Anytime your kids were shit you got the belt. Anyone who says you can get that now is lying.
All my grandad did was not be a pussy and have a job that doesn't exist anymore.
When I was a kid I could go with my friends to the woods to hunt birds and rabbits or go to the river and catch catfish. We could ride our bike out to any number of open fields to play football or toss a baseball. There were also endless woods and marshes to explore if we wanted more excitement.
If kids want to do any of that these days they'd have to play minecraft. I wouldn't want to be a child in this world. I'd hate life and spend all day indoors on computers. I wouldn't want to think of my child as that pathetic.
I'm the same
I want to believe, i want the ignorance.
But its just so clearly bullshit and i would be in constant agony about playing along.
And non religious girls are so commonly degenerates
Cost of living.
>Should video games be banned?
>Does YouTube need censorship?
>Should conscription be mandatory?
>frog poster
how kids do you have user
emu here, your women love/praise/adore the BEC
Because were thoughtful
Heh, sorry. I already have a one Pepe.
Thanks for the suggestion, though.
I had a tech friend name his kid "Anna Molly", without his wife figuring it out. It sounds like "anomaly" ans she was unplanned.
I'm not going to illegally work 14 hours a day in construction to raise a few shitheads.
>make conscription mandatory
Been provably poor for the quality of a fighting force and I'm not going to explain for the 100th time why. Anyone that's actually served fucking knows why it shouldn't be mandatory. Stop pushing this 'the state is my daddy' bullshit, faggots.
Delayed maturation due to the state of modern society.
because jews enslave white to give welfare to shitskins, so whites dont have money to have kids themselves + unloyal whores, thats why
That's why I said 'maybe possibly'. I'm aware that many Christians are also degenerates.
Yeah, my entire family is Southern Baptist. I'd temporarily forgotten, but you've reminded me how annoying the "God this God that" gets.
Yeah, it's not worth it.
>Should conscription be mandatory?
Pudgy white bitches forgot what hardship actually is.
And you think those are quality people?
Sup Forums is constantly chimping out about how browns are animals and you want to shit whites out into squalor and barely making ends meet and you think that'll help the culture?
Work 12+ hours each day in a construction site while getting paid under the books and also qualifying for food stamps and medicaid after declaring no income.
>maybe possibly
It's not like I said it was likely.
They breed like vermin because they ARE vermin.
Because they don't give a shit about raising their kids properly. On top of that, immigrant communities handle divorce internally, so they aren't subjected to outrageously court rulings.
Scientists just figured out how to create people from skin cells and cum you dumb faggot. In 10 years this will be perfected, and not long after that we will start growing genetically modified people in labs.
Have fun living in the past you animalistic faggot.
The both of us have been working about one year. We are both very conservative. We don't buy things we don't need. We eat our food at home. We take care of our things, and buy quality.
Babies themselves aren't extremely expensive. Crib,car seat, carriage, eating station, breast pump, etc. is a one time fee. Then their are clothes, toys, books, and diapers. Child care is what is most expensive.
We will NEVER put our child in a degenerate day care. My wife is a nurse and has a very flexible schedule, and can do night shift. If she's not happy. My mom would be willing to help out since she's retired.
>Should ((((conscription)))) be mandatory.
I don't know. Do you enjoy cucking so much that you want to cuck your sons and daughters to the death for men who sit in their mansions and make decisions on your behalf?
Can you imagine if not only Obama was allowed to shill his fake news bullshit but also conscript your kids to kick your door in for it too?
I want children. I'd happily make some babies.
Just not with a western woman.
23/ male here, i have a gf and we both agree that raising a child in this shit world isnt worth it.
>Do you enjoy cucking so much that you want to cuck your sons and daughters to the death for men who sit in their mansions and make decisions on your behalf?
That's a relatively new phenomenon and of course it must be corrected.
Our military is currently abused because only roughly 1.5% of citizens have a stake in it. If we had conscription, everyone would have a stake in it and the faggots at the top running our government and enacting war without congress or even the will of the people wouldn't be fucking tolerated.
Look around, you see nothing but misery in the older generations. Why should I have to go through
>Waking you up every night with a fresh batch of smelly ass infant shit
>A screaming child while I'm trying to do groceries
>Cleaning up after the fucking messes they leave
>Having to sacrifice your hobbies and interests just to feed and entertain them
>Giving up your friends
>Can't get drunk or high anymore because you have to take care of them
>Can't sit down and play vidya for 5 hours anymore because you have to take care of them
Basically fuck ever having children.
>the more people a military has power over the more responsible they'll be
t. fellow burger
Who is that degenerate slut? Is she from suicidegirls?
>Relatively new.
Let them eat cake, eh.
Here's what the first white clones will look like.....And it's beautiful
I am a millennial and have a kid
Video games are boring
Yes, only if someone with royal blood like me is doing the censorship you peasants are too stupid to think on your own.
Conscription or public service. All citizens should be forced to go to boot camp for military training as a minimum.
Nice argument cunt
It's okay if u think u are retarded and your genes shouldn't propagate. I appreciate your self-awareness and wish you the best of the end of your ancestral timeline. Out of 1000s of ancestors, you can be the first to fuck it up the chain for the first time. Well done.