This kills the White Nationalist and US Influence over NATO. Do it Merkel, do it now! Your loyalty rests with the European Union, more so than your Home Nation.

Welcome to the United States of Europe, now bow to Germany, the new Superpower and supreme leader of EUROPE

Other urls found in this thread:

>German military
>being able to do anything besides building refugee beds and gay sex

Reminder that Merkel should be hanged for treason, crimes against humanity and being complicit in genocide.

Bring her to justice before she destroys your nations forever, Euro-bros.

From now on Germany will lead the EU Army.
We will teach other countrys how to surrender our asses to the almighty Refugee cock.

Merkel won't be Chancellor forever. Tell me, who do you think would be in charge of that army if her plan of whitewashing the immigrants nature fails and people begin to revolt against the violence and the terror attacks? Do you think she would use her army to retain power? Do you really think it's impossible this wouldn't backfire spectacularly and hand an entire army to a nationalist? Be careful what you wish for, short term thinking can easily lead to long term disasters...

Or someone new will be voted into power and use the power of that army in other ways...

That's actually good news. Europe needs to have a common defense force, outside NATO.

Since Trump doesn't believe in NATO, it's natural for Europe to get organised and create its own military force. We have the money, we have the people for that. And this will create some economic growth, since defense contracts will employ a lot of people.

It's the only smart decision Merkel ever made.

It will also help defend our borders from migrants. Especially on the sea.

EU Drafts across Europe. Germany controls ALL OF IT.

Merkel called Trumps bluff on defunding NATO. Now she rules the land not USA

Wasn't this hitlers plan all along?

yes we control all of it

Pretty much, Hitler wanted to kill white people (and did it) Merkel wants to kill white people (and is doing it)

Like pic related?

This will help cement the doom of the EU

US imperialism is what's causing the race mixing propaganda and mass immigration into Europe

yes EU army can build more beds for more refugees more effciently

Atleast Merkel doesnt break the law and cares about black/brown/JEW people.

Not even the courts or rival countries can stop her. All she needs now is a Nuke or a long term EU Country with a Nuke so Russia will fuck off

If the Anglos go back into europe, can we just fucking keep it this time? take everything of value, all the art, women and claim states? I want Clean Austria to be apart of Australia.

Oh boy, time for ANOTHER land war in Europe.

What do you say boys, can we make it 3 for 3?

No. Brexit and Trump hating NATO was the best thing that could ever happen to Germany.

Die anglo scum

>Germany is the centre of ANOTHER war in Europe

Go ahead Trump voter. Defund NATO and see if Germany doesnt jump into the vacuum!

Also, fuck US Weapons. Europe buys arms from Germany now

a different kind of war, fought on the European breeding grounds.

Your nation is apart of that 'anglos' retard.

Death to America

The EU Army is designed to keep EU states in line & punish/crackdown on States that leave the EU and/or want to leave the EU.

Its been funded "off the record" for abit now.

Some arms/armor shipments to NATO have been diverted to setting up the EU Army, so you might want to keep track of those & any recent ones.

If you aren't researching into the EU Army & your European, you are going have a rude awakening when the Tanks role down the streets.

The EU Army needs a "official" reason to deploy & a way to PR/sell it to the Public. I already see 3 ways(might be a combination) they are going to do it.

1) "We need a Army to Protect us from these internal threats!" (The threat of Terrorists(ISIS Cells) & Nazi's(Nationalists/Right Wing & Anti-EU/Anti-Islam people) being everywhere.)(They will also spin the "protect from ISIS" as a way to get nationalistic people to back it & join it).

2) "Call for Unity for Europe" (Countries leaving the EU/Try to leave the EU.)

3) "Our Army will do the job better" (NATO being "ineffective" & the "threat" of Russia)

These are all narratives they are going to be pushing/are pushing to "Justify" deployment & sell the EU Army to the Public.

>THE next US Ambassador to the the EU has warned that Donald Trump will not stand for an EU army during his reign
>It is believed that an EU army would ratchet up tensions with Russia's Vladimir Putin and accelerate Brussels-led expansion.
damn. Trump is more pro-Russian than I thought.

>He said Mr Trump will undermine the European Commission, which has exclusive responsibility for negotiating trade deals.
And also more anti-EU than I thought.

His argument really is that Europe shouldn't have a common defense policy because he thinks it would threaten Russia?!
What. The. Fuck!

I guess this is where Germany's and America's paths will diverge then after 70 years. If Trump scales back NATO there is no way that Germany won't jump in to secure Eastern Europe.

You first.

Dear Germans,

You are a bunch of cuckold faggots.


All Euro armies combined wouldn't stand a chance. It's going to be even more one sided once lend-lease part 2 gets cookin.

Why are you germans so smart and aware? Is it the free education?

You will never become a superpower

Sounds good to me. Staining the Alps red when?

Trump is actually doing you a favor in the long run to get out from underneath America and American influence.

Faggotry, degeneracy, race mixing, mass immigration - these are tools of the American government.


Angela Merkel and those within the EU and German government who are aligned with her are knowingly allowing ISIS operatives to infiltrate the EU, set up networks and stage attacks on European citizens. The goal of allowing this to occur is to create a crisis which will artificially deepen the need for greater European integration into the EU, which is of course mostly controlled by Germany and allows them to control Europe without firing a single shot (so far). Once the crisis has been created, Merkel will use it as an excuse to use the newly formed EU Army to occupy European nations. This army seems to currently be supplied by NATO and NATO officials who are in a position to discover this are showing up dead.

Fuck off back to pleddit.

And who will join this EU Army?

Farrage said over a year ago that Europeans are not going to join an army to fight Russia let alone Trumps America.

She would have to fill the ranks with her "new" Europeans.

Wallonia, a small region in Belgium torched a trade deal between the EU and Canada. You faggots think you will be able to arm, supply, train and mobilize an army that stretches across an entire continent without any objections? Goodluck.

I don't want a war and I don't agree with a lot of trump, but it seems like he's the safest choice

>You will never become a superpower

Australia is extremely rich in natural resources and has 25% of the world's uranium reserves.

They have potential.

Mmmmm, i want this new EU army to invade my alps. From my beloved mountains a wall of 20mm guns appear through centuries old trenches cut into the walls. The thunderous explosion as thousands of guns go off simultaneously, the echo triggering an avalanche that buries the tens of thousands of freshly created shitskin corpses.

i came

The EU can't afford it's own army.

Farrage? That gigantic faggot that pushed Brexit?

He has no say in any of this, his role is to bow down to his new overlords in Washington. Britian is DONE

where's anon5 to comment on this?

>wanting to die fighting for ((Brussels))

Well yeah, who needed civil war in Syria if not the USA?

Europe joined the airstrikes reluctantly, just for show.

It's Syria's destruction that lead to the mass influx of immigrants in Europe. So it's basically USA's fault for causing it and Merkel's fault for allowing it.

sometimes i think if all krauts would violently die at once, a world would be finally a better place for everyone

I say we have an Anglo Union with God Emperor Trump leading.

Imagine that. A coalition of the USA, Canada, UK, Australia, New Zealand and South Africa taking a nice big fat shit on those kraut cuckold faggots

>If Trump scales back NATO there is no way that Germany won't jump in to secure Eastern Europe.

With what? Our goverments have massively scaled down the Bundeswehr since the 90s in the misguided illusion that there would be no more wars without the existence of the UdSSR. Just read the reports about the operational capability of our armed forces. Its a joke. And our current defense minister is a uninformed middle aged woman with no real connection to the military.

Instead of your clay being a Parkinglot for American Tanks, its now a parking lot for German, i mean, EU tanks.

Whats the difference to you? Youre still cucked

It is rather amazing how Germans manage to be such annoying faggots that destabilize the world whether they're on the right or the left.

>long term EU Country

ah, but that's where the plan hits a small snag...

You do realise you're speaking to Tyrese ibn Lahid al Rajilla bin Big Mac the Third right?

He wants white people to die, he even said "Death to America".

Suck my fat uncut smegma covered dick you dirty sand ape. By the time you've read this, 60 pakis just got bombed to death.


How the mighty British Empire has fallen. Reduced to nothing more than a US Satellite Territory.

The sun has set on the once great Kingdom. Stay cucked Brexit fags

>The EU Army is designed to keep EU states in line & punish/crackdown on States that leave the EU and/or want to leave the EU.

That's just bullshit. Nothing can order national parliaments anything. Why do you think even EU big decisions need to be approved by parliaments?

Last time a EU treaty was supposed to be enforced, it didn't go so well. Actually remember the plans for a EU constitution? How do you think that failed? Because Brussels imposed it on every state?


>isolate Switzerland
>nobody can leave, nothing can in
>send refugee niggers to rape your shit
>when you attack them we declare Sanctions on your ass
>hunger you out and win without firing a shot

I wonder where they are going to get the 2 million men of fighting age to fill this armies posts?

Oh Wait...

France will fall in line. Or Germany will develop its own NUKE

Here's easy way to secure Eastern Europe:
>dissolve NATO
>stop anti-Russia and anti-russian policy
>remove foreign (read US) troops and large armies from Russia borders (with Russia doing the same)
>have good economic ties with Russia
And pretty quickly we all return to happy times.
Problem is, nobody in EU want it, because without clear, palpable and "politically correct" external threat europeans and ruling parties won't have any more excuses to not deal with their own problems they themselves created.

You working for Russia? Why would you doubt Russia is a security threat in Eastern Europe?

They already showed what they can do in Transnistria and Crimea, as well as Donbas.

56% white go to bed you paki licker.

I hate the EU, but it would be fun with a huge army. Males my dick hard thinking about a new Empire.

get her out of power, she should be punished for betraying her people.

Seems like you don't have a good memory or you're a 1st generation "New European". You will learn very quickly that we are very much self-sustainable. Best of luck sending your shitskins over our heavily mined, highly fortified, kill-zone alps.

This is exactly how Russia grabs more clay. When nobodies looking

I'm 32. If there's another world war I want to fight in it before I get to old.

None of this Iraq and Afghanistan crap either. I want a real civilization vs civilization war that ends in one side collapsing.

This is your new leader. I hope youre ready to work

Trump is obviously a Russian shill.

On one hand, he says "I think NATO is outdated and useless because not everyone is paying their fair share" on the other he opposes the decision of sovereign states to have their own security policy? What the actual fuck.

You have no fucking right to tell another sovereign country what to do with their money, you piss-drinking faggot.

Mind your fucking Jewish business.

Fucking kike and RUssian shill.


>implying we don't still secretly own america, and canada

Europe will ask for our help for the third time in 100 years. Set gazes to stun!

>two white couples with a black baby.

>Mmmmm, i want this new EU army to invade my alps.

Or you could just be a shithouse and stay neutral like the last two world wars

Im sorry, do you think youre Israel?

Because youre not.

>France will fall in line

You should have learned by now not to doubt the decline of globalism

>Or Germany will develop its own NUKE

By the time more countries start leaving EU, Germany will be another 3rd world breeding ground for sandniggers

Our being neutral has no bearing on our willingness to kill anything that steps across our border.

Your pilots in ww2 can attest :^)

We're not wealthy enough to feed all the niggers infesting those clays and fix all the thing they broke over decades.

Is that a vagina on the second guy from the left?
What am I looking at there?

Hahaha do it I'll laugh so hard when it fucking fails lol

Yeah, basically, disarm yourself and go pick flowers in the fields. And Russia will take care of the rest....

Because historically Russia has always been spreading peace and goodwill among peoples... like never.

>6am in St. Petersberg

Here we go.
Prep for "60% posts" and anti-Nato propaganda.

enjoy living like in the middle ages then
enjoy heating with wood and eating dogs


This guy's paying attention

I already do both those things. And I'd give up some of it if it meant having the opportunity to kill some germans

How long until you grab the Baltic States?

I say USA pulls out and Germany replaces them, since Trump is crying about 2% payments next door to the FANCY BEAR

The only dead white men and women will be of the Russian flavor

I think Trump will do all but dissolve NATO. Maybe he'll call their bluff and invite Russia to NATO, lol what would be the rationale against it?


Think about it
>Trump want to pull from NATO
>By having an EU, there is no point of NATO anymore
>Germany will now control all of Europe
>Trump allies with Russia
>Europe will have anti-American sentiment for our intolerance and wanting peace with Russia.

Who here is ready for WWIII?

is NATO bad or good?

>no electricity since we just bomb your plants
>no internet since we cut all cables and jam all the signals
>not even mobile phones anymore
>no oil, no gas
>no high tech of any kind
>no cars anymore

A lot of your airforce tried flying over our territory before. For some odd reason though they all crashed and died? Coincidence though :^)

The rest of that stuff is just degenerate trash. Besides, if you cut trade with us than all your trannies and depressive faggots will go insane causing mass anarchy since you will no longer have access to the pharmaceuticals needed to keep them in line ;^). Game set match kraut-tard

Im ready for Germany to hack the 2020 elections and fight Trump if he does this

>How long until you grab the Baltic States?
What for?

>removing your (much less foreign) armies that might invade in neighboring countries from their borders = disarming
>Because historically Russia has always been spreading peace and goodwill among peoples... like never.
We're not even close to Europe in this regard, especially in the lest century, and especially in the lest 20 or so years. And USA #1 in invading war business, no contest.

>refugees will obviously be exempt from service
>fucking cuckold krauts will unironically sacrifice themselves so Ahmed can impregnate their women

Literally what the fuck is wrong with you, Hans.

ok so here is whats gonna happen
>merkels party will still have a commanding lead come the legislative elections
>NATO will be in the process of disbanding(will take at least 3 years if trump is seeking that) so merkel decides to go full napoleon and conscript EU citizens to form a grand armee esque fighting force
>german inteligence (((finds))) evidence that russia did meddle in both usa and german elections
>merkel responds with full scale invasion
>stalingrad 2.0 electic commieloo commences

>Linking the express
>Being this retarded

NATO's not necessarily anything, but ever since the Cold War collapsed it's raison d'etre ceased to exist. So we have all this humanitarian intervention bullshit and saber rattling yet officially it's not an Anti-Russian alliance.

NATO standardized a lot of shit, but at the same time it turned into a giant free-rider problem because the US military basically covers all the NATO states and the only other sizable army is fucking Turkey of all places.

we shall see about that kraut


No fuck off, no more dead slavs either. Thats a jewish lie.

we are back in control of your fed m8

funny how london is the business capital of the world and NY is 2nd lol