Morally? Socially?
what if I'm just monogamous?
Morally? Socially?
what if I'm just monogamous?
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Sup Forums is obviously the bottom btw
Turn that frown upside down
As of so far there is no clear consensus on what causes homosexuality, nonetheless it makes little sense in a biological perspective to have a same genderattraction as this would be in conflict with one of the core principles of biology which is to be fit (by this I'm referring to the ability of a organism to contribute to the gene pool of the next generation). In short, while it's unclear if being gay is a mental illness, it is most certainly unnatural and wrong; and a medical issue that should be addressed.
speaking of gays
can you guys stop shitposting on /lgbt/?
Gays are good for the economy, they open new marketplaces for business. They don't make extra kids to compete with mine. Morally acceptable, socially commendable.
which is worse, transgenderism or gayness
>homosexual men provide a friend who won't cheat on your wife
>homosexual men provide childcare when men go off to war for motherless children
>homosexual men become shamans in tribal societies, with little interest in commonly masculine things, they provide a masculine approach to feminine activities such as gathering (pre-historic chemistry)
Get the fuck off this board.
It's not fair to good girls and women, so yes it is wrong, immoral, a sin. Homos always compete with women for men, could get violent.
we know you love us, you want us to shit up your board
>what if I'm just monogamous?
you're still a faggot
>blaming the man for your woman cheating on you
>letting some faggot be around your kid and likely molest him
What is HIV epidemic and pedophilia
Only if they are super buff and athletic with blonde hair.
Homosexuality is fine if you're gay. Only the brainwashed untermensch who's a slave to society believes otherwise.
I do feel sorry for anyone who doesn't get to feel the wonders of a black female ass, though
It's a practice that if it were the standard would lead to the extinction of humankind.
Then it's a good thing less than 10 percent of the population is gay.
I don't care.
Have fun.
Same rules apply to you as straights.
Don't fuck kids.
Don't rape.
You are pretty gay user, I bet you are homo as fuck. See around you, and ask yourself.
Am I normal?
Probably the answer is yes because a few around you share your interest. Then there you have it, you are an abnormal piece of poo
There is no correlation between pedophilia and homosexuality. You do realize there are children of both genders, yes?
>homosexuality wrong?
It's as wrong as two boys fucking!
Which is fucking wrong!
>what is rape
>not all faggots are pedos
But then why does Nicaragua love taking America's dick up its ass so hard?
>it doesn't make sense
Welcome to human biology dude
Only white homosexuality is wrong because you aren't producing children.
It's actually backwards, America is a cuck, we receive free shit even though we talk shit about them
correlation isn't causation, true. But when a demographic that as a whole represents less than 5% of population as a whole is some how committing 25% of a certain kind of crime, you'll have to forgive me if I'm cautious to enable opportunities to commit said crime.
you can't control it, being attracted to anything isn't wrong. if it causes you to have a shitty life then it's wrong, or if you hurt other peoples lives because of it, it's wrong.
Homosexuality in and on itself isn't wrong but today it's used as a tool of propaganda against a certain ethnic group to discourage them from breeding, to in essence make them genocide themselves by making them believe that they are gay so a less succesfull group of ethnic beings takes over their lands who are easier to control.
I leave it up to you to fill in the details.
Morally and Socially wrong.
Honestly. People say they want a bf and they 'arent like other gays' but then post there ass all over Sup Forums and /cuteboys/.
>you will never ever find a decent guy
I met a really decent Sup Forums dude until i found out he was a lying shit skin who was into BDSM and other filthy stuff.
There also is a gay Jewish dude on this board who posts these exact threads and thinks we should all race mix
/polgbt/ OTP
>is it morally wrong?
varies from person to person
>is it socially wrong?
varies from social group to social group
nice (((conspiracy))) m8
Idk, is cuckoldry wrong?
No shit it varys retard. Hes asking for our opinion. You monkeys, I swear to god. An embarresment to monkeys.
attraction is formed by environmental circumstances. to control it, we'd have to know a lot more about how society and the economy influences and affects individuals. the increasing amount of homosexuality probably has to do with how individuals feel they don't have to put effort into the economy compared with like a century or two ago.
yes, yes it is
>jew pedaling race mixing
>two boys fucking
Hottest thing ever
There is a large component of genetics as well. Homosexual twins are not uncommon.
>asking the 'national socialist' section of a babylonian basket weaving and autism awareness forum for permission to live your life
That's more faggoty than being fucked by your BF , OP
Join the one, the only, the OFFICIAL /polgb/ Discord:
I want a bf and I have traditional values.
Still a Virgin
Won't sleep around
Doesn't post lewds/nudes
All fantasies stay fantasies.
traps > western women
>Hottest thing ever
That's the steam coming off the shit on the head of your dick.
Oh wait, that is kinda hot.
Yes. Homosexuality is wrong.
Would you kiss and or hold hands in public?
>Is it wrong: Morally, Socially...?
All of them, because it is wrong (as an ALL ENCOMPASSING lifestyle) on a
Follow me here.
Adult humans are permitted PRIVATE kinks.
Meaning, in any advanced society... people should be free to do as they wish ***IN PRIVACY***
Because Privacy off self and space is paramount to an actual, civil society.
The problem with this issue lies in the fact that subversive (((elements))) have attempted to drive as many social-cultural-ideological wedges between western society as possible since the end of the first World War.
This includes Gender relations, Race-relations and many others.
Gays have been WEAPONIZED and are now considered a TOXIC (and rightfully so!) subset/subculture within western society... because they cultural gay leaders of the 1960's got GREEDY... and decided to go "all in" with their demands upon NORMAL society.
See... at the end of the day, regardless of whatever psychological tranuma mae you think you were
>born this way!!
that is utter bullshit (You and I both know it!)
You are acting out a deeply ingrained FETISH... and that is cool! But.. it stopped being cool when there was a (((separate group))) which co-opted your kink to turn into a subversive society-destroying movement!
Now.. you are the enemy...
because you wouldn't stay in the closet and GOT PLAYED BY (((THEM)))
>pic related... the fags I speak of are foot soldiers in that army!
I know many gays who HATE the normal "fag"
they hate you because they are NORMAL PEOPLE with a GAY KINK!
They know this and REFUSE to wreck culture and society because
>b-b-but it makes me hard
THAT is why we hate you faggots and THAT is why you deserve DEATH!!
You are no better than the junky that stabs someone's granny in a alley to get $10 so you can cop a shot of heroin to "feel better about the world that doesn't get you"
Totally forgot about this bread.
Yet homosexuals remain mentally ill. What's the problem with this? Let’s first address the issue of promiscuity among homosexuals. Around 28% of homosexual men have had more than 1000 partners, sure this might seem social unstable but I don’t think you’d care much so let’s address the health issues that arise from such sexual interaction. Homosexuals have some of the highest rates of sexually transmitted diseases when compared to other groups with 63% of syphilis cases in the USA being homosexuals (keep in mind they make up 5% of the population there). It doesn’t stop there; homosexual men are 44 times more likely to contact HIV when compared to straight people.
Homosexual people also have a range of mental illness such as depression, anxiety, social stigma, bipolar and much more serious issues. Furthermore, psychiatric disorders are more prevalent among homosexual active men when compared to heterosexual active men, with homosexuals experiencing a 12-month higher prevalence rate of substance use disorders. These issues mean that homosexuals have many issues when it comes to alcohol and substance abuse, with homosexuals having much greater use of illegal drugs and having greater risk of suicide.
So what does this mean? According to stats released by Canada the life expectancy for gay/bisexual men is 8 to 20 years less, with nearly half of the men currently aged 20 will not live up to their 65th birthday.
I don't hate the gays. I hate the flamboyance. If you're a campy flamboyant asshole, gay or straight. I will cut you. Deep.
i could beat you up irl lol
I bet I'd subdue you and ream your asshole without lube.... unless I figured you're the type to get off on that... in which case, i'd just subdue you until the cops arrived and have an AIDS-ridden dindu do it on my behalf to you while you were in jail.
>never contributed anything to society except shit posting
kill yourself
I wanna say yes but I feel like you're tricking me :c
another fag who can't refute my point but does what fags do..
"wrong" presupposes a moral stance. Morality is inherently subjective (because it's 100% a matter of interpretation. inb4 some retard says "lol no it's objective")
I want to make sure that's said. The topic can be debated, but it's inherently up to YOU to decide whether you think it's right or wrong.
Me personally? Homosexuality doesn't violate nap. Ethically, there's not immoral about sexual preferences. Socially, there's no reason to exert moral law over homosexuality. Moral laws inherently oppress people and ideas. They violate nap. Live and let live.
But it's not "good" either. It just is what it is. It's nature. It doesn't give a fuck about your judgements. Fuck the sjw/lgbt trying to warp sexuality and identity. It's abusive and culty as fuck. No better then the extremists that want to ban homosexuality because "muh religion".
A lot of straight men go after clearly underage girls, especially when they think they wont get caught.
Morally and socially. Even if you're not monogamous. Men and women don't have to be. Why do men and men have to be. There were a fair number of ancient greeks who were homosexual or bisexual. In ancient rome for a time it was fine too, and throughout much of history tolerated, though not touted. You could do it, just don't be incredibly open about it. The harsh condemnation is a recent phenomenon
Monogamous homosexuality doesn't exist. In the few cases it does, it's because they're ugly and insecure.
>quoting statistics from a christian "ex-gay" website
This ideology of turning gays straight has been discredited many times
In fact gay men are just as promiscuous as straight men
No couple should kiss or hold hands in public. Affection is something private and shouldn't be displayed for everyone to see or become something banal in the process.
homosexuality is among the greatest of evils, on par with miscegenation.
all must be vanquished without exception. Do not speak with them, Do not associate with them. Cast them out of your life they either cannot be saved or can only save themselves. The latter requiring life long penance.
No Sup Forumso is far better
/o/ is just Lgbt cross dressing.
>not all blacks are criminals
>not all mudslimes are bad
Christians are just as bad as muslims
If you actually look at the scientific literature there is a large following behind the idea that homosexuality is more than 50% determined by genetics
What's this meme called?
idgaf pet people get off however they want
Homosexual relationships between consenting adults is morally and socially okay. It should definitely be monogamous though.
At least the men who remain actually want the woman as opposed to faking it.
Sources for data or studies? Because all research I have seen does not show a disproportional number of gays committing pedophilia.
you want to ream dude's assholes?
you don't sound very straight to me.
20% of blacks are smarter than 50% of whites
The Muslim caliphate was a great human empire. Many scientific advances were made under this empire.
No. Melbourne is a shit hole
>In Privacy
This is the problem with fags. A friend who told me he was thrown out of a train and has people walk between him and his bf while they walk holding hands so they unlinked
Why would I be tricking you? I want your opinion. There is a wrong but you cant be a pussy about getting it wrong
This guys gets it. But f off with this Stalin crap
would you eat your own shit and not call yourself a nihilist? It takes a lot of emotional and sexual isolation to make the gay choice. meth helps turn gay also. Any homosexual thoughts are as fictional as a 90 pound woman heroine slaying big bad monsters in real life rather than in hollywood and leads to pedophilia
Oh yeah it's a choice btw
>No. Melbourne is a shit hole
Where you from lad? Sydneyside here :)
Why does /lgbt/ ruin everything? Automotive work is what the west what what did homosexuality ever do for the west?
Was expecting
>public displays of affection are degenerate
Followed by you call in me a faggot
I'm not a puss I'm just tender..
Faggit's caused AIDS.
All fags must hang or take one to the brain!
as long as you aren't spreading stds and degeneracy not relay
Moss Vale.
Hour away from Syd. Are you a bogan?
They are degenerate. But you are already a faggot so I dont need to call you one. God forgives you, unless of course you know you have been forgiven but you keep doing these degenerate things that YOU know are degenerate
Gay men provide the emotional relationship women want but straights are too alpha to give. Femmy guys and other fem my guys removing their "weak" genes from the pool.
Gays are helpful. The rest of the letters are rancid shit
Lesbians brought the kill men to us.
BI sexualit are scum who brought aids to women
Trannies are trannies
its fine with me as long as there is cuteness involved but hairy bearded kissing in public can rustle the ol' jim jams
Fuck off straya, fucking cunt faggot.
Hope some abo rapes your ass.
You do not deserve happiness
There is no such thing as gay.
Stop talking about it.
Why hasn't it been bred out of humanity then?
Sexuality in general will always be a vacuous persuit that is insatiable, causes suffering and creates certain kinds of problems in life. Oh well, still feels good lol
Most hate for the gays comes from a deep connection to whatever religion you subscribe to. If you take away the man in the sky telling you they are bad there is really no reason to hate someone for something you would never know about unless they upright told you. Tho to keep 100 senpai ba lam flaming homos wearing lingerie in public and waving dildos around to secure there "rights" should be purged
I say hang every faggit from every light pole.
Throw some Jews on there as well.
Yes. All faggots are mentally ill. I should know, I'm a faggot.
At least Im not living eternal suffering.
You had your chance.
We're waiting.
your name faggot
I'm not attractive.