What red pill is too much for you to take?
What red pill is too much for you to take?
That discussing politics online is the new bread and circus.
That people didn't choose to become pedosexuals
That jet fuel can't melt steal beams
That maybe we actually are the bad guys that people say we are.
That Human biodiversity exists and there are measurable differences in IQ and social capability between different racial groups.
That maybe not everyone I disagree with is literally Hitler.
That we should have given Ted the delegates
That begging on our knees like a slave dog to a dead socialist jew kike on a stick for forgiveness from a Jewish god for simply being born makes our race and culture better.
facts cause people to shake uncontrollably
pizza gate kicked me off Sup Forums and real life for a few weeks. ive decided it wasnt real, as the alternative is pure madness.
For most of Sup Forums they can't handle the fact that women really are subhuman and that Islam isn't exactly incorrect in their treatment of women.
Definitely the bogpill. It's been weeks and I still can't swallow it.
If your life sucks, it's ultimately your own fault. You are the captain of your own soul.
Supposed differences between whites, like Meds, Nords, Anglos, Slavs, etc
But it's true and you can see it.
I'd probably be a socialist if I was behind the wheel of society.
But I'm not, so I'm just contrarian as fuck.
A handful of people are responsible for all the suffering in the world, and we can't agree on who those few people are and thus it will never end.
Also, I'm pretty sure we have no actual power over society and all it's going to take is the right Democrat to promise the Rust Belt jobs/welfare for us to lose all our power again.
that kikes are pushing for degeneracy and that everyone on this planet are either morons living in a false world or people who are aware of this and are heavily outnumbered, thus they getting away with it is just a matter of time.
Atheism is a strong bluepill people can't stop taking
so redpill is only good at short range?wat
may i ask, burger san: what's the green pill? as far as i know, there's only three kinds of pills:
blue, red and black (i heared something about a purple one but i don't it is real, right?)
Real red pill: if you could articulate a better alternative, people would get on board; therefore, it is you, not them, that is destroying you.
>Uses kike on stick meme.
Oh boy. Time to educate America once again on the true threat to all! Let me get the relevant Talmud quotes.
Blue = dumb liberal
Yellow = smart liberal/Jew
brown = nigger
green = dumb conservative
red = you already know
black = you already know
This is the hardest red pill of all.
>Kid is kidnaped.
>Kidnappers took him to a place where they think, someone is going to get a ransom.
>The dudes in the place take the kid to an underground lab thinking they are selling the kid to a the Farmaceutics industry for testing shit.
>The dudes in the lab pic the kid and give it to their military superiors.
>The ranking officer ask to a grunt to take the kid to the dark room in the end of the corridor.
>When the kid is inside the dark room, a fucking reptilian fella from alpha draconis comes out of a secret door, took the kid and eat him.
That is why there are so many kids dissapearing in the USA in the last decades.
This. Some aspects of Islam are very critical for a healthy society, such as women serving for men
I'm still not sure about the "Holohoax" as you people call it. Denying the Holocaust seems like such an easy way to invalidate any group or opinion you are a part of, even if it's true.
What the fuck is that flag?
That the Bogdanoffs secretly control all the world governments.
the ringling brother's cirucs has been around since 1882...
Until otherwise confirmed by undeniable proof, I will never truly know the path to salvation spiritually and everything I might do might still be pointless
That more and more normies and people in general considering the off the gird life, eventually the jew will get involved and fuck everything up
It's what New Jersey always wanted to be.
burden of proof, fag.
>Nigger Jamaican trying to lecture a white man on nigger magic
You can't make this shit up.
Don't you have some fucking chicken bones to roll banjo lips?
holy shit user
Marraige persisted so long as a human institution due to the economics of childrearing only. In the modern western world we have systematically destroyed these unwritten bonds and inadvertently one of the foundations of our society
>muh jesus
Christianity is a bluepill. Just because it's useful doesn't mean it's right. Grow up, retard.
God fucking damn it... Aussie bringing the world shaking truth
I want to believe that letting people be will lead to a brighter tomorrow and that we're all equally capable of commiting mistakes but it seems every democratic system just collapses because it has no structure to promote those best suited for a job to the top, just individuals people THINK are best suited for it.
I refuse to believe. We're making a legitimate impact, r-right guys?
What about iron pill?
Yeah but if you start looking there's, like, a TON of evidence saying it was a hoax
Sup Forums is a Christian board
>edgy teenager detected
It's a fact Athiests aren't much better politically then Commies or Niggers in terms of politics.
And that the "redpill", it associated with right wing politics.
Maybe if you had a more consistent internal logic, you wouldn't be so angry and projecty.
Back when this meme was taking off, people tried coming up with other pills. Green pill was kind of like an ascended red pill. It lost traction though because there wasn't really much way to differentiate it from red pill. There was also the iron pill, which is basically another version of ascended red pill that lifts weights and stuff. One of the big problem with these pills was that they assumed the default state of a red pilled person is a bitter semi-autist NEET
The final pill to take.
I agree
the further down the rabbit hole you go concerning the jews the more you wish you could ignore. I can't tell you how many of the worlds shadiest industries they are over represented in. If you ever subtly point out all the coincidences to people they view you as a crazy nazi tinfoil hat wearer despite all the evidence.
I took the bogdapill last week, and since then, my life has been enlightened.
Welcome to the bogdaside
This got too real
Red pill and blue pill is really about truth. Blue pill basically lives with a true post-ww2 goyim mindset, subscribing to all of the designated beleifs. Red pill means you see the actual truth.
It's not about your lifestyle or personality
That the holocause actually didn't happen.
Nigga, if you're gonna bogpost, at least see mine first
>not knowing about ids
You have to go back.
Come back when you have the TRUE redpill.
A suppository lol,
they will find you
came here to post this, the biggest red pill is that we are too big of pussies to actually do "anything" physical.
Kind of like the Jews now that I think about it.
Same. I stayed off Sup Forums for about a month. I still refuse to believe it's real.
fuck off envelope
you tell him
Islam is a disease.
That reason is relative and nothing really matters, but we might as well continue on like it does because there is no other meaning to life.
Basically Nihilism is right, but it's also boring as fuck.
There's probably a God but from his perspective we are insignificant in every way.
Humanity is a parasite.
Oh, and the holocaust really happened but that doesn't mean Zionism is anything less than Jewish nazism.
That the Jews will win, and not by being better people but by being better parasites.
Also that white nations will be gone. No more neighborhoods full of white kids playing carelessly of an evening or weekend.
The whole jew thing. I think im just not clear on what y'all mean by "jews". It cant be the whole race right?
You're referring to a mindset or ideology and using the stereotype of "jew" behavior because it most closely resembles it...right?
Israel is a nation we need to ally with. There is a good jew and a bad jew just like any other category of people.
Help me out here.
Schizophrenic much?
Also, how many more pics do you have of this awful meme?
>you're wrong about the existence of God because politics
And yet the Jews won ww2 and have been in control ever since
I honestly think it is was started by people intending to discredit wikileaks and their supporters
I have lots
Illuminati Jews bad, msm and hollywood are these and there's a lot
Avg Jews can be good
fuck off flayed man
Nice info
Indian brahmacarya's believe that men that are truly celibate have their semen internally secrete and nourish the brain
food for thought
It looks so painful, make it stop pls
Climate change is real and caused by humans. I still don't totally believe it.
That we won't pull it together as a species to leave earth mother before Mr. Sun swallows us.
desu just baiting for replies
>The final pill to take.
And won't be for much longer.
whites are less then niggers.
All Jews are bad in the same way that all niggers are bad. You can make the case that some are good, but at the end of the day we'd be much better off if they were all gone
>What red pill is too much for you to take?
That women turn into evil cunts when men give them too many rights.
>your argument against the misuse of established words and the culture surrounding them, is wrong cause I'm offended by the idea of a deity from my emotional attachment from pop culture and my identity
Fuck you
The first post
Why do we need to ally with Israel again, aside from the fact that politicians' funders tell them they have to? We do plenty for them, what do you imagine they do for us? Stir up and piss off kebabs, soil our hands with their filthy acts of lebensraum. They are in good part the cause of our muslim troubles.
No, I don't think they're any good for us. More like one of those jungle brain parasites.
Trump is being orchestrated by the powers that be just like everyone else
(You)s get you high
Easily the BOGpill.
I can't even get it down, it's honestly quite shocking
Thats a blue pill
That's like first day of Sup Forums tier.
I seriously hope you don't believe the holocaust happened.
A Utopia is impossible to achieve, because Humans are incapable of living in true and absolute harmony. To make the world as good as it can be, you have to make compromises. Someone always has to suffer.