>i think its ok for a little
>but for more then a month is would make someone go crazy
pic related
people in this jail have been in solitary since last century
What is Sup Forumss thoughts on solitary
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Cool. Put john Podesta in there too
its pretty abusive
when do we put Hillary Clinton in there?
half of Sup Forums would prefer solitary confinement if they still got to shitpost.
They're already crazy, that's why they're in there.
So it's like my own life, but without wifi.
I think I can handle.
Half of Sup Forums live like this and resent when they have to interact with people.
If they actually got to shitpost I think half of them would murder someone just to get I there and have no responsibility.
If you get sent to a supermax prison, you did something to deserve it. I'm sure there are more than enough people suffering much more than them in the wake of their crimes.
since the last MILLENNIUM, no less. They must be getting kinda bored
meh i could probably survive in there
>live in tiny apartment
>never leave
>talk to myself outloud
>barely bathe
>barely see natural light
>eat terrible food
bring it
A place fit for Soros. Death is to easy
He needs to suffer in place where all he has is his own mandess
>Most dangerous criminals in the USA
Sounds likE this place needs some DIVERSITY
>brutally murder and rape 4 different women
>sent to solitary for the rest of your life
>wahh wahh there's no one to talk to wahh wahh
Wtf you are a Japanese hermit?
Sup Forums is an english speaking board Leaf. >>Sup Forums
Personally I blame you for that fuck up
That creepy bastard would probably like it then. Get the rope.
How could you not kill yourself in that situation?
From what I've heard they're denied any form of entertainment.
They have nothing to do except stare at walls
Now now, you were typing one handed whilst looking at pictures of Fapanese cartoon girls.
Imagine spending all this time in here only to get out for this to happen,
I think all people convicted of violent crime should immediately be put to death, and repeat offenders who failed to rehabilitate should be right behind them
The cells are designed where its 99% impossible to kill yourself the only viable option being smashing your own head against the floor repeatedly all cells are blindspot free 24-7 CCTV monitored
Well yes, which you got me hooked on
It really depends on the person. If I was given sufficient reading material I could do extended periods of time with ease. Some people can't be without human interaction even with sufficient mental stimulation. With nothing to keep the mind occupied it is torture regardless of the person.
A place where all the cooking and cleaning is done for me, and it's illegal for anyone to bother me?
Sign me up.
I've never had solitary but I know of people that were put in the hole.
I think solitary is a waste of time. They are there for a life sentence, why not just end it for them before they do it themselves?
One of the main things I disagree with Sup Forums and other conservative on is 'muh prisons should be torture cells'
Most prisoners get out eventually, and brutal prisons only make worse criminals when they get out
Not saying they should be all nice and shit, just smarter in the approach. Mandatory jobs, education required for parole, even teaching the fixable prisoners how to act in society since most of them never had a positive influence in their pathetic lives
This. And free healthca....never mind
I hope you remember their designs well, you'll have to recreate them on the walls of your cell with nothing but feces and earwax when they lock you up for life for your bestial goingons
on one had i think its kinda fucked up to be that isolated
on the other hand i think those inmates should have stopped fucking around before they got sent to the prison equivalent of detention
Get out
prison should be like the army, they can use it as an opportunity to break the person down and rebuild them as a stable member of society. teach appropriate socialization, how to keep a job, all the shit you need to function. there is no reason to waste the opportunity
>All that time to sleep and dream
See I've thought about that and It's probably a better idea than what we're doing now.
Prisoners already spend their time getting fit, and most prisons are already bootcamps, just for gangs, not society.
Also you Americans have the whole racial thing in prison to deal with but thats a whole other problem
I don't know about you, but I find it pretty hard to sleep more than 14 hours
the thing is the people in the prison OP posted aren't getting out
read this. Your tax dollars paid for it. Basically, after the hysterical introduction (commissioned by President Obama) the actual science of restrictive housing is inconclusive to the point of being suspicious. If there were more misbehavior, self-harm, suicide, mental health problems, and recidivism caused by solitary, then it would be evident. But the results across hundreds of studies found NO effect, marginal effects, or effects with reversed temporal ordering (in other words, inmates who are violent, mentally ill, prone to self injury, and high risk for recidivism are the ones put in solitary to protect themselves and others).
Not as bad as people say, but then again, like most people I think it can be excessive and way over used by lazy COs. The biggest question is WHAT SHOULD THEY DO INSTEAD? When an inmate is hurting other people what alternatives are there?
Then when they are released. There's a fresh new recruit already molded. To serve the country he took away from
Yeah well ADX is the exception to the rule
Rename it "Arkham"
It's so cruel it's almost like a punishment for a crime.
>The biggest question is WHAT SHOULD THEY DO INSTEAD? When an inmate is hurting other people what alternatives are there?
At some point there is nothing else you can do. The people are not well mentally, you can treat that, but if treatment is not sufficient and they are still a danger to others all you can do is isolate them.
That being said for those prisoners that are not a danger to others we should be encouraging proper socialization and skills that can be used in the real world. Art should be a big part of their rehabilitation, I don't care what painting, acting, anything that they can learn to use to express themselves and give an outlet to their emotions.
>Putting someone to death peacefully is a horrendous evil thing to do
>Putting them through psychological torture via solitary confinement in a tiny room for the rest of their lives is not
Why are anti-death penalty liberals fuckwads such hypocrites. They think it's cruel to put someone to death, but doing shit is fine???
I can't answer your question.
What about the program where violent offenders were given unwanted animals, dogs and cats to care for. Did that have as high a success rate as progressives claim or is it just a meme?
The best intervention research shows that art and acting is total bullshit, along with all the "self-esteem" programs out there. The only one is the program by Tim Robbins, and that is a fluke (he chooses plays that reinforce the principles of cognitive behavioral therapy). I agree they need treatment, but some people are too dangerous to be handled by our current system. It's too expensive and huge to work with each person one at a time. We're stuck warehousing them and trying to fix them as they are released (halfway houses, parole, probation). Effective CBT should be mandatory for 3 years post-release, paid for by the offender as a condition of their release. There's no other way.
I'm not arguing with you specifically, I'm just venting.
Mostly a meme. Sherrif Joe did that in Arizona and all he got was some lawsuits from dog bites and cheaper kennels for the humane society. They really need one on one Cognitive Behavioral Therapy targeting individual needs, but it's too much money. We just have a shit ton of criminals in this country. Until we do something drastic we'll always have a 60-70% recidivism rate. And that still leaves us with prison management problems and forces us to use solitary to separate dangerous inmates. Sad situation, but we're fucked.
So a few major prison fires?
Why are prisoners even allowed to socialize? It's asking for problems.
"self-esteem" yeah that is total bullshit, I can agree with you there. Personally I like things like art and education because they have provided me with methods to structure my thoughts, they give me a way to understand the world and make sense of things.
Then I realize most people don't actually like to think or be challenged and you are right it would not work at all, there is a reason they are in prison in the first place. Thanks for the insight.
If I were the law:
- All prison sentences would be life sentences.
- Prisoners would be placed in solitary for the entirety of their sentences.
- They would be provided with computer equipment. Every second of free use would be paid for with 2 seconds worth of digital labour by the prisoners.
- All cells would have camera's in them. People outside of the cells should have the right to pay money to watch the prisoners, provide them with gifts of various kinds, talk to them and torment them.
- Prisoners would be sterilized.
- People would be able to pay to fuck or do whatever they desire to prisoners. Provided they were clean.
- Cells should have pepper spray and tear gas dispensers to pacify miscreants.
- Cells should have knockout gas dispensers to make prisoners easy to handle.
- Food, water and heating should be paid for with digital labour. Anything paid for this way will eat into their recreation time.
Why the fuck should the costs of incarceration fall upon the law abiding taxpayers? I'm my view it should be the prisoners who pay their own way during incarceration and every possible effort should be made to minimise costs and extract value from prisoners.
>I am 12 years old
Its either doing this to punish them for their crimes or being those pussy Europeans that basically send their prisoners to day spas
you can only handle it with wifi
without wifi you're a dead gringo
If I was ever in solitary, I would smear poop all over the door handle and walls.
Aren't Euro prisons full of ISIS now?
It's torture. It just damages people.
don't know, not in prison
>I just came from Reddit where I am also 13 years old and wish to do a lot of harm to others
Cruel and unusual punishment
Dumbass. None of those fuckers in that prison will ever be released. They're literally the worst of the worst and have been determined that they have no place in society.
>Prisoners would be in solitary for the entirety of the sentences
>Prisoners would be sterilized.
For what purpose would they be sterilized if they're solitary confinement for the rest of their lives.
Wait why am I giving you a free (you).
Almost everyone there is serving a life sentence. It's one step below Guantanamo. But yeah, the ones that aren't they need to try and rehabilitate, and upgrade them to life sentences if they can't be reintegrated.
Mate, they don't throw ONLY these people into solitary. If you spend a few years in, you're going to go into the hole at some point. It's an inevitability.
yeah theyre probably a little bummed out.
its fucking horrible, but there are no coherent legal solutions to fixing the prison system.
The people in this prison are not fit for society and, thus, will not be released back into society.
Robert Hanssen is a resident. This man sold secrets to the Russians. We don't even know the damage he did. It's safe to say a lot of assetts in the region just "disappeared". This fucker was getting paid in DIAMONDS. They will bury that cocksucker under the prison.
Those are the kind of people who
>Belong there
IDGAF if they don't get to talk to anybody. You don't just "wind up" at ADX Florence. Any cocksucker who lives there probably should have been executed; but, by the grace of our pussy criminal justice system, were not put to death.
Anything else is insanity. 'Minimum security' type warehouse prisons are literally gangster training grounds. All incarceration should be an overwhelmingly solitary experience. To allow or encourage socialization is envitably to encourage the exact behaviors which lead to the offense.
Just send them to this uninhabited wasteland.
So what do you suggest? Pamper them and hope that they don't commit more crimes? "Oh please Mr. Nog, don't go selling more drugs and attacking random people!" Get fucked.
Give me a good computer and internet connection and I would volunteer for it desu
They need t be taught PROPER socialization so they dont re-offended
For reference: en.wikipedia.org
Pic related. 161 life sentences.
Tantamount to torture. A human rights violation, period.
The whole point is that you don't get to leave your head. No multimedia, no interaction, no nothing.
Good. Life has consequences, criminals should not be dealt with lightly, else we turn into sweden 2.0
Excuse me, but we're full.
Turn off all electronics (except utilities), restrain to only one book per week.
You'll break in 2 days.
You literally have to be a terrorist although one guys in their cause he escaped everywhere else
>muh womyn
You're whiteknighting even in your hypotheticals, what the fuck are you doing on Sup Forums?.
You're not a landlocked country/continent. We can make new countries.
bring back chain gangs. not the same name of course
there is alot of trash that needs to be picked up. why not use the trash to pick up trash.
Definitely not the "fuck it, into the SHU you go" as the default action for literally fucking anything in prison.
I mean, they're still in fucking prison. That's punishment enough. That's THE punishment, not WHERE you go to GET punished. The other inmates make it hell enough, too.
I'm not saying to pamper fucking anyone. But if you think it's a good idea to put anyone in solitary that might be released back into society one day (which is the overwhelming majority of prisoners), then you're fucking stupid. Damaging people like that makes them MORE dangerous.
While you may not give a shit about the inmates killing themselves, I have to wonder if you'd give a shit about the innocent guards just doing their job. Riots and hostage situations that unfold in prisons happen exactly because of this type of mentality. It gets people killed.
As far as I'm concerned, it's a form of torture, and therefore cruel and unusual punishment.
Yeah, nah, we have zero room left aye.
This is just stupid and wasteful. Put prisoners to work, what's the point of wasting all that free workforce?
You're stupid. A lot of criminals want to be in prison because they got shit else on the outside. At least there they get food and shelter. Force isolation on their asses and see if they want to come back and be a tax drain
If you're sent to that prison, you likely don't deserve to be back in the public.
Joseph Konopka
>Pleaded guilty in 2002 to causing blackouts in Wisconsin by damaging power substations and utility facilities, as well as storing potassium cyanide and sodium cyanide in the Chicago subway system; also known as "Dr. Chaos."
>Dr. Chaos
Numerous people go many years without human contact.
Those criminals in Florence Supermax are just bitch ass pussies.
>As far as I'm concerned, it's a form of torture,
And you're wrong
>A lot of criminals want to be in prison because they got shit else on the outside
>[citation needed]
Sounds like a GOP talking point. Also statistically speaking, worse prison conditions turn single offenders to repeat offenders as they no longer can function in the real world.
You'd adapt quickly. It becomes so normal the idea of having one book every two weeks would seem unbearable so it's good thing you get one per week! Not like that hell on earth bimonthly books would be. That's the psychological process.
There was once a time you thought this was a terrible website. And now look at you. You're like a baby in a blanket. This is how a broken mind heals itself.
The unabomber was sent there
>a literal red pilled guy
>You'd adapt quickly
>[citation needed]
>There was once a time you thought this was a terrible website. And now look at you. You're like a baby in a blanket. This is how a broken mind heals itself.
To quote myself
>The whole point is that you don't get to leave your head. No multimedia, no interaction, no nothing.
This is just a fucking website.
Your example is moronic.
>>transferred to ADX after murdering Correction Officer
>>Silverstein's crime was the reason for the construction of ADX
This guy fucked up so bad they made a new prison for him.
And you're Canadian. Nothing you say or think or do matters.
Okay then it's not like that and the mind doesn't adapt. Even better. Those people are actually being punished if that's case.
Oops sorry wrong image.
Pic related is what i meant to post
>Projecting this hard
Why take it easy on murderers? I take it that if they made it in that prison, they are most likely serial killers. Hearing that they commit suicide is kind of a sweet revenge for what they done.
Abu Hamza al-Masri
>Egyptian cleric and former associate of late Al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden; extradited from the UK in 2012; convicted in 2014 of masterminding the 1998 kidnapping of Westerners in Yemen and establishing a terrorist training camp in Oregon in 1999.
Eljvir Duka
>Ethnic Albanian; convicted in 2008 of conspiracy to murder members of the US military and for plotting to attack soldiers at Fort Dix in New Jersey using automatic weapons; four others were also convicted.
O.G Mack
>Founder of the United Blood Nation gang; convicted in 2002 of racketeering and murder conspiracy, as well as narcotics and weapons charges.
Richard Lee McNair
>Held at ADX due to multiple prison escapes; escaped from the Ward County Jail in Minot, ND in 1987 by using lip balm to slip out of handcuffs, from the ND State Penitentiary in Bismarck in 1992 by crawling through a ventilator duct, and from USP Pollock in Louisiana in 2006 by mailing himself out of prison in a crate.