What is your favorite book in the Bible, Sup Forumsack?
Mine is Ecclesiastes. It comes across as the most honest and most humble in the whole Bible.
A close second is Genesis, because of the richness of the mythologies written in it.
What is your favorite book in the Bible, Sup Forumsack?
Mine is Ecclesiastes. It comes across as the most honest and most humble in the whole Bible.
A close second is Genesis, because of the richness of the mythologies written in it.
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Did you just say mythologies, saracen?
tbqh familamily... my favorite would have to be Revelation because I can't wait for Jesus Christ to kill all of these liberal faggots and send them to hell. Thank God for hell.
My favorite is John's Gospel. I love the prologue, the I Am statements, and especially the sixth chapter where Jesus explicitly speaks to the Eucharist. A close second would be revelation. Love the image of the heavenly city decending and all things being made new.
James, John, Proverbs, and Esther come to mind.
The part where the jew throws out hes wife to get raped by 30 men instead of him.
Same. Ecclesiastes is so edgy.
Interesting choices, I've always been drawn to the Old Testament myself (I'm not a Jew). The books therein feel more on point than the New Testament, which reads like one long rambling essay, essentially.
It's hard to rank them. They're just interesting in different ways. I'd say the Book of Job has a special place in my heart. I love the Lord's series of questions to Job. Really gets my neurons firing.
The entire Christian Greek Scriptures.
What about Judith?
I like Revelation because it is quite analogous to the current times.
Only the 3 Synoptics are valid. The rest is all bullshit written by fallible men and are not really from Jesus. Maybe acts of the apostles has some validity but that's about it. Johns gospel is pretty much crap
Corinthians and John
Old Testament: Psalms and Tobit
New Testament: John and Acts
Hello heretic.
John's Gospel is the better Gospel. He has more width, sublimity, greatness ; his Christ is both more human and more violently divine. John 11:17-37 perfectly exemplifies this.
His is the only Gospel displaying real theology.
And this simple question, by Pilate: "Τί ἐστιν ἀλήθεια," "What is truth?" soars higher than anything written by the synoptic authors.
John's Epistles are great too.
Had Christianity been strictly johannine, it would have been much more dangerous, much more seductive, --- because his writings are actually noble, unlike the rest of the New Testament.
The Synoptic Gospels do indeed sometimes give off this impression ; especially Luke, I feel.
>You are now aware that Revelation is about the fall of Jerusalem in 70 AD
>Jerusalem is the whore of Babylon, not Rome
>John is criticizing Jews for rejecting the Messiah
It makes a lot more sense that way.
Kill yourself.
Mark is pretty good. It was written for the Romans and is probably the best entry book into the Bible.
Also Maccabees and Esther. Fuck Protestants.
John made most of it up himself. Are you a Christian or a John worshiper? Jesus would think you are an idiot
What's best is to read them in light of each other. This is the traditional Christian method to read the scriptures as seen in the writings of the great ancient saints (Augustine, Ambrose, Gregory of Nazianzus etc.). So you read the Old Testament as enlightened by the new (In Genesis, God spoke and created, in New Testament Jesus is revealed as the Word of God, Saint Paul says all things were created through Him.) And the New Testament as the fulfillment of the Old (Jesus is the suffering servant described in Isaiah for example.) The Old Testament is made clear by the New and the New pressumes a knowledge of the Old.
Ecclesiastes & Proverbs. No idea why anyone likes Psalms. Guy literally murders someone because he's too loyal to have sex with his wife while his brothers are fighting on the front lines.
I always hated David.
Maccabees or Exodus.
The Church through the Holy Spirit decides what is scripture, not you, hun.
job, because it shows how god its a fucking idiot
Sirach... only in Catholic bible, but quite excellent. Highly reminescent a lot of Jesus' teachings, different words tho.
>John made most of it up himself
What are you speaking about? He simply relies on different sources. Matthew and Luke are based on Mark which is based on the Q source. The fact that John has so many similarities (yet also differences) with the Synoptics without using the same source goes to show how accurate the [oral] tradition surrounding Christ's preaching remained, even after a few decades.
Modern Judaizers have really destroyed OT interpretation with "muh context, muh culture". Today it's all about digging in the dirt, instead of being enlightened by truth.
Sirach is fantastic, as is Wisdom of Solomon.
Wisdom chapter 2 is a clear prophecy of the Crucifixion.
great story for sure,
I especially like the "Praise of the Fathers" section in Sirach, near the end of the book. In my Orthodox parish we sing that on the Sunday of the Forefathers (Sunday before Christmas).
Mine is the book of Acts because I loved how the early church started and how a man who persecuted Christians become saved and wrote the epistles.
This is what I think of your choice of fiction.
John came up with the concept of logos all by himself...as one example. Another is his awful revelation which only the most simple minded people latch on to because of the drama and gore. It has zero to do with jesus.
Revelations has always been my favorite since I was little because it makes me feel very fire and brimstone
Mark and proverbs
not canon goy
Hahha wow.
>John, the man who wrote the Epistles and the Gospel
>the same "John" as the one who wrote the Revelations
So John Milton and John Green are the same person too because they share a name?
The synoptics are also deliberately structured, its just that John is structured to make a point (Jesus is God come to save us) rather than to tell a story like the synoptics.
Here is a quick example of deliberate structure in the Gospel of Mark. There are two healings in Mark meant as a pair. A leper in the first chapter, and man with a withered hand in the third chapter. The first healing Jesus reaches out his hand, in the second he asks the man to extend his hand to him. The message is "Jesus is extending his hand to you, will you reach back?"
Okay Beth kalb, but the church is made up of dipshit men who are corrupt and inept. ONLY the direct words of Jesus can be trusted. God bless the holy spirit, you should apologize for blaming her for the stupid decisions of the church has to decide what scripture best suits their temporal goals.
you're a based cunt, great pick.
I also like proverbs although it seems to repeat the same topics constantly
>what is wisdom
>how to be wise
>who is a wise man
the book of job, best poetry to come out of biblical times ever written
that is absolutely a weird story, how Saul of Tarsus becomes Paul the Apostle. How random, on the road to Damascus to more-or-less persecute Christians, Jesus appears to him and makes him a fucking Apostle.
But I guess you could be forgiven for thinking it a bit random that Mary, a virgin, bore the seed of Christ who was present in inchoate creation with the Father, and He bore the sins of all humanity, that whosoever believes in Him shall have eternal life.
I love the book of Job becuase it so clearly talks about satan and how bad he wants to nail you to the wall and to what lengths he will go to do so. It talks about horrible suffering to where you just want to just die and unsympathetic 'friends' who are shady and disloyal making things even worse. After pleading to, wrestling with, and railing against a silent God for such a verly long time, God himself appears in a storm to Job and overwhelms him with his power and reminds him of all that he has made, (this includes a description of dinosaurs) and the fact that He is actually in control the entire time and does not need anyone to advise Him. Job can't even deal with it; he laments all the times he questioned someone as great as God saying
"Surely I spoke of things I did not understand, things too wonderful for me to know ...
my ears had heard of you but now my eyes have seen you.
Therefore I despise myself and repent in dust and ashes"
Then God restores Job's life.
You know what I mean... everyone associates it with John the apostles gospel.
Yeah, and John through the same structure, manages to make sense of Peter's denial of Christ.
After the Resurrection, Christ comes to Peter and asks him "Do you love me" thrice.
>John came up with the concept of logos all by himself...as one example
Psalms 33:6, Septuagint version :
τῷ λόγῳ τοῦ Κυρίου οἱ οὐρανοὶ ἐστερεώθησαν kαὶ τῷ πνεύματι τοῦ στόματος αὐτοῦ πᾶσα ἡ δύναμις αὐτῶν·
"By the word of the LORD were the heavens made; and all the host of them by the breath of his mouth."
Exodus fag ever since
never get tired of reading sandniggers getting assblasted by plagues
This is not christianity
My take away from the Acts was God chose Saul, later Paul, to help spread the gospel. God can use any person to advance His purpose.
Keep your Jew worship to yourself please
This is a white forum
Exactly, the psalms are Jewish crap that Jesus disavowed. John on the other hand used them to put words in Jesus's mouth
>Ctrl f
My niggers. Even G-d gambles with our lives.
but 2 esdras takes place around ~100AD and Uriel says that the apocalypse hasn't happened yet but there is more time before this point than after
Nope...not an atheist. I'm cool with science and my beliefs aren't founded but reconcile with it.
It's 2017.
I don't give a shit about transgender rights.
I'm ok with ALL drugs being legal and letting Darrian sort out the failures.
I never said there is no god.
You are a presumptive faggot.
Yet you disagree with official church dogma which was inspired by the Holy Spirit. Christ is the Logos.
The point is also that Grace cannot be deserved, you cannot "earn" God's Grace. Paul received it, certainly not because it deserved it, but because God is just and merciful.
Yep. True.
I count nine
Mine is the book of kings
It speaks to me on levels i can bearly comprehend.
True, there is no scorecard, there is nothing owed or deserved. Grace is infinite and available for everyone, but it is our job to be able to receive it. If you have a dirty receiver you need to clean it and you can receive more grace
mine is drawing mustaches and rage eyebrows on jesus in the comic bible
It's probably pretty pleb
But mine is All quiet on the Western Front, it was an interesting read to say the least.
Ecclesiastes, 38
Treat the doctor with the honour that is his due, in consideration of his services; for he too has been created by the Lord.
2 Healing itself comes from the Most High, like a gift received from a king.
3 The doctor's learning keeps his head high, and the great regard him with awe.
4 The Lord has brought forth medicinal herbs from the ground, and no one sensible will despise them.
5 Did not a piece of wood once sweeten the water, thus giving proof of its power?
6 He has also given some people knowledge, so that they may draw credit from his mighty works.
7 He uses these for healing and relieving pain; the druggist makes up a mixture from them.
8 Thus, there is no end to his activities; thanks to him, well-being exists throughout the world.
9 My child, when you are ill, do not rebel, but pray to the Lord and he will heal you.
For it has helped me with my patients.
Not the best bibble book on my opinion but my favorite one
That is a really tough choice for me user. I've got the whole Bible in my heart now.
Can't I just love the whole Bible? Why do you make me make these choices?
Schopenhauer was right, it's definitely Ecclesiastes.
>"When I turned to the works which my hands had wrought and to the toils wherein I had laboured in vain, I saw that all had been self-congratulations and chasing after the winds, for there is nothing to be gained under the sun."
Based af.