There are black PEOPLE statistically SMARTER than whites
You scared, racists?
There are black PEOPLE statistically SMARTER than whites
You scared, racists?
>You scared, racists?
meh, not really
shit leaf thread as always
So the top 20% of blacks are still more stupid than 50% of whites?
I love this picture.
It's a great picture, the best picture.
And you know why it's a great picture?
Doesn't that mean that 50% of white people who smarter than every black person?
They also excel in crime for their small percentage but you don't see a shitty Facebook meme thread being created do you cuck
that's a wired way of saying 80% of blacks are dumber than 50% of whites
Thats the joke.
Very good
>Excel in crime
Generally the good criminals are the ones who don't get caught
Is this how you appease black population and make them feel smart?
Jesus Christ it probably works too.
Top 20% of blacks are smarter than the dumbest 50% of whites. Sounds right racist.
Today I learned that Sup Forums has a problem understanding statistics.
Isn't that a bad stat? The top 20% of blacks are smarter than the top 50% of whites.
That is what it is saying. It is admitting that blacks are not as smart.
No. I hope they become th ruling class of a black nation far far from here and take the rest with them.
>white people deny blacks education, basic commodities, human rights, live prospects, healthcare
>still get beaten
so, blacks that are smarter than 80% of other blacks are only smarter than 50% of all whites
>The top 20% of blacks are smarter than the top 50% of whites.
No, it's saying 20% of blacks are smarter than the bottom 50% of whites.
>Sup Forums has a problem understanding statistics.
No shit.
Why else would they think blacks are somehow inferior or commit more crimes?
Was this a real post from the Occupy Democrats facebook page? I wouldn't be surprised if they were that dumb.
lol so the top 20% of niggers are dumber than the top 50% of whites.
Niggers are retarded. Got it.
>Sup Forums is one person
You have to back, normie
So the top 20% of blacks are still matched or surpassed by 50% of white people, if only 1 in 2 are dumber.
A rank of 70 or below is mental retardation... why are all the countries 70 and below black?
Rank | Nation | Avg IQ
36 Antigua and Barbuda 70
36 Benin 70
36 Botswana 70
36 Rwanda 70
36 Togo 70
37 Burundi 69
37 Cote d'Ivoire 69
37 Ethiopia 69
37 Malawi 69
37 Niger 69
38 Angola 68
38 Burkina Faso 68
38 Chad 68
38 Djibouti 68
38 Somalia 68
38 Swaziland 68
39 Dominica 67
39 Guinea 67
39 Guinea-Bissau 67
39 Haiti 67
39 Lesotho 67
39 Liberia 67
39 Saint Kitts and Nevis 67
39 Sao Tome and Principe 67
40 Gambia, The 66
41 Cameroon 64
41 Gabon 64
41 Mozambique 64
42 Saint Lucia 62
43 Equatorial Guinea 59
IQ tests are very racist
we all know that the poster has bullshit numbers anyways
Has this image come full circle now?
Actually, only the top 16% of blacks have an IQ in the same range as the average white person.
top 20% of blacks are smarter than bottom 50% of whites
so youre saying that 80% of blacks are autistic while 50% of whites are autistic, hmm, seems quite sound,
top 20% of blacks being on the same level of top 50% of white?
u dumb?
Get fucked leaf. Don't you have some muslims to welcome across your border?
This one is subtle
So they are saying that 20% of blacks are only half as smart as white people.
The rest definitely have no hope then
It should just say niggers are stupid I can understand that no problem
>See thread on catalog
>I Bet it's gonna be a leaf
>See flag
quality thread, here is something to fap too OP
It doesn't prove that. It just proves that the bottom 80% of blacks are dumber than 50% of whites. Some of that 20% might be smarter than the top 50% of whites.
It does tell you that only 20% of blacks are above median white IQ.
>"top 20%"
That's actually by IQ, not population.
So the number of blacks in that category is minuscule.
Not sure what kind of stupidity it takes for some pathetic white faggot to think it's a thing to admit that blacks are abysmally stupider than whites as though it's some kind of badge of honor.
It does make me worry that there are more Adam Lanzas out there though.
This is a great image for my sockpuppet account. Do you have any others?
>statistically SMARTER
This. Fucking into math, folks.
bow 2 ya massa, wite boi