if east asians and jews are statistically smarter, more powerful, and more civilized, then why does Sup Forums seem to think that whites are the master race?
sure, its obvious we are a huge step above shitskins, but compared to east asians and jews the average white is a bit brutish and animalistic, wouldn't you say?
James Stewart
If I can outsmart the shitskins and beat the piss out of jews and asians, then who will stop me?
Checkmate jews.
Christian Watson
You have no soul nor creative spark to live off the land. You have not the spirit to live harmoniously with even your own, and you become parasites that wander the earth like eternal transients. You need to die!
Ian Nguyen
Isreal is only 12 on list of countries by iq and below almost every single white country including slavs and fucking Portugal. The jew iq meme is completely a Jewish invention.
Asians are actually higher iq than whites but they aren't the master race because they aren't as good at building societies which has always been the white man's string point
Eli Wilson
Because everyone has a superiority complex, either subtle or blatant and doesn't want to admit that anyone is better than them, so individuals will band up and say their group is better than others because they can't stand not being out and proud of it. Chinese like to think they're superior to other Asians and other groups around the world. Arabs like to think they are superior to other Middle Easterners and to other groups around the world. Brits like to think they are superior to other Europeans and to other groups around the world. Kikes think they are superior to goys. It's inherent in the human mind to feel better than others, and if that means basing it off looks, wealth, racial traits that they don't have control over but still want to use, sex, influence, ect... then people will make up reasons why they are superior while ignoring their own faults.
Caleb Jenkins
this desu
Whites are the warrior race Humanity is a warrior species
therefore, whites are the best of our species
Henry King
sounds like youre contradicting yourself. isn't claiming that jews have an average IQ irrelevant if you also claim that they outsmart us in every situation?
Cameron Fisher
All of the ills of this world are derived and promulgated by the jew because it cannot feel comfortable in its own skin. This angst of being harmonious with the nature that surrounds it causes the jew to become unnatural and a burden to the planet as a whole. There is only one solution. We must exterminate every trace of it from the planet!
John Cook
>you also claim that they outsmart us in every situation?
Can you show me where I claimed that? Are you actually so retarded you have to make up your opponents argument just to counter something?
Isaac Myers
Also >us
Nicholas Clark
People are a product of their circumstances and environment, put any of these pampered so called advance western races in the slightest stressful environment for even a week and see how quickly they outnig the shittiest shit skin or kill themselves.
Luke Morris
you didnt say it explicitly, but when its the same theme over and over again(jews control and manipulate white societies), you start to generalize
Aiden Butler
So basically >you didn't say it but I'm going to act like you did because I'm a window licking retard
Cool thread
Levi Reed
Nice skin head tattoos that guy has ....why isn't his head shaved? UNDERCOVER!
Hudson Rivera
>it cannot feel comfortable in its own skin
I have no idea what this means
Blake Sanchez
>Why does pol thin x or y
Rly maeks u dink
Mason Turner
Jews are self loathing because they feel inadequate. They then try to propagate themselves as better, trying to be above other groups to feel superior while ignoring their own shortcomings and inadequacies.
Connor Jackson
>statistically smarter, more powerful >more powerful
they aren't though, hence whites are masterrace
Isaac Bailey
This doesn't explain why whites build successful prosperous countries across the world (USA, Aus, NZ, Rhodesia, Europe, SA). Put whites in Africa and they still build civilised societies.
Michael Martin
It's possible that asians and jews are a bit smarter. It's also quite possible that it's cultural. Yeah yeah, I would say that. But some nips and chinks really study, and aren't held back by any bullshit liberalism, whereas teaching in the west has gone a bit bullshit. And after all that? They have about 8 IQ points on us - and that's with after we've taking a few million shitskins and sandniggers and god knows what. As for the Ashkanazi superjew, where's the studies? What we do know is that Western Europeans are capable of amazing civilisations, and that not a bullshit we woz kings, but conquering half globe, the enlightenment, the industrial revolution, so I don't think we're untermensch. Also, evolution isn't static. A little bit of natural selection seems to have boosted European, Asian, and yes, even jewish iq. At the moment, we are selecting the least successful, encouraging people who can't or won't do anything else - both indigenous and immigrant - to have more children. We're practising dysgenics.
Dylan Ross
We have creativity, Jews are more insidious and Asians are more robotic.
Cameron Phillips
Pretty much this. Specialization is for insects.
Carson Evans
jews aren't even that much smarter. it's only the ashkenazi jews with european admixture who have high iqs. sephardic and mizrahic jews are arab-tier