Where does Sup Forums get their news?

Where does Sup Forums get their news?

If you had to pick one source to read for the rest of your life, what would it be?

Drudge, CNN, Fox, Reuters, NPR, BBC, etc.

Usually sift through articles looking for the facts rather than reading headlines and taking it as truth.


Xhamster comments


I subscribe. He is pretty rational in his analysis.

Anyone have any less known but more neutral news/blogs?


Sup Forums's Politically Incorrect

Looks like Soros a bit

>Where does Sup Forums get their news?
>from Sup Forums obviously

You should add RT to the mix they are pretty good as well
He's a civic nationalist satanist

Sky news

The Economist

Ron Paul Liberty Report

>If you had to pick one source to read for the rest of your life, what would it be?

Are you retarded? Sup Forums of course

Infowars reeeee

Pretty funny lol

But, for me, mainly Fox & Breitbart.

>If you had to pick one source to read for the rest of your life, what would it be?

Anyone who gets information from a single source is a moron who lives in an echochamber

your mama

Drudge terrifies the liberal mind

Probably zerohedge. Most diverse topics.

Although I am addicted to gizadeathstar.com for Joseph P. Farrell's "high octane speculation".

For energy news that matters, srsroccoreport.com - which usually gets posted on zerohedge anyway

infowars obviously
If i have to get it from one person, it would be from based water filter salesman

Yes. Does not mean he is against my urge to kill every jew or nigger i see. Besides, he is luciferian. Satan is a metaphor for destructive forces.

Why limit yourself to one source when you possess five senses from birth and when each one of them is technically speaking an input source?

Sup Forums get their news from antifa and they have a tendency to latch onto the first narrative they hear when they are uncertain.
Bunch of stupid fucks if you ask me.

Daily Reading:

^American Thinker
^The Economic Collapse Blog (When Michael isn't having an Evangelical sperg out over something with Israel
^Zero Hedge


Sounds faggy as fuck but my favourite is Phillip DeFranco, he always delivers news in a very neutral way and then gives his opinion, it's one of the few places where people in the comments can talk and leave their echo chamber. He seems like a nu-male average liberal but he is pretty mature for a jewtuber


It has honestly gotten to the point in which I use twitter. The site has a clever way of curating content; promoting news in a timely and readable manner.

@IntelCrab is a rather under rated "drudge" style user who I have found to be quite good lately.

Aussie shitposter


Sup Forums is a surprisingly good source of news, as long as you're reading it correctly. You should never take Sup Forums at fave value.

Need I remind you that [REDACTED CONTENT: Only Sup Forums Gold Account Users Can View Text] so there it is, right?

Fox. They're not ideal, but they do the best job of feeding me the day's happenings in a timely manner. Here's my daily routine though:
1. Fox
2. Drudge
3. Styx
4. Rush
5. Breitbart
Wildcard: Alex Jones

Rush Lumbaugh
Fox News
Rando youtubers

Also keep my eyes on the left with:
New York Times
Washingtin Post
Huffington Post

If only one source, obviously Sup Forums

Rush's podcast is enjoyable imo. I try to listen most days.