Nigger hate thread
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Dump some webms pls
I need them for my new computer
I see plastic bottles and well made pots that picture.
Would they have figured that out by themselves?
Very well, just webm?
does that shirt say HIV positive?
fuckn kek
Who's got the pic of that one retarded nigger in a grey hoodie. Just a face shot. I need it.
>charges with a bat at a cop who has his gun out
I wonder if he just wanted to die
Why didn't they stop him?
That's kinda funny. Poor thing
pretty sure that happened in the LA riot back in the 90s
Because that's racist and it's his right to steal what he wants, bigot.
Looks staged to me.
Some fine innovation in nigger culture.
White boys sure are jealous.
>The body language and behavior
They really are monkeys
Is there supposed to be some meaning to this madness?
Got a Feeling a Black Women made this.....
I dont hate black people, I hate that we dont understand and are kept from understanding black people.
Nice reversal
la 92
what kind parents allow this to take place. These people are breeding like rabbits too.
Luckily they kill themselves off nearly as quickly.
Here we have an example of a loving a nurturing niggress in her natural habitat.
The second their guy loses completely they jump in 4v1. Fucking cowards. School shooting when?
You don't bodyslam someone unless you plan on possibly killing them.
I see this trend taking place among all races, wtf is wrong with people?
not learning to fight as kids
same fucking garbage webm's reposted over and over stop making these threads till you get atleast 1 new fresh event otherwise fuck off faggot
Here we see the fine art of dancing that niggers have developed.
Clearly even a blind man could see how much more artistic their movements are when compared to European dances like Spanish Flamenco dancing or French ballroom dances.
This is why white people cross the street. If my race had violent groups of assholes openly harassing people on the streets of my country, I'd understand it if other races crossed the road to avoid a threat.
is he dead or (extra) retarded now?
These threads make me so pissed off.
What the fuck are these women thinking? Domestic violence rates among interracial couples are no secret. You are asking for trouble when you associate with these animals. It's hard to have sympathy for such ignorance.
Look at this nice example of coexistence.
What a lovely multicultural world we live in.
With all these fantastic levels of diversity.
How could anyone with a brain be racist.
It's like 2017 now.
When I lived close to ND this was a constant threat. They are not capable of thinking this guy could be developing a cure for the AIDS they will one day have.
Such diversity.
What movie?
What the heck is even happening here?
Makes me want to buy a house right smack dab in a nigger area.
the way she locks up and spazzes out
she's dead isn't she?
That is literally the first rule in the rules of engagement for police. If you can make the ground cause their injury, you are completely innocent of any wrong doing.
Hahahaha, fucken blasted the cunt hahahaha
what is this from? cant remember
You could reverse the races in any one of these videos and there would be chimpouts and marches in the streets with cities on fire. I think we are well past a breaking point. This has to come to an end.
Liberals are still convinced that it's white racism that is the real problem.
Watching other people body slam people online. MMA or WORLD STAAAR
Unless it was a citizen doing it, funny those double standards.
Oh boy that looks like a white baby
Behold the brilliance of the average jiggaboo
Stare in wonder how he makes use of his superior Sub-Saharan intellect to make sure he gets his money's worth.
Dumb nigger DDT'd himself out
No idea.
There are cases of citizens saying people fell on their knives and getting away with it. Neck yourself commie.
I straight spinebustered a guy at a bar and just told the cops he slipped and fell back and knocked himself out. They knew I was full of shit and thought it was hilarious because they do it all the time.
fucking DESTROYED.
A savage sheboon and a brave niggress compete in their habitat space.
Why do they go out of their way to look so unpleasant?
Did this sow seriously just drop her baby to fight with some bitch?