Making the world a more beautiful place, one child at a time.
Making the world a more beautiful place, one child at a time
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nigger u serious?
That girl is beautiful !
Fuck !! fills me on rage being born in a country where we whites are a minority, and i can't get laid with fellow white girls because are non existant (or lefties whatever), meanwhile in america niggers are getting free white pussy ? FUUUUCK
T his is why drugs are bad.
>we whites
you can stop baiting nigger
Once you go black... become a single mom and your child becomes a crime statistic.
it actually looks like their a happy couple
plus the fact that he stayed is beyond astonishing, at this rate that thing might grow up to be a decent being.
>Country colonized by Erupeans
>It's impossible some Europeans decided not to mix.
isn't v& for cp?
Can you read again ? We're less than a minority, we don't even reach the 1%, ence white girls are scarce and the few whites here end mixing up with mestizos mongrels becuase there's just no other option.
meanwhile you're letting niggers fuck your women like nothing is happening ? kys fatty
usually hate most interracial couples, but that nog actully seems like a half decent human being judging by his face alone, same as the grille, they both got them innocent eyes
read a statistic, niggers are the least sough after demographic in america, white women are the most loyal to their race. Latinas on the other hand love my whitecock :)
is this bait
Yeah its bad dude. Any white from south america or any part of the world that has deals with non whites regularly would never get with a nigger of all races.
In America its hip and trendy, sad !
nigger loving leafs will not be spared on the day of the rope
I'm happy that ugly bastard has a woman locked down. Good for him. Noodle arms, goofy grin. If he's smart he won't fuck it up. He just has to hope the kid gets the mother's looks. And his teeth.
so you're just gonna ignore these statistics then?
She's a single mom now?
Interesting story. I 've court mandated psycho therapy. The therapist has a black kid , divorced a million years ago and will die alone now. It sad really.
>I've court mandated psycho therapy
What did you do that resulted in court ordered psychiatric care?
>plus the fact that he stayed
How do you know this?
Maybe you're right ? whatever i don't live there so idk how it's like
Probably the daily threads made in Sup Forums about it are just an exaggeration
But that won't solve the fact i can't find a qt white gf, and my sister is dating a fucking indio.
spamming with nigger rekt till mods delet