What was the best war?
What was the best war?
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6 Days war.
the one that the jews started
>in b4 Emu
I would say one of the classical ancient ones
The Great Meme War
Franco-Prussian War was the last good European war.
After that, it's all downhill.
glorifying war are we?
kek, this
The Great Emu war
Aerial portion of WWI
Wy do they put poops on their helmet. It is weird
US Civil War 2.0
Liberal/Democrat/Globalist Pact
Conservative/Republican/Nationalist Alliance
Started in Aug 2018, Ended in Nov 2019
Complete Alliance victory
Boys, we're living in the right timeline
Zulu war or this
The American civil war
>nobody but amerifats died
The Barbary Wars. Make Tripoli Burn Again.
fuck off you numale faggot.
Wipe that Cobalt from your eyes, Hiro. We have no more animosity for you.
Which war was le best war reddit, just like my call of dooties xD
Kill you are self.
The Endless war and the Age of Heroes 1.5 million years ago.
Vietnam war
Wrong. Black bear.
I always thought the Boxer Rebellion was pretty fucking memetastic desu
so, every single war?
Vietnam was totally pointless but
>action was awesome, napalm n shit
>best soundtrack
>UH1 Helicopters and Phantoms
you better be fucking right, bitch.
Delete this
The Winter War, Finland versus USSR. It had the only perfect battles I am aware of, in that everyone died.
What? On both sides? How does that even make sense?
Yugoslav Wars
There were infantry battles at the level of reinforced companies, maybe 300-500 guys total that took place at temperatures around -100 degrees F. Think guys wearing snowshoes/skies fighting hand to hand with axes and bayonets in deep snow.
Which one?
Dubya Dubya 2
The 12th and 13th Black Crusade.
I have that Yugo ak folder
War of 1812 -- When yanks tried to pull their Mexican-American war bullshit on us to take our territory and were completely(utterly) btfo.
The American Civil War, followed by the English Civil War.
>Canada is celebrating its 150th birthday.
>War of 1812 happened over 200 years ago.
Fuck off you faggot.
Texans sure do love themselves a losing army for some reason
Stop appropriating British accomplishments you fucking leaf.
The finno-korean hyperwar you newfags
Then a tornado came down and Canadians were flying like leaves in the wind
Reminder that you didn't exist.
will kek confirm??
The Canadian Civil War. They started to fight but one of the soldiers accidentally shot another so they had to apologize and go home.
>long time ago
>galaxy far far away
Sith vs Jedi, obvious choice
how does it feel to be 8-50 years old
Best War.
Proof the Brits have been sticking it to the EU for decades.
I want to wage a war that engulfs the entirity of humanity and is so terrible, the cost is so high, that everybody looks around and says "We wilp never have another war."
Trojan war
Invasion of Panama and Persian Gulf War t b h
US-Iraq kill ratio: 119.8630/1
Can you get a harder BTFOing than that?
Are you saying that the french english and natives just up and left after they fucked your ass and burned down your capital?
Are you saying that canada was even a nation in 1812?
Typical U.S.A. ignorance.
>Boys, we're living in the right timeline
>Not the United States being savagely crushed by the resurgent Confederacy as revenge for 1865
Well, not the best timeline but it will do.
>nobody but amerifats died
For 1st World Nation, you Japs sure are stupid.
Guess what: I'm a woman
I've been using Sup Forums for 8 years now. I'm an MIS and Marketing major, top of my class. I have an IQ of 146. I'm only a sophomore and have had 7 internships. I'm a member of the MENSA society. I voted for Trump. I'm not a feminist, however, I'm probably more intelligent than most of you in this thread.
Wether you like it or not, females are comperable. I'm not here to steal your money. I'll probably make more than you. I'm not going to make you a sandwhich, I'll have my personal chef do it. The ironic thing is my father married for looks and I'm actually attractive as well. Cocky? Yes. Ashamed? No.
I won't show you my tits, I'll be your CEO one day