Goldman Sachs CEO: "Trump is even better than Hillary was!"

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>Sup Forums will slide this

great job losers


You're fucking delusional.


Wtf I hate Trump now. And all it took for me to hate Trump was a shill CTR thread made by a faggot. Good job, idiot.

> P.s. post proof that you're a kike. Because I bet you're a faggot on a proxy.


CTR never went to Sup Forums.

stupid trump supporters just screamed "CTR CTR" whenever anyone opposed trump because they incapable of an intelligent discussion

>literally were coordinated to call everyone a racist
>intelligent discussion

Not an argument

Get off that Proxy, Shill. Or prove you're a kike. If not, shut the fuck up faggot.

Here is a picture of some dead Palestinians. If you're truly an Israeli kike, then this picture will give you a boner.

t. KGB Putinshill Orthocuck Psyops Agent

If you were actually reading what i wrote, you would understand that i said CTR literally never visited Sup Forums.

You have to understand trump is the most unpopular elected president of all time and that the majority of americans oppose him


Jews run this town and your brown leftist vermin are going back.


You are a vile person.
You are the proof that right wing politics are the evil side, not lefty politics

Stfu loser

1. You're a lying faggot CTR shill and you prove it when you say CTR never came to Sup Forums which we all know they have.

2. Trump won because 63 million Americans voted for him. Fucking killyourself.

You are stupid

literal kike linking videos from a youtube called aggressive progressive LOL

Remember when Sup Forums was up in arm over ted cruz load from goldman sachs. Now they are sucking goldman's dick cause trump told them to.

top kek

Get the fuck out of here you fucking kike ass bagel

well no shit. The President of Goldman Sachs is literally the Director of the National Economic Council now. It's hilarious how Sup Forums just shuts their eyes and ears to this. Trump took crony capitalism to lengths that have never been seen before.

> Still not posting proof of being a kike
> Gets butthurt by a picture of dead Muslims

Holy fuck. You're not even trying. Get the fuck out of here, Ahmed. I hope Bibi kills 1000s of Palestinians this year. Hopefully some of your subhuman family members.

You have literally zero evidence of CTR coming to Sup Forums and CTR themselves were maybe like 500 people posting in reddit and facebook, it was a very small group of people.

It's just that right wingers don't care about facts of reality. as soon as they heard there are 500 people who are paid to post on the internet, they instantly assumed every single person on the internet who says anything against trump must be paid by CTR.

I have seen little kids with a critical thinking that is better than that

I feel terrible seeing pictures of dead people because i'm not a fucking sociopath like you.

I feel empathy towards other humans, something you appearantly lack

israel is fucking right wing you fucking idiot, go shill somewhere else faggot

Israel is not one person, there are many different people in here with opposing political views

>You might die before Henry Kissinger, George Soros and Queen Elizabeth.

user is being sarcastic you faggot.

Fucking drain the swamp my ass

This is the final straw. I am now a #cruzmissile.

please shill somewhere else? i asked nicely, progressives are cancer, please stay on the huffington post and keep rioting when someone you like doesn't win

> Still not posting any proof

Dude. Fuck off. You're already busted for being a shill.

If you don't fuck off, I'll just fill this thread with dozens of pictures of dead Muslims. Specifically Palestinians.

Your CTR thread is over.

it's too late now faggot. Enjoy your anti-gun new york jew president.

As long as he gets rid of brown people, I really don't care.

anti-gun? he is a lifetime NRA member and carries a gun himself lol

>id: pol
What does it mean?

This greatly upsets can fellow man do this to one another?

says the communist progressive

I take it as a complement


lol the bullshit you fall for. He joined the NRA right before his run, he wans not in it a year ago. I bet you cant find a single picture of him holding a real gun.


I can't believe it... I voted for Drumpf.

The big, orange Cheeto Hitler. This is literally the holocaust, which actually happened, all over again.

If only I had voted for Hillary and opened the borders it wouldn't be this way.

I'm sorry user, i'm presenting you with facts.
It's the facts which harm trump, not the "shilling".

>I can't diffrentiate between a communist and a socialist XD

The GOP also said Barack Obama is going to be a communist, have you forgotten?

oh ok here is one with 5 seconds of google searching retard

B...but when trump does it he's in control and they all answer directly to him.

Actual defense and mental gymnastics by an user that replied to me

Nice id get.

Fuck you faggots


you haven't presented any facts rofl, you are just spouting DNC viewpoints through some youtube channel called "aggressive progressive" these are literally the same people who were rioting because their hawkish retard candidate didn't win

אני כבר לא מבין מה הולך פה. באמת כולם בפורום הזה אנטישמים?

>a fucking musket replica

Thanks for proving my point.

That's corporal shekels.
He worked for CTR and loves Soros. You can always spot him because of the flag, and his posts are always anti Israel.
Lurk more, and you'll see him quite a bit. Sometimes over ten hours a day, he posts anti Israel propaganda.
> self hating kike is not a meme

לא כולם, אבל הרבה מהם

that is a real gun retard, that was 5 seconds of googling dumb nigger, you got proven wrong LOL how can you say that proves your point, even when regressives lose they still think they won

lol this fucking kid thinks a musket is a real gun.

תוכל להסביר לי קצת מי נגד מי?
ומה אתה טוען נגדם?
ואגב מאיפה?

>how can muskets be real if guns aren't real

so guns aren't real guns? another great progressive position, so in that case we cannot put regulations on them right? jesus christ it is truly pathetic progressives can't even admit when they have lost

White nationalists be crying.

literally the definition

an infantryman's light gun with a long barrel, typically smooth-bored, muzzleloading, and fired from the shoulder.

תלמד עוד על הפוליטיקה באמריקה
אני בעצם בעדם, אבל הם לא מבינים שהאידיאולגיה שלהם פועלת נגדם.

טארמפ משקר להם וממציא סיפורים והם ממשיכים להעריץ אותו

Trump lying for 13 minutes

Falling for the shill.

What are your political views?

That was exactly the point i made in the OP.
You guys were fallling for the shill all along

wow look at these total trump ball lickers. A single picture of him holding a fucking black powder MUSKET is all the proof you need for him to be pro-gun

My political views is to choose the optimal path which leads to the least amount of lost human lives, the greatest prosperity, and the best quality of life.

Rephrase pls

מה זה CTR אגב?

ותגיד עכשיו התברר שהמנהל של השואה היומית הוא בכלל יהודי?

who cares nigger i was right he said he couldn't find a pic of him with a gun, i found one

Don't you see? trump was a shill all along, just like Hillary was. both of them were complete and utter shills for corporations. yet Hillary did not manage to trick you as effectively as trump tricked you

Thank you for correcting the record, rabbi


So, total annihilation of the entire human population as soon as possible? Over time it's the smallest possible amount of human deaths.

it's not a real gun you fucking retard. I knew about that picture.

It's a fucking replica you cant shoot it.

זה אתר שהיה חלק מהקמפיין של הילרי קלינטון.
הם השקיעו קצת כסף כדי שקבוצה קטנה של אנשים תעשה פרופגנדה בשביל קלינטון בפייסבוק ורדיט.

מאז שזה קרה, אנשים באתר הזה קוראים לכל מי שתומך בהילרי "סי טי אר" למרות שהם אף פעם לא ביקרו באתר הזה והם היו קבוצה קטנה ממילא

ודרך אגב אני לא תומך בהילרי, טראמפ והילרי שניהם היו גרועים, טראמפ הוא רק אפילו יותר גרוע

a musket is a real gun i already linked you the definition LOL

an infantryman's light gun with a long barrel, typically smooth-bored, muzzleloading, and fired from the shoulder.


Ah I see, it's a fake news gun.

Thanks for clearing that up.

No user, that's literally the opposite of prosperity and quality of life laughed my ass off.


yea the russians actually hacked the gun to make it a non-gun, gun!

>linking young turks

Hide your shilling better, leftypol

Kike translation

It was part of a campaign of Hillary Clinton.
They have spent some money to a small group of people will make propaganda for Clinton Facebook and Meredith.

Since this happened, people on this site call on all those who support Hillary "CT R" Although they have never visited this site and they were a small group anyway

And by the way, I do not support Hillary, Hillary Trump and both were bad, Trump is just even worse

It's a video about an interview that was not actually done by them.

The goldman sachs CEO was just interviewed by the intercept. he said "Trump is even better than Hillary was!". when he was asked about how trump attacked him during the campaign, he responded: "Don't worry, that's just political rhetorics, i did not take it personally"

Bruh Henry - USA made classic, also + trumpguns (.) com lmao

>holding it properly even though there is no magazine and it's unloaded


>מה זה CTR אגב?
>ותגיד עכשיו התברר שהמנהל של השואה היומית הוא בכלל יהודי?

Kike translation

>> 107 317 532
What this CTR by the way?

And say now turned out to be the manager of the daily holocaust is even Jewish?

Do you know why Trump fills up the swamp? because alt righters are frogs


fuck off kike.

Now that's a zinger

I just helped to show you that hillary clinton and trump were both shills. trump was just better at tricking people