I'm straight, but I find Mike Pence really attractive. Anyone here thinks the same?

I'm straight, but I find Mike Pence really attractive. Anyone here thinks the same?

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talk to him maybe he'll feel the same and spark a relationship

No, I think you're gay

Agree OP.

He's one good looking mother fucker.

He has the classic "distinguished old man" look.

I don't want to talk about it

Yeah maybe it will be a shocking journey of self discovery

I kept on thinking about how Pence could beat the fuck out of kaine in a fight during their debate.

He just seemed so much more masculine.

would be pretty electric


I agree he would beat the shit out of Tim Kaine, just look at young Mike Pence, a true stud.

It's just you surrendering to the continual ass fucking by Republicans. Don't worry this too shall pass.

Your electrician will arrive at 10 am tomorrow. Dont worry just making sure everythings up to code.



Damn this is the gayest post I have ever seen on Sup Forums and this is a thread about finding another man attractive. Mike Pence should give you conversion therapy.

I opened this thread just to see the replies and frankly, I'm not shocked at all.

he's a winsome fellow

He is really the embodiment of wojack.

Hello, Mr. Vice-President Elect. Looking forward to you taking office!

Not bad. Not bad at all.

Not physically, but I'm attracted to the fact that he wants to electrocute the gays. Why should we protect their feelings?

I think he is very handesome. I would let Pence do literally anything to me.

When he touches me I feel...electrified



He's a comfy man for sure.

Ew dude. Only man i would go gay for is Milo

I think he's very handsome. He's probably not a superficial guy because his wife is kind of frumpy and he certainly could've had his share of better looking women

All the gay "LE SHOCKER IN YOUR BACK LOCKER LEL I AM FROM LUDDIT GUISE xD" conversion memes aside, when I think about Mike Pence, I think the guy is a fuckin living testament that conservatives are always more physically attractive and outstanding than liberals. Conservatives at average look much cleaner, their posture is better, and their emotions seem much more sincere, while the libkeks look smug as fuck, are dirty, smelly and and have uncountable number of anxiety disorders that make their posture look like shit and themselves look awkward.

Mike Pence is a good example of how it literally makes you sexier to be a fuckin conservative.

That debate was so incredible.

Pence brutally raped him onstage.


you're as straight as you are white

>You might be gay son
>Come a little closer
>Uncle Mike has something to show you


You envy my Big Mulatto Cock.

Everytime they kiss they'll feel the static and when their dicks touch they'll swear they can fry

>I'm straight, but I find Mike Pence really attractive.
another pent up christfaggot

that depends, electromagnetically attracted?

I would total let him shock the gay out of me

It's perfectly acceptable to acknowledge another man's attractiveness as a straight male. You can come out of the closet at any time.

Sounds like you need some shock therapy, faggot

Wow Sup Forums sure is full of insecure "straight" males, there must be some underlying issues if you can't admit another male is handsome or good looking without screaming fag!, It doesn't mean you wanna fuck him.

Mike "Throw the gays against the electric fence" Pence does have that effect on people.

welp, here we go again

Monkey monkey


Yeah he's fucking hot, quiet and mostly emotionless like a real man. Idk I've always been into that.

I want him to pound my ass and call me son

I think you're in for a shock op.

You know the left has been attacking this guy saying that he will kill gays or something and the memes ain't helping, he is actually one of the few Republicans that agreed with anti discrimination laws against homosexuals, while I don't agree with his position on gay marriage (I believe it should just be called civil union to avoid conflicts desu) I can understand his point of view, the thing about supporting shock therapy sounds like straight up ignorance though, that shit doesn't work.


Invite him to a gay bar and play some Electric Six songs

I want to stick my dick in anything that happens to show me a bit of attention. Yeah I know I'm fucked up but at least I'm not a faggot


You are pretty hot user.


>really attractive


He's basically Dad.
Your subconscious knows this and you lacked a real male role model, so you identify with him because we all need a respectable father to teach us how to be adults.

When will this meme end

Enjoy your nigger AIDs

It's just a meme bro

So you'd stick your tiny pecker into a guy if that guy showed an pittiful ounch of affection towards you. That makes you a faggot user.