Genghis Khan makes Hitler, Stalin, and Mao Zedong look like fucking church boys

Genghis Khan makes Hitler, Stalin, and Mao Zedong look like fucking church boys.

>Adolf Hitler - 14-16 million political, religious, racial prisoners killed in the holocaust,
>Joseph Stalin - 32-40 million political prisoners killed.
>Mao Zedong - 60-80 million peasants killed in the Great Leap Forward

>Genghis Khan - 40-70 million people killed, at a time when this was 10% of the worlds population, meaning that if he was alive today he would have to kill around 774 million people to reach the same percent.

774 million people is around 5x the amount of people that have died in every war since 1900.

The highest estimate for amount of people to have died in all wars throughout the history of humanity is about 750 million people, so smaller than what he would've had to kill.

The black plague is also sometimes attributed to the Mongol Empire, of which he founded, this was responsible for around 100-200 million deaths.

So my question is, why the hell does nobody ever talk about this guy?

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40-70 million people? I'm not even mad. I'm impressed.

Should have gotten more boats.


You're right. Nobody ever talks about Genghis Khan. Are you fucking stupid or something?

Obviously because Hitler, Stalin, Mao were less than 100 years ago while Genghis Kahn was nearly 1000 yrs ago, retard

I like how he killed and thoroughly humiliated Muslims.

just like hitler he didnt finish his job

Most likely because there is nothing to be gained by doing so.

Fuck gengis he is the reason Chinese girls have shit eyebrows

At the time, the Muslims had a world-class culture of wealth, learning, and achievement. Then Genghis Khan rolled over them, and burned their entire civilization to the ground. They never recovered.

So cavemen wars were the most destructive to humanity ever? After all, they were killing off like 1-2% of world's human population in 1 skirmish.

There's no point comparing the death count of executions or atrocities to the death count in wars.

Genghis Khan's high score isn't even a single war. I'm not sure if it's even all supposed to have happened in his lifetime.

WW2 was approximately as lethal and all happened in just a few years.

Because it happened a millennia ago. When was the last time you ever heard someone talk about how bad the conquest of Khwarezmia was? Never, because no one gives a shit when something terrible happened way before their time.


I was just looking at The Great Wall trailer, apparently the symbolism here is that the horde invading the wall is supposed to be the Mongols.

I'm just laughing at all the butthurt Matt Damon is causing on the SJW population.

Nobody talks about him because he isn't white.

>why the hell does nobody ever talk about this guy?
Who do you think writes the textbooks and makes the movies?


He saved the world from a dystopic mudslime future. Now It's up to this generation to do the same.

>Mao Zedong - 60-80 million peasants

yeah... pol pot and stalin and the kims... all go for the peasants, not the scholars and teachers and parents and mentors

...'cause it's always muh peasants are who rise up against tyranny

i said peasants cause i was referring to the Great Leap Forward. dumbass, not death camps.

Consider the following.

If you were looking to improve your society, which class would you wipe out?
The educated class that is providing services and advancing academia? Or the dirt farmer?

The reported number for how many people died are really really shaky ground before a certain date. I forget the historian, but one did claim the war of the roses killed more people than England actually had at the time.
Maybe someone will tell me that the Khanate had a really great census system and that those numbers are super accurate, but I'd take them with a grain of salt.

The criminal class.

Couldn't the same be said about Nazi Germany though?

Could have sworn I've seen an image of census numbers putting the jews at around 5.4 million in europe. Well below the 6 million that apparently died.

>If you were looking to improve your society

pick one

>dirt farmer
I guess all the elites and aristocrats can survive on their gold and other rare minerals.

What's that, 1% of the population?
Gotta drop it at least 10%. And you know damn well that it's not the rich that are getting the axe.

About 9.5 million lived in Europe, with about 3.5 million being left there after World War 2 ended

I'm going to assume that the powers that be would pull a Pol Pot and force the middle class to be their slaves.

>Not European source

Also, it was my understanding that Hitler wasn't out to exterminate, but relocate a lot of the jews.
So even if those numbers aren't Mr. Shekelstien's, they're still misleading.

Genghis Khan is the war leader of the world. Nobody should take that with a grain of salt.

His dominance was unbelievable.

Depends on the society/culture. I'd guess ~5% global average comprised of the habitual offenders of violent crime, robbery, and other especially heinous offenses.

The only person who can compete with the Great Khan is Alexander the Great.

>i was referring to the Great Leap Forward
Mao explicitly target the youth, indoctrinating them (a lot easier then, than after the frontal cortex develops by 25 years) and sending them to butcher their parents and teachers.

Does that include the people on Sup Forums for violating thought crimes?

You both have a point

>Not a british flag
>Not a german flag

You don't got to worry yet. You elected Trump! So you got at least four more years before the worry starts to creep back in.

>His dominance was unbelievable.

What a surprise, a Canadian getting wet over an alphagook.

people who understand society don't even think in terms of class you spastic

Are these numbers also taking into account that mongols weaponized the bubonic plague and are the ones who spread it to Europe?

That's funny, because class is most definitely a thing.


>the world had only 400 million people

Found the sociology major.

This is why i like Genghis Khan.

"The greatest happiness is to scatter your enemy, to drive him before you,
to see his cities reduced to ashes, to see those who love him shrouded in tears,
and to gather into your bosom his wives and daughters."

the Persians*

The world only had about 5000 for a while there.

Would be great to get back to the 400 million range.

>Joseph Stalin - 32-40 million political prisoners killed
>40 million political prisoners


>i understand society
>you fucking spastic

It is quite impressive what he did.
sounds more like something you'd find in a fucking fiction story rather than history

Because Europeans don't like to admit they got cucked by a chinaman.

shhh let the bigots dream.

why are the SJW's butthurt over this movie? Explain please, user-kun