Muslims have never designed anything of cultural va...
Muslims have never designed anything of cultural va
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Hi Mohammad.
>large, meaningless buildings that accomplish nothing
How useful
It's a tomb you idiot. Every high civilisation in history have made monuments and tombs suchg as the pyramids. It's a sign of how advanced they were even back then, that they were able to create masterpieces of art and architecture without modern machinery and computer aided design.
But I wouldn't expect an American to understand.
They sure will build a tomb for German culture.
>Implying I'm pro mass immigration
>Implying I'm that retarded
Supporting Illegals is one thing. Pointing out the cognitive dissonance of Sup Forums when it comes to Muslim history is another.
Was the guy who built this Muslim or Hindu?
It's created by Europeans architects and ingeneers you know
Wrong, the architect was a Muslim from Persia by the name of Ahmad Lahauri.
Yes, it sure is beautiful.
Mughal Emperor Shah Jahan had it built. The Mughals were Muslims, the Taj Mahal even has a mosque in the courtyard and has Quranic caligraphy as part of its art.
" Parmi les 20 000 personnes qui ont travaillé sur le chantier, on trouve des maîtres artisans venus d'Europe."
Shut up now
Don't blame the art for what natives have done to the surroundings now. The building itself remains a masterpiece of architecture.
No one speaks your filthy language here, Franco.
>masterpiece of architecture
giza pyramid, nothing else comes close
I can already tell there are some inaccurate portions of the taj mahal
The year was 1648. I remember it like it was yesterday.
The Egyptians were amazing as well. The great thing about the Taj Mahal is its optical illusion, no picture can truely capture the feeling of seeing it with your own eyes the first time.
So the chief architect was Persian, a nation whom Sup Forums widely regards as responsible for 70 % of Islams technological advances.
Really makes you think.
and look at them now
stick to your ditib card playing house mate
I've been to the Taj.
Maybe it was the weather, but I was really down on the whole thing for some reason. There were a lot of really neat mathematical tricks involved in designing it, sure, but I kept pumping the tour guide to tell me more about Shah Jahan and why he decided to bankrupt his country to build a pretty building.
He was actually planning to build a second one on the other side of the river using European black marble, and his courtiers realized it would destroy the kingdom to pay for it so they locked him up.
India kinda blows.
>he architect was a Muslim from Persia by the name of Ahmad Lahauri.
I seriously doubt he even existed.
fake as shit
ITT: the 2nd angriest German there ever was praises brown culture to help him get off to his bottom sissy fetish
He built it for his waifu lol. True love and all that. But yeah, the Mughals were notorious for being lavish spenders. Part of the reason why their empire fell. That, and the British.
hadurka poopajerka
or as we say in english wow its fucking nothing
your "muslim architect" is fake news and he never existed.
Don't embarrass your fellow Americans. I'm sure most of them aren't retarded when it comes to world history.
I don't think that is really something that Sup Forums would argue. It's more that Muslims do have a culture, but that culture is incompatible with Western values.
Also, kebab removal.
I mean all that shit is fascinating, but when you're there they prefer to just talk about how "oh you can always see one pillar from the other pillar and there are 21 spires and 21 steps" and all that shit. I wanted to know why all that shit was there in the first place, but I got the sense that in the western part of India they're anxious about talking about their own history to Americans.
At least they had cheap hash and offer to rub your shoulders all the fucking time.
I'm serious. Ahmad Lahauri is the fakest shit anyone has ever told me.
Where did this make believe sandnigger nigger study?
>Muslims made a nice building once therefore they don't all deserve to die
Ahmed, you need to leave Germany
>mfw op isn't trolling
your country has been made a laughing stock throughout history and it's gotten to the point where we don't even need to do it anymore because you do it yourselves
>had it built
This is typical of Muslims, all the cultural achievements they claim for themselves were stolen from cultures who they attacked an enslaved.
Shah jahan was an emperor, he hardly would work construction now would he. He had it built meaning he commissioned it. The builders were still Muslims.
wtf i love hong's kong now
You are a retard
Been there.
Interesting but it's really not that great.
I was more interested in the train ride there; Deli to Agra.
I took a really early morning train. The Indian were just waking up and I learned they come into the woods and by the train track to take their morning poo. Out of the window of the train I just saw squatting skinny assess and turds everywhere.
I was most impressed by the amount of shit on the way to the Taj Mahal.
There's shit everywhere. In Delhi they sell cobs if corn on the street, After people eat them they throw the cobs on the ground; along with everything else. Other people pick up the discarded cobs and wipe their assess with them. Then you see birds pecking at the shit covered cobs eating missed grains of corn covered in shit.
Beats anything our country has in terms of culture desu
>Cites Indian Architecture
It's arabs that are an issue.
You know how the toilets work on the trains, right? It's literally just a chute that leads down onto the tracks. There are signs everywhere saying not to use the toilets while the train is stopped at the station, but you can still see the small mounds of shit after the train pulls out.
It really is fascinating that they don't have a cultural crisis over not having decent sanitation. More cell phones than toilets.
>the natives
So Muhammad admits that Muslims belong in India as much as whites & blacks in America.
At least we didn't butcher 400 million Poos.
u r a massive faggot ;^)
Poo in the loo
muslims are massive degenerates only good to rape goats and blow themselves up
That's because you live in Canada.
Why don't you ask the US to please take pity on you and annex you. Eh?
Cool, what's the next thing after that? Shitty Hollywood/Broadway? That rat church? The fucking Ganges River?
The fuck does that have to do with what I said?
U r a cuck
Totally negated by all the cultural relics the Muslims have destroyed over the years.
Yeah, civilizations with big graves were relevant in past and are shitholes stuck in past now, your point?
Islam had a golden age of enlightenment in the 10-12th century.
They regressed massively after that. Even the Ottoman Empire had to rely on Westerners for their technology and military help.
Islam by its nature is stagnant and unchanging.
how come they couldn't build toilets in India?
Romans had those, maybe they should worship Jupiter instead.
They only knew how to build stuff like that because Alexander the Great enlightened them with Hellenistic civilization.
>Germans are now all Ahmeds
When will germanistan put a dumb moon on their flag?