can Geertpf win? as in become the actual PM and shit?
his party is numba 1 but can anyone ally with him?
can Geertpf win? as in become the actual PM and shit?
his party is numba 1 but can anyone ally with him?
bumperino, help me out colgate fags
and who will form his coalition?
There is only one Donald Trump and one Nigel Farage. Turns out some people are just born special and unique. Equality is for losers and dreamers.
geert doesn't win, the colgate land is so cucked that a man from netherlands wrote on estonian media of how he moved to Estonia because he hates how cucked his land is and couldn't take it anymore
He has almost 30% and someone mentioned some parties might ally with him
Btw is Estonia based? Euvox says EKRE is up there with UKIP and AfD as the most recommended to me. Are they based and have a chance?
Wait till he gets trump support + tips and tricks.
Same as le pen.
he went to the RNC in support of Trump IIRC
Geert wants to ban Islam period and close the borders.
Can you imagine the precedent this would set for Europe?
Le Pen was seen inside trump tower a few days ago.
>Can you imagine the precedent this would set for Europe?
Yeah imagine what happens when America shows the world you can mass deport, build walls. Once europe fags see that crime rate drop, happiness go up, wew.
Basically all of these elections are coin flips...Geert is tails so he has better odds of winning than losing Le Pen is heads.
Well this is America. Netherlands is European. It would different if a European country actually won and did it as opposed to us.
fuck this racist prick desu
for Le Pen the advantage is that at the end it'll be a two-choice election where it's either her or someone else
Geert can win and still not be a part of the government if no one allies with him
Parliamentarism sucks in this regard
True. But Europe still follows america. I dig what you're saying though. A western European nation with ball would change everything.
absolutely abhorrent post
Is Australia already great or are we supposed to meme someone?
A beautiful one.
dutch parties are powerhungry and would sell their mothers to govern.
geert backed out of governing the previous election because he wanted to "uphold" his election promises that wouldn't be met under the proposed governing deal.
this could come back to haunt him as many voters believed he let them down.
also the democraticly elected people hold very little power and will always need to heavily compensate to push their agenda.
basicly don't get your hopes up netherlands uncucking itself.
the best he can do is set public opinion on diversity and tolerance even lower and use that pressure to accomplish something.
EKRE, the conservative people's party of estonia, has a good chance actually, they are the fastest growing party in membership and support all across Estonia. Their youth wing is also redpilled as fuck and they contantly browse Sup Forums and spread the pepe memes to the normies here.
Although EU has helped us financially a lot, EU also cucks us a lot in many ways and they have lot of power over how Estonia is governed. EKRE is very against this and wants EU that is less powerful.
I don't believe you.
then don't
Yeah but he will have the largest vote share in parliament.
Power is a funny thing and I bet he can scrape together a government
they'd be the major coalition partners now, though
which parties can you see joining his coalition, and what can he realistically achieve?
Well we don't believe you because we watched the kangaroo trial and watched him get all his support back because of it.
He literally skyrocketed in the polls and public opinion
THis country is fucking cucked as all hell, we have niggers going sweden mode here. Too early for memes yet, few years.
I thought NZ was cucked and Australia was the US of the pacific
what happen?
joining up with PVV would be political suicide for most parties.
Polls say PVV is the biggest and while that may be true, that actually happened before and ended up not being the biggest party. He's 100% not going to get enough votes to do it by himself, so the most likely scenario is that we will get another same old coalition while Geert is crying from the sideline about the elite etc (because that is exactly what happened last time).
most likely his former party the VVD and whatever scraps they'd need to have a majority.
the only parties i can see not wanting to participate out of principle would be the greens and SP (commies).
labour party would bend over and then sabotage it from within to protect their immigrant voting base.
but who knows if they actually have any principle at all.
if he becomes prime-minister he can achieve alot regarding the muslim problem.
the dutch sentiments regarding these savages are at an all time low.
we have tried to get rid of alot of the problems before but the EU blocked them. (democracy right)
geert could lead us to a nexit and then solve the problems given he wins with large support.
i wrote "could", don't underestimate how easily dutch people can be swayed.
it happened last election when (((they))) literally made it a battle in the media of left vs right with PVDA and VVD.
this cost geert alot of seats, and to make things better we got both those parties as government.
but you are right that he is more popular now than ever.
Its actually kinda funny that basically only SP has always kept to their principles in that regard while PVV is just as leftist commie socialist as SP on social issues.
The afrikaaner right of return will happen. Once he wins we will WILL it to happen
>as leftist commie socialist as SP on social issues
and whois better when it comes to this?
yeah i don't even think it's even an option anymore to not be socialist in our country to get votes.
our right-wing voting base craves the same "moral superiority" as the left-wing does.
and yeah i'm also sadly feeling another cucked coalition extending the status quo as a result of the upcoming elections.
What's the opinion of Conservative People's Party of Estonia on Putin, Russia sanctions, NATO and Extonia?
>this could come back to haunt him as many voters believed he let them down.
Should be the opposite.
we'd sooner unite flanders to the kingdom.
hopefully without the kanker marokkanen
Well doesn't he want to have a system where people can make referendums quite easily? People could make one about that after he wins.
no, because it can and will be used as ammo against him.
like running away from governing or too afraid to put his actions where his mouth is.
he can spin the story, but i don't think it will do him any favor.
people want change, wanted it back then as well but geert couldn't deliver. (out of his control)
some people support geert in public but will then change their vote to a more "safer" choice because they were swayed by such arguments.
this is what i have observed the dutch voter to be over my lifetime and following our boring politics.
if our people based their things on solid reasoning and logic we wouldn't be in the mess we are in now.
will geert be next?
i think what you are suggesting is a public referendum to go to war and annex the northern top part of belgium. is this correct?
but yes he wants to introduce a referendum system to the dutch people so they can have more say in major political decisions.
this came forth from the succes of GeenPeil that lead the dutch people to vote to reject association with the ukraine.
the vote was a succes but i think the government threw the results in the bin.
correct me if i'm wrong about that
Geert looks far too much like David Brock for my liking
Vote FvD. Nobody will ally with Greet.
too many bodyguards and schlomo is keeping him safe.
it's a bloody shame we lost pim, he was a very fine man with good political instinct.
the demonization campaign against him was ruthless, cruel and based on falsehoods as well.
wikipedi says his assassination profoundly changed colgate politics
any of u can elaborate?
>yfw Geert finally import the right people and make Netherlands white again
Hey look, this monkey can type.
>but you are right that he is more popular now than ever.
I know I'm right...The amount of information Sup Forums has given me on every fucking political party in Europe and every type of political ideology is sickening. Please take it back.
that is a bad fucking picture of him holy shit.
Every other house the APEX fuck with (loosely affiliated sudanese 2nd generation fuckups and a few modern conflict kids caught often by the jacks but always released by a bleeding heart judge) are just getting fucking shanked or shot by frustrated 'strayans of all stripes these days but bruh the problem is already sorting itself out
Listen up you filthy burger, if you know so much about Dutch politics then fucking /thread this fucking shit. You can't, so let the fucking colgatefags explain this one.
Muzzies would be writing their own death sentence. However, the probability of SOMETHING happening is quite high
If it happens with Trump, brace yourself.
nothing really changed except for more tolerance to those with different views to the norm.
it certainly did kickstart wilders to where he is now.
i'd say thats true as far as the population goes but both parties are globalist cunts and literally nothing changes EVER
Yes. He can win and he WILL win. Watching the morning news right now. You won't believe how hard they're shilling for the VVD right now. A (((report))) has just come out that shows that ratings for VVD have never been this high. I almost puked.
All big parties have vowed to not work together with them and so they can never get a majority.
If this causes the PVV to be cockblocked AGAIN, I will take to the streets. I'm not taking this bullshit anymore.
Redpill me on VVD. Based on wiki they seem to be a somewhat new party too, not being the old traditional party
Why did they grow and why might they lose to PVV?
Are we moving to PVV x VVD as dominant parties or is this a one time thing?
De zetels Greet
Overhandig ze
>democraticly elected people hold very little power
Is there support?
Praise kek
And to answer your question, yes there is support.
>Redpill me on VVD.
VVD is a older, traditional party. The past couple of years the delivered the PM and they sold out to stay in power. The times they made political promises and broke them (No more money to Greece, 1000 Euro to every working Dutchman, total clarity (onderste steen boven) on the investigation regarding the downing of plane MH-17 in Ukraine, then shilling hard for Ukraine and making promises to Poroshenko of Ukraine whilst ignoring the votes of the Dutch refrerenda who was opposed to this etc. etc.). The list is very, very long.
They are taking a beating in recent polls but we all know how well we trust those, right?
Also Geert was initially with the VVD before he split off and started the PVV.
Hi Thierry. Maak gewoon een lijstverbinding met wat Rechtse partijen en voorkom versplintering op rechts.