Daily reminder that Hillary WON the popular vote by almost 3 million.
3 M I L L I O N
More Americans voted for HER. People wanted HER.
People chose HER.
Drumpf was elected by the 200 year old system established by the slave owners.
Daily reminder that Hillary WON the popular vote by almost 3 million.
3 M I L L I O N
More Americans voted for HER. People wanted HER.
People chose HER.
Drumpf was elected by the 200 year old system established by the slave owners.
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Beautiful irony that we've known we needed to get rid of the Electoral College for 16 years, since the Bush "election" in 2000, and most of that time Hillary was a senator who had ample opportunity to propose legislation to end the Electoral College. She actually had the power to do something and she did nothing. She has no one to blame but herself.
Only suburban and rural retards voted for Drumpf. City people all voted for Hillary.
Congratulations. Print this page and present it to your wife to get your testicles back temporarily.
Did she try and fail or did she not even try at all?
West Coast urban elite who voted for Trump, faggot.
Fortunately for America, the world and for history, there are about 50,000 more of us in the right places than there are of you butt-slamming, mud loving, degenerate perverts. History will thank us and forget you like people forget sewage overflows.
Trump won. Electoral College working as intended, and is keeping the power from consolidating in strictly the areas with the most population.
Daily reminder that Obama lost the 2008 Democrat Nomination Popular Vote
thanks for playing
Nice thumbnail, assbone
>Serbia still is up
Fixed It
Go outside. Talk to real people. Get out of your echo chamber. Trump is hated and despised. Called a racist, a traitor. Most people are rational and goodhearted, and they know a man like that has no business in the highest office. To say nothing of the marginalized and persecuted minorities who will flock to support to the woman who promises them a brighter future. Go to your neighbor and tell them you support Trump. Then watch as they slam the door in your face.
I'm serious. Go out in public and see what happens when you make your political views public to your social circles. Your family, your friends and your co-workers.
You will be an outcast in days while democratic views are accepted as the norm.
The fact I live a red county in NEW YORK dissproves your shitty pasta
wasn't there some weird shit where Michigan didn't get counted or something?
I live in a very small Trump loving town in Texas, nice try though.
Actually, most people at my college think Trump is the way to go.
Faggot pasta
Apparently it was because there were more votes for Hillary than there was a population of eligible voters
CTR's gotta feed their kids too I guess, here's an obligatory contibution in hoping you don't starve
for the left who like to pray to the bait
I am sharing this with as many of you “Clinton won the majority” whiners as I can. Our Founders in their infinite wisdom created the Electoral College to ensure each STATE was fairly represented and they accounted for population with the formula for the number of Electoral votes per state. They believed that one or two densely populated areas should not speak for the whole of the nation. This should finally put an end to the argument as to why the Electoral College makes sense over the majority ( it won't however Because liberals are insane):
- There are 3,141 counties in the United States.
- Trump won 3,084 of them. Clinton won 57.
- There are 62 counties in New York State. Trump won 46 of them. Clinton won 16.
- Clinton won the popular vote by approx. 2.5 million votes. In the 5 counties that encompass NYC, (Bronx, Brooklyn, Manhattan,
Richmond & Queens) Clinton received well over 2 million more votes than Trump. (Clinton only won 4 of these counties; Trump won Richmond). Therefore these 5 counties alone, more than accounted for Clinton winning the popular vote of the entire country.
- These 5 counties comprise 319 square miles. The United States is comprised of 3,797,000 square miles. When you have a country that encompasses almost 4 million square miles of
territory, it would be ludicrous to even suggest that the vote of those who inhabit a mere 319 square miles should dictate the outcome of a national election. Large, densely populated Democrat cities (NYC, Chicago, LA, etc) don’t and shouldn’t
speak for the rest of our country.
- Finally, Donald Trump campaigned as if to win 50 individual state elections as per the Constitution. He did it. So you want to say he doesn’t have a mandate from the States?
Meanwhile Clinton and her cronies continue to cry about Putin. Wah, wah, wah!!
Sorry. Not tired of winning yet!
>mexicans and niggers
Also, Trump was never considered racist until the media painted him as such. He even said back in 2000 that he didn't care about his employee's sexuality or gender- just merit.
>Hillary won CA by 4 million votes
>CA has 5-6 million illegal voters
>CA has no voter ID law
>CA has no checks on voting whatsoever
take away the illegal votes and trump won the popular vote
Daily reminder that Serbs cant in2 maths.
She won Commiefornia.
There's like this one cucked libtard nigger in Serbia that spends ridiculous amounts of time trolling Sup Forums
>Being soooo shit that even when you "win" you lose, thats the hilldawg way
Congrats on "winning" no fuck off.
Absolutely. Fucking. BTFO.
You're a goddamn hero.
>Daily reminder that Hillary WON the Commiefornia vote by over 4 million
FTFY shill.
She didn't even try at all, she is too retarded too do anything right. It should have been incredibly easy for her to win with superdelegates, collusion, and literally cheating the other DNC candidate. Alas, Hillary is a failure yet again!
California > your flyover white trash state
No one fought for her "win" because everyone knows those votes were fraudulent and all from california.
Oh and every time votes were counted, each and every single goddam time, Trump gained votes and Hillary lost them.
So suck my thicc swollen member.
Everyone I talk to IRL likes Trump.... only liberal progressives, which are the type of faggots to riot after they lose, are the ones hating on him. You cannot win against liberal progressives, if they hate a Trump policy and he decides not to do it, instead of being happy they got what they wanted, they get mad that Trump went back on his word. It is impossible to deal with progressives, and lots of them are literally insane, or going insane.
Just look at Paul Krugman, Keith Olbermann, and there are many others that are acting like complete nutjobs because Trump won, and their bubble/narrative was burst.
>spend more than a billion on campaign
>one of the worst failures ever
>3 million illegals, criminals and dead people
So that happened twice now? It happened in this election during the recount. Why didn't Michigan do shit about it back then?
She won by almost 3 million votes.
3 Million Californians, literally subhuman trash. Worth nothing.
checked, and day of rake delayed
california doesnt get to chose the president
sorry ya foriegny fagget
But city people are fucking stupid. I live in nyc I should know
Doesn't matter. Those 3 million mostly came from California. Working as intended.
she won 54 counties. trump won 3000+. also it's a dead wash when you factor in the illegals. i swear if the republicucks don't get a voter id law at the federal level passed, i'll lose all hope. illegals can fuck off.
There are more people in those 54 counties, dumb white trash.
Keep reading until this makes sense.
dumb as fuck he has a vastly different cabinet than obama, look here analysis from a democrat
also answer
Congratulations. She won a participation trophy.
But that isn't how it works, you fucking dense moron. You don't win chess by having more pieces once you've been checkmated- you win by checkmating the other king.
Answer what? You haven't asked anything, dumb cum skin.
Daily reminder that while Hillary was out collecting money Trump was intentionally targeting states to win more electoral votes than her. Not his fault she doesn't understand strategy
Trump won 3,084 counties
Hillary won 57 counties
Gee, I wonder who should be president...
>the popular vote
Not a thing.
>Drumpf was elected by the 200 year old system established by the slave owners.
A feature, not a bug.
>Hillary gets more votes than opponent twice
>still can't win elections
Is there a worse candidate in the United State of America
that a boy
Keep crying, Bulja. You know we owned you and you know you're butthurt as fuck.
Holy shit
Today, I will remind them.
the first slave owner was black and refer to my post
The Japanese aren't white you absolute fucking idiot
>Is there a worse candidate in the United State of America
Yep. Drumpf.
you can keep saying that and we will keep reminding you about the voter fraud and all the illegal aliens who voted for hillary
Lurk more faggot.
0 arguments.
Again, you don't win a chess game by having more pieces. You win by checkmating the king. End of story. A candidate is useless if they don't understand this. HRC is one of the worst candidates ever.
>that electoral map
every time
More Mexicans voted for her*
>can't sage anymore
>not even 6 million illegals in california, let alone enough qualified to vote
dumb trumpposter
what is this picture about
The electoral college exists to protect the voice of people who live in small states against the tyranny of the majority. America without the electoral college would be a one-party state, where 15% of the population is utterly ignored, and that's a hell of a lot more than 3 million ignored votes. This is the best system possible for us, period.
>More Americans voted for HER.
>serb stops posting after 2000 BTFOs
>200 year old system established by the slave owners
fuck yeah!, white power wins again
No she actually lost by 74 electoral votes.
The popular vote does not, has not, and will not ever be a thing. And even then she didn't win that shitty metric by a majority, she won it with a plurality. Trump won the one that actually matters and by a majority too. Run along with your shitty candidate without even a participation trophy and get fucked
I visited NYC on Saturday, despite what Sup Forums says you guys are alright. Your laws and politics give the place a bad name.
>only saw two "people" act like children in front of Trump Tower
>People wanted HER.
>niggers, spics, faggots
You're misusing that term. It's OK, English is probably your second language. But only civilized subspecies of Homo sapiens, like the white and Asian subspecies, can be considered "people". Arabs used to be people too, but Islam ruined them. Niggers aren't civilized, anyone who's ever spent even a second around the fucking pavement apes would realize that "ape" really is the best possible word to describe them, and the closest spics ever got to civilization was based around human sacrifice. Meanwhile, if you've ever seen a gay pride parade, you know that faggots can't be considered people. People don't behave like that in public, they save that for their homes.
Saved this. Fucking choice, m8
>muh popular vote
Most people are fucking idiots. Why do you think most state's originally decided that only landowner's should vote?
The race wasn't for the popular vote though. Trump would campaigned in every state and won anyway.
This is a slide thread though.
You see, Trump won the "popular vote" in most of the states. If California would just fall into the ocean and all the snowflakes die with it, then the popular vote participation prize would go to Trump, as well as the presidency.
Because the black population in the deep south outnumbered the white population and slaves can't own land?
I don't see how you win a popular vote when less than half the country votes for you.
>if you stop posting that means you lost the argument
You have to be at least 18 years old to post here.
It's reasonable to assume someone's lost when they quit entirely.
Working as intended. It's meant to keep power from solely the cities, and it did just that.
Daily reminder that trump will be your president in 5 days. Suck on my tip.
picture scaling ratio is about as dead on as lefty statement to fact ratio
Only 20% of Americans voted for her.
Non taxpayers chose her so it doesnt count
Sorry nigger
Range ban all serfian slaves for their awful baitposting
Good argument, but innacurate information
Good argument, but innacurate information
correct the mistakes kind sir