Post yfw in less than 100 hours Donald J. Trump will become the most powerful man in the world.
Post yfw in less than 100 hours Donald J. Trump will become the most powerful man in the world
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Is that the dark souls humanity restored
Nice digits praise kek
feels good, except you forgot one thing
he already is the most powerful man in the world
I voted for Trump to spite liberals and their regressive faggotry. I like some of his policies, but I mainly voted for him out of spite.
I do think he'll do a good job though. He's been really on point lately and I like his picks. I think he's going to surprise a lot of people.
>please clap
Go Stars!
t. Hockey fan in Galveston
Who will he kill first?
Berserk anime
>most powerful man
but soros is still alive OP
eight full years of MAGA
by the time we're done most of the libcucks either join us or get tired and leave forever
So is Trump handler, Benjamin Netanyahu
Soros is being btfo by the fucking Magyars of all people.
Soros has no real power anymore.
Let him waste his millions on the insignificant rabble littering our streets. No more rubber bullets.
It will be 100 Hours 8 AM tomorrow, power transfers at 12:00 PM
Who else is taking off work?
Meant the moving one..
I'm off already.
Vacation week was planned right after the win.
*sips cum*
I was supposed to die in the memefield....that was my destiny. You ch-cheated me out of it!!
Heh, I took the rest of the week off after election day, hopefully these feels will be as good..
stupid fucking Drumpfies, don't you realize we the people (who actually elected Hillary) will not let this happen? I'm going to loving seeing your reactions when your idol is killed or thrown in prison for his numerous crimes. the day of the rope comes Friday and you'll all hang by a noose beside your precious Drumpfy ;)
this, it'll never happen
English please..
my digits confirm that he will be dead on the 21st
>pic related, the jews are already working on it
these digits tell you and every anti trump faggot to stfu and eat a dick
not today hans
>implying i am a anti trump faggot
say bye bye to Gszrumpf already
>implying he's not already the most powerful man in the world
Eye am excite