Jew here, now that Trump is elected and RWDS will form soon after his inauguration, I am just wondering what kind of gas you will use this time to murder me and my kind? Don't feel too pressured to answer, I am just curious.
Jew here, now that Trump is elected and RWDS will form soon after his inauguration, I am just wondering what kind of gas you will use this time to murder me and my kind? Don't feel too pressured to answer, I am just curious.
Zyklon C
Shalom Motherfucker. I voted for Trump in Florida because Im not a cuck NY Jew, and a Jew who actually cares about our people. Trump will be the best president for America and Israel
Jew here.
Proudly voted for Trump. We're much more likely to have been killed by the Muslims Hillary wanted to invade us with.
Stop being a faggot.
B-but Hillary. Stfu Jew you'll be gassed soon enough.
>voted in florida
>that flag
either your a liar, or a nigger who uses a proxy in fucking snow mexico
Shalom Brother. Only Nebs vote for Hillary.
> Nigger Island
Beautiful Jewish grand-babies in the White House soon!
Or I have a fucking job that requires me to travel to other countries. cuck
We are all Jewish here OP. You're not special.
We own Trump and Trumps cabinet ad his familly are Jewish. Don't be such a martyr.
Zyklon C is just oven fumes. Gotta reuse, dejew, recycle!
All his grandchildren are jews you fucking kike
hillary loves the mudslimes who want to destroy israel obummer fucked over israel with the UN
what makes you think tump is your enemy? your enemy is the democrat party and the SJWs that serve it.
Swallow this fucking red pill..because it's the only one you need. All the others look sweeter but are made by Jews and have poison inside.
Sup Forums is pissed off about getting jewed by one Jew when there are Jew shills behind practically every JewSA post on Sup Forums directing the narrative. Only the most naive or foolish would not suss they are swarming this board at all times in huge numbers.
>"Potato nigger" "Irish not white"
99% of the time it's coming from Americunt Jew GOLDBURGER posters playing the divide and destroy game. Of course they are hoping this meme will catch on...and don't fall for the "it's only memeing" and "just banter" bollocks. Humiliate, discredit, divide, is the ploy.
They sussed the huge Irish influence across the states and beyond, which acts as a white unifier..needs to be destroyed..seeing as just about every mutt in Murcia has Irish roots..they shill fucking hard the "non white" meme with 18th century British and prodestant propaganda cartoons as "proof"
Fucking pathetic..and your dumb enough to think one Jew is the problem in the "alt right"
If Sup Forums wasn't full of fucking subversive kikes it would have been shut down ages ago for the blatant "anti semitism" here..why do you think ((((they)))) fucking allow this site to exist? Only one infiltrate and use for their own means.
You thick cunts don't realise how easy duped you really are..take a look at your new KIKE HOUSE for proof.
You're safe unless you're Rachel Maddow
>Implying there won't be jews in the RWDS's to gas you mudslime spreading traitors
captcha: browns vote
>yeah, we fucking know
You know what happened to the boy who cried wolf, right? You dumb alarmist fuck!
5am shilling for the Jews...atleast your being honest on this ONE thread
I always did think the "Gas the kikes" crap was being pushed by you cunts
shut it down
Well considering Trump has a shitload of Jew connections it seems like a worse time than ever for that.
KEK is not limited to gas
>kind of gas you will use this time to murder me and my kind?
>this time
Never happened, fuck off kike, you will be deported and sacked, you aren't omnipotent, the kike only has the power of capital.
When you are rounded up, show the leader of the local RWDS a rare Pepe and he'll guarantee you a swift, painless end instead of being chucked alive into the mobile oven.