Man bestchan really fucked this shill hard. Why not get a Mexican to lead the movement next time lads I hear they are bro_tier :^)
rly makes me think
He looks like a Russian from that part of Russia where they almost look Mongolian
I don't get why people want our movement to have leaders, and a name. It's better to just be left out in the air as an idea, it's a lot harder to kill an idea then it is to discredit people and therefore their ideas in the public space.
This is why we hate unironic WNs / nazis, you're all low IQ scum. Enoch is just a normal guy.
Mike once dropped sound bytes to this film
Really make you think
Name a successful leaderless movement
>This is Enoch
The SJWs, they've been getting literally everything they want by being loud, even though their ideas are literal shit, they have no true leader just random people that spout their bullshit.
lol this due didn't want anyone who wasn't fit and didn't have their lives together going to TRSLEMANIA and any of the other alt right gatherings, especially if cameras were getting involved...
this dude looks like john candy got into a car accident
Someone posted an alleged call to Jazzhands. It kinda sounds like him, but it's a phonecall.
He's just fat.
He means a political movement not a bowel movement
> Enoch is a leader meme
lel. Honestly, even if there was some crazy nigger advocating for white interests above all I wouldn't complain. Why hate someone for the greater interest?
While his appearance is disgusting and his jew wife is unfortunate, I will miss his show. TDS was funny.
He needs to divorce his kike wife and disowned his mixed race family in order to earn our forgiveness
>what is the best thing we can do for our fringe political movement with few but popular persons who produce quality and humorous content
I KNOW! Dox them!
does this finally confirm that white nationalists are literally nigger-tier? how many times have their leaders been outed as money hungry jews and/or controlled op? how many more enochs and spencers and rabbis are white nationalists going to get tricked by before they start realizing they are just being used by (((them))) to kill civic nationalism movements?
Finally a non shit leaf post. Most WN tend to be retarded. Weev and Dailystormer are excluded in my opinion. They are alright. I don't like punching right. It's especially retarded when these guys already had to deal with lefties.
never had a movement he never said he was apart of anything at all no one said anything about Enoch being a LEADER. He was a leader of TRS comedy show
queue the shill responses "i dont know who this is redpill me" "who is this guy" "what is this"
Enoch is a Jew, his wifes a Jew, and his bro is a half nigger.
any questions?
Not successful though, it's already been coopted by Soros and McDonalds.
what the fuck are you talking about?
Who care these guys and why should I care?
>the movement
>Not successful though, it's already been coopted by Soros and McDonalds.
This, these guys created some top tier memes. The echo made it all the way to the ADL. Who cares if his waifu is Jewish. It's not like he can just literally gas her, or defoo like somesociopath.
same fucking faggots from each fucking thread
go killyourself
If anything it makes me happy to know that him and his kike wife will be having some tough times ahead because he lost all his sources of income
I don't a damn thing about all this drama, but...
The Alt Right or whatever you want to fucking call it is a growing group of mostly white folks.
Whites have money.
There's shekels to be had and merchants who will play a role to get them.
Stay woke niggers.
is this really enoch or just a meme?
Fuck the Alt- Right is the most pathetic shit I have seen in a long time.
A "pro-White" group who is made up of half niggers, Coal burners, Faggots, Traps, Lesbians and kikes.
If this shit isn't controlled opposition then what the fuck is.
ENOCH HAS RAT JEW EYES. he is most likely a jew! the jew eyes always give it away.
same weird ass replays. trying to bump your shill thread?
Where has it succeeded? It's goal is to stip police from killing niggers, and get police reform, meanwhile police-nigger relations are at an all time low. If you measure success by how many nigger owned businesses get burned down, I guess they are doing alright.
This is why I can't take white nationalism seriously. I am far too empirical minded and pragmatic to buy into their ideology, which always spirals into purity spiral. Just being 1/4 Jewish is enough to tank this dumb movement. It can never appeal to the majority of whites, even though many whites WOULD support pro-white policies, a racially homogenous state, a form of soft white nationalism, but none of them would find the leaders of this movement appealing, and the moment you try to be pragmatic, paranoid wn will take you down for being a subversive jew. This is the best whites have?
Perhaps the second most destructive thing for white nationalist is the question "who is white?". White nationalist are not that interested in the actual science regarding race, so that is the biggest source of infighting that will destroy them.
It's really him
Everyone you claim to hate is obvious Alt Lite
The difference is so fucking easy to spot, why split up white nationalists?
jesus christ, when was that pic taken?
oh man it has been a success in getting massive media attention and the media kikes to listen to everything they want its pretty much gotten police reform and massive donations from people to help niggers in some way
No it's a stock answer for the 5000 shill threads you post a day.
Why should I or anyone be bother to type a new every 2 minutes when you make another shill thread.
The Jew has eyes that doesnt lie. Enoch is a Jewy mother fucker. Look at his eyes and you will see the Jew.
don't believe anything that is posted in this thread a bunch of fucking shills
Mike enoch is a leader in the alt right. The general needs to have more integrity than the grunt does. How can he preach one thing and then live a secret life where he is everything we are against
This, just supporting Donald Trump will do more for white nationalists than any real white nationalist.
That's an anglo too.
But there's no difference anyway
>don't believe anything that is posted in this thread a bunch of fucking shills
>don't believe anything that is posted in this thread
>police reform
>Mike enoch is a leader in the alt right.
Shills man how many in this thread right now shilling ?
there have been multiple threads one after the next even 2-3 at the same time constantly trying to fucking slide other threads the same reply's are made every fucking thread too
It's really him senpai
>Said the faggot who know what is posted in every one of this shill ass threads made every 2 minutes.
Yeah fuck off, faggot.
If you aren't making them you sure as hell is keeping them alive.
Ever heard of sage retard? Keep shilling fuckhead.
>there have been multiple threads one after the next even 2-3 at the same time
Exactly what I posted and you are a fucking shill because your in every one them bumping them to keep them alive.
Yes, tard it's wtf I have been doing while you shill your fucking e-celebs every 2 minutes.
you are the only one bumping them fuckhead
wtf i hate the right stuff now...
>you are the only one bumping them fuckhead
No you have been fucknugget.
Every fucking thread their you are bumping the away.
get that right
you have been bumping it not me
I they still make podcasts I'll probably tune in, I wonder if they will change their content though.
Look at you go faggot bumping the fucking thread again you fucking shill.
Do you need lessons on how to use Sage.
you are the only one bumping the thread m8 not me keep shilling what is your deal?
What the fuck do you shills get out of bumping this fucking thread every fucking time?
You know what field to put it in don't you?
Because it doesn't seem like it.
from the daily stormer:
>Mike has decided to drop out of the movement for the time being, and is turning over complete control of TRS to Sven (Seventh Son).
>Jazzhands McFeels has decided to shut down Fash the Nation.
> I will volunteer to fill in until some official figure is found. (Andrew Anglin)
Sven was already dox and is confirmed pure, his wife has black hair but is white.
Both of his children are white and he looks healthy and has no jew characteristics.
Fuck Enoch and from the Forum posts Sven seems also quite disappointed, marrying a jew is unforgivable as much as i liked the podcast.
>Russian from the part if russia they look mongolian
Triggered. Mericans dont know that russia is multi-culti stan.
Was getting doxxed part of his plan?
She's only like 1/4 Jew and he did it 10 years (? I think) ago. Marriage is supposed to be an inseparable bond. Not something you break off when ypur political views change. Not even Jewish by nurnberg laws though.
Even tho i'm not a fan, this is getting to the point of bullying because you don't agree with his life choices.
Pathetic losers
You've been defeated, Enoch, guardian of the third zone.
This thread is now pure.
What part of he's a "leader" of a "pro-white" website don't you faggots get.
If he can't follow the only thing that makes a person pro-white then why the fuck does he promote himself as such.
where did you get the info that she is only 1/4?
Most of you gopniks just look like sunburnt whites to me.
He's the sacrificial lamb that gets the Night of the Long Knives started. The sacrifice that begins the Day of the Rope.
Just from the shit that was posted here and on mpc. Would it change anything if she were 3/4?
It's a lined shilled in everyone of these threads that are made every 2 minutes.
Not bothering to state how she is a member of some of the most Jewish groups you could find.
Fuck off ethno nationalism is for every race, even the subhumans
He's not a leader of anything.
He spouts his opinion and rehashed memes and you alt-right faggots eat it up.
>why the fuck does he promote himself as such
Because you sad cunts pay his bills
Shills trying to divide us can suck a dick
yes it fucking would because then Enochs children would be mixed race
>He's not a leader of anything.
It's his website you ever loving cuck.
And no I haven't ever seen any of their shit so you go back to *Sup Forums and circle jerk more.
Watch this then realize how fucking dumb this all is.
Ok, America already is nixed race, nothing we really do about it. Some guy with a mixed race child advocating for pro white causes isn't going tomake the cou try browner.
>owns a website
>leader of WN
Good luck with that meltdown.
>we mast march to victory now and crash every cuckservative uprising with no survivors
but what if wasn't fitting well into the alt right narrative, words like niggers and kikes were pronounced occasionally on podcasts, and so they decided to to shut it down because it looks bad for Trump?
>group of mostly white folks
I didn't even give a fuck about him having jew wife, till I saw that his morning 'alt right guys' on FB with 6 gorillion comments I too am not white and I support Enoch.
Is anyone else bothered more by how he's ugly and fat?
Pics are from 2014. TRS changed him a lot (I didn't save pics, but on recent he looks like a human being). So it seems becoming red pilled can fix fat.
>when you watching the spectacle of a crumbling white nationalist brand and surprisingly get hit in the feels
Well this pic sums up alt right completely.
Top kek. Rip in hell TRS.
>"jew" wife is the whitest one of them all
>the other two are literally a spic & nigger
He looks like a fat Cernovich
Civic nationalism. What a hilariously stupid idea to cling to. You belong on reddit.