Should "people" with allergies be exterminated for the bettering of the human race? Pic related is considered normal these days
Should "people" with allergies be exterminated for the bettering of the human race...
Reminder that if you're lactose intolerant, you aren't actually white.
if people would actually let their kids go outside, get into the dirt, eat stuff, skin their damn knees half of this shit immune system thing would be gone. fucking bubble boy allergic quarian fucks
Reminder that if you're American, you probably aren't white
No. Children dying is terrible. What they need to start doing is shoving peanuts down their gullets when they're babies.
Reminder that if you're a fucking leaf, you're probably Chinese
Is that why your entire population is hugging up against our fat brown body? Can we get a fucking inch or two? We're not your PoC fucktoy.
Reminder that if you drink the estrogen filled breast milk of a pregnant female cow you are low test and not white.
that's the good shit right there, had some the other day
All humans should be exterminated for the bettering of the human race.
No, because allergies are a good struggle to have. Not too debilitating, but not too easy. Just right to help make people hard.
That's negative eugenics, which is very tricky to do and possibly a very slippery slope. Positive culture-enforced eugenics are far superior.
fuck off you finfuck pile of shit
I'm only allergic to dust mites.
I had some today, best packaged ready tea on the market. It's the real deal for anyone who likes iced tea.
It wouldn't even be worth it, since allergies aren't genetic.
No, but they (or their parents if
Not exterminated but they sure as fuck shouldnt be breeding.
>Red Dye
how does one become allergic to a colour?
better question how did they find out?
> Dairy*
>*avoids cross contamination
sounds like her parents are paranoid and put everything that was ever a problem for a child on there.