What's the worst state?

What's the worst state?


You should let us take it off your hands

Only if you forcibly relocate everyone from Quebec to the Yukon.


hell yeah Kentucky

best fucking question on that whole map

worst state would be... Michigan
>How do I catch pokemon?

Connecticut is super cozy but pretty cucked.

Texas is the soft underbelly

>how do i
>move out of florida

i want to believe.

it sucks because I live there.

Florida. I moved here 5 years ago and hate it so much. I'm trying to gather the funds to move.

Reaffirming that people in Colorado are retarded.

Also this shows the stark difference between AZ and her beta neighbor NM

>How do i kill ISIS?
Fucking keke

Illinoisfag resident here.

I have the choice to buy a bigger house in Illinois or move to Colorado this week. I haven't been to Colorado in like 4 years and don't even remember what it's like.

Can anybody give me some insight? Any coloradofags here?

Cali, please nuke this shithole

ca, how do I hide my conservative views
Poor ca-bros.

property values along the front range are insane. maybe wait for another housing bubble, because we're about to get a google office, driving rents up even higher.

>google office

wat. Seriously? I would be moving to Colorado Springs. It looks like there aren't a lot of jobs there though.

If you don't say Californicuckistan you aren't an American.

>>tfw i've googled the question that won my state


Followed closely by California



Mississippi or Indiana