I'm coming for it

I'm coming for it.

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Before you take it, explain to me how it works and what I'll be missing. Because I honestly don't give a fuck, Mr. Trump. If you think it's a good idea, then you can have it. I love you.

but I already wasn't going to get any, so now at least I'm not paying for someone elses

Basically one day your mom will need social security, but there won't be any, because I used it to make America great. Your mom might not be great, she might have to be a prostitute, and prostitutes are BAD. So bad. I only hire prostitutes on special occasions. But at leas they work, unlike that Rosie O'Donald. Terrible woman. Unlike your mom, who is only a prostitute, which is so bad, but maybe I'll hire her and help her out. I'm a good guy.

>Implying Social security is an account
>Implying Social security is a bank
>Implying you can drain something that is fucking empty already

And he's going to spend those same tax dollars those people spent decades contributing to on more military fire power.
>People will defend that shit
>old people who voted for him will be fucked
>mostly older people voted for him
Jesus Christ wtf?

Who cares lol. Social security is only relevant in like 40 years, and its already barely functional with today's inflation.

I was never going to get it anyway so if it screws the Boomers then I'm all for it.

Well, then, that all sounds pretty good, I guess.

Fuck social security right in the ass.

Boomers taking everyone's money and we won't see a dime of what "we" supposedly saved up. Retarded ponzi scheme should have been dead on day one.

Social security is the biggest ponzi scheme ever.
>Yes, good goy. Give me more of your pay check and maybe we'll give it back to you in small increments when you turn 65 if you're good

social security is a scam

>Implying a majority of people on here will even get a minute fraction of what they paid in

There's no money there already. It's young, working people paying old, retired people.

pls do it dadyd

Oh no, not the social security that I'm planning on not getting anyway.

so true.

There won't be any as it is you idiot.

It's totally fucking unsustainable and along with medicare is the main driver of our increasing debt. (and both need to be taken to the chopping block)

When it was conceived there were 15 working adults for each person collecting from SS and now there less than 3 per each collectee and dropping closer to 2.

The whole thing is a fucking ponzi scheme and due to demographic shifts it's about to collapse.

>be forced to pay into something I will never see
>when I could just not be a retard and manage my own retirement fund

Those who say it's about to collapse have literally no idea what they're talking about. Republishits have been scaring old people with that fairy tale for as long as I've been alive, and that's been almost 40 years now. And this is despite Republicans robbing money from it every few years.

Find me one person who can retire on SS alone.

The benefits are pathetic and worthless.

Actually, cutting Social Security is one of the many things Trump didn't have in common with traditional Republicans.

He never said he was gonna touch it, and in fact to this day it looks like he won't.

>While Republicans move forward with efforts to repeal and replace Obamacare, President-elect Donald Trump has no plans to cut Medicare or Social Security, incoming White House Chief of Staff Reince Priebus said today on "This Week.

>““That’s his position and that’s the position that he’s going to be taking. There are no plans in President-elect Trump's policies moving forward to touch Medicare and Social Security,” Priebus told ABC News' George Stephanopoulos.

Fuck off with your Facebook meme images.

I never heard Trump say he was letting black people go extinct. I'm sure he won't touch social security or food stamps. And why would he? It's actually cheaper to give the coons a check to stay AWAY from the factories and offices where the real people get work done free of nigger distraction and attention whoring

My parents survive off of SS.

If Trump were to cut it he would literally be throwing them in the street. I would have to take care of them because he would have stolen their money, and then I would have less money to put into the economy, less money for healthcare, and potentially become a burden myself.

Republicans live in a fantasy land to think they can take peoples' money. People would revolt.

Why didn't your dumbfuck parents plan ahead in life and make their own savings account?

Because the trash-tier healthcare system in this country literally bankrupt them and they've been paying hundreds of dollars a month into a mortage they had to take out to cover it, because they're not irresponsible shits who simply don't pay their doctor bills.

Try again, faggot, keep trying to wrap that brain of yours around this situation in a way that makes them out as the villains, since you're not capable of realizing that life doesn't work like Rush Limbaugh and the right wingers taught you.

Most old people voted for trump, so if he wants to take away their gibsmedat then that's fine.


Demoncrats have been scaring old people with this "republicans want you to eat cat food and they want to throw you off a cliff" shit for years despite not having any plan to fix this because they know once it eventually collapses they can just say it was republicans fault and dumbasses like you will believe it.